eonomics shows this will lead to prosperity along with removing restrictions on action
Let go ahead and lower gov spend 75%
was a hero and should be emulated
I thought Trump wants to increase spending and lower taxes. He talks about a trillion dollar infrastructure bill
This, the poor bastard that comes after him will be remember as the worst president of the US history.
cut waste fraud and abuse, which is 99% gov spend
He wants to completely destroy the government bureaucracy and recall all troops while simultaneously raising revenue by lowering taxes so that companies will return to the US so he can afford his trillion dollar infrastructure bill. His economic plan is actually complicated as fuck and involves him rearranging trillions of tax dollars and restructuring several departments which is why he didn't talk about specifics in the campaign. He dumbed it down to shit like: you're jobs will come back!
The problem is that you're thinking with your head instead of your gut.
He doesn't have a firm plan besides cutting a shitload of taxes for the rich, and spending a colossal sum of money building a southern border wall
lol, this is the kind of person that voted to cancel out your vote, liberals
Trump doesn't have a fucking clue what his own plan is. The plan put out on his website is the GOP platform position. Bringing home all troops would not save money. It would collapse the military-industrial complex which is the most thriving sector in the last 15 years after 9/11. Those companies will have to sell to other buyers to stay in the black short term, which means a shitload of arms to middle east nations.
> He talks about a trillion dollar infrastructure bill
No he doesn't.
I-is she 18?
shut up jew
mexico will pay for the wall
now stop shilling
>wants the US to continue to be the merchants of death
how did you know?
You know if the government stoped taking all our money in taxes they could reduce their spending by 75% and maybe, just maybe, the people would spend money on things they want instead.
If we fix entitlements, which is probably going to happen since Paul Ryan is still in office, (regardless of what Trump said during the primary:) we'll be well on the way to a balanced budget. Combine that with routing the shit out of Washington kickbacks and other bullshit I think the tax cuts will end up not so bad.
The government isn't taking all of people's money. People don't have any money anymore because wages stopped increasing in the 1970s. It's our economic system that's failing; it's not the government holding us back from becoming Galt's Gulch.
the economic system is failing because the government is holding it back and outsourcing our manufacturing retard
Might possibly be just a little bit related to bullshit like LBJ and the war on poverty. Failed just like every government program.
>the government is outsourcing our manufacturing
What? They're just allowing there to be a global free market for labor, and businesses are pursuing maximum profit. You like free markets and profit, right?
They create a global free market then set policies that makes any domestic manufacturing non competitive
American workers do actually preform better than other workers on most jobs but when the increased expenses of taxation, lawyers, and regulation on US soil outweighs the increased revenue of superior worker performance, the company leaves for a nation with less taxation, lawyer costs, and regulations
The free market is stressing our economy like it's supposed to but instead of adapting and making our own products more competitive, the government is sitting on the dying economy and subsidizing the lives of the unemployed. We could solve all of this by simply lowering taxes or repealing regulations that raise the costs of manufacturing above what a company is willing to pay. This is the entire point of the free market: adaption
Go ahead, sounds good to me. American wages will crash, American businesses will disappear, and we'll have a revolution.
What you don't understand is that government isn't holding capitalism back - it's been the only thing keeping capitalism alive. It's been the business leaders fighting for those regulations you hate so much. Your conception of the noble capitalist entrepreneur is nothing but a fairy tale.
>noble capitalist
>fight for regulations
What the fuck are even talking about mate?
>we'll have a revolution
Sounds like you're some sort of derivation of a marxist and therefore know nothing about economics
It is human nature for a certain portion of the population to want to live as a fat, rich fuck in an ivory tower somewhere. You can exploit this by making these people become fat, rich fucks while employing your own citizens so that everyone's happy, or you can let them outsmart you by becoming fat, rich fucks off the labor of some third world shithole with no labor standards where no one's happy. This is basic economics
>doesnt have a clue what his own plan is
>yet already convinced ford to leave a factory here and carrier to come back before taking office
Lol, this the kind of person who would give money to Jill (((((((((((Stein))))))))))
I don't expect to convince a fundamentalist believer in capitalist theology anything, even as real-world capitalism crumbles around us.
I'm not even a capitalist mate, what are you talking about?