if you're less than $40, you've been missing out
If you're less than $40, you've been missing out
So Cannibalism falls where?
Non degenerate*
>being a criminal is now cool
I'm sitting at a cool ten dollars.
Lmao that looks so edgy m8!!!!1!1! RAWR
Heh. $20. I'm terribly boring.
Fights just happen sometimes. And I used to drink a lot more.
I'm a good boi though I dindu nuffin.
>tfw $0 and wishing this post was satire
$0 :(
Thank God I'm under $40
Sadly at a 30
>$20 from playing ding dong ditch as a kid and buying a movie with my mom's credit card once in my teens
I'm at $40 exactly. Whew. Barely made it.
wew senpai im rich
$180 and I'm not even a felon
$70 I hate myself
$150. I dindu nuffin
bout 3.50 NZD
Notice how there's minus signs in front of the numbers.
$80 for me
$100 reporting in
not bad
>tfw distributed the wealth and am sitting at a cool $0
Oh sweet, enough for more Chinese.
Haha awesome politics thread my guy truly dank and epic
Same, all back when I was 13 though.
20, arguably 30
under the degenerate limit
$140 reporting in
$130 i din do
250 but I'm 32 years old, plenty of time to accumulate stupid points.
That's only if you count 'technical felonies' ie driving while suspended three times is a felony in Missouri; I'm fighting that shit atm tho
who else ((($110))
Trudeau would be proud.
$10 for DUDE
$10 for drinking
and $20 for having a wreck which makes zero fucking sense that I add twenty dollars for something that wasn't my fault
Wrecked car
Im a pretty boring guy and i hate my life. I really want to fucking die
at $200. sup.
I'm at $150. Did nobody else go to high school?
180. How degenerate am I?
>drag racing
I mean I've done legit street racing (point to point shit)
How degenerate am me?
I'm at $50 and I'm not even that degenerate.
i don't think i have any felonies though
brothers, im not ashamed
50, life was pretty average.
>tfw no dp 3 way with best friend option.
These kids these days don't know how to have fun.
>all from the tamest of the list
anything more and you are a degenerate
like with ur fists?
>that one guy that can't accept he's an alcoholic
140 here
I regret it all:(
Sitting at $10 because I got drunk a couple of times, haven't drank for a long time though
Reminder that if you're about $30 you're a degenerate
how the fuck can someone be under 40 :S
must be 12ies or rich ugly neets
Lick my ass.
We didn't have friends
$0 here
stay ass mad faggots.
I ding dong ditched and TP'd houses all the time as a kid.
I'm sitting at a massive $260. I am a fucking degenerate...
i got a 210, but i also was addicted to dope from 17-20 and lived in a shit hole city. good now tho
$30 I'm not a nigger
Okay I'll add another $10 for being drunk right now top fucking kek
$190.00 Never Streaked or Drag Raced hence no destroyed car either.
>tfw 0
so black people/ degenerate behavior?
......... ok?
wrecked a car
got a ticket
$190. Felony got expunged though.
Half this list sums up middle school for most normal people. Who are you guys?
shit i'm at 50 right now
literally Chad
>you've been missing out
On what exactly, you sack of shit?
amen !
what do i win?
Eat my ass
Only missed out on egging, tp, expulsion, wrecking a car, ding dong ditching, and pulling a fire alarm.
Lucky my felony got dropped.
This is the most jewish propaganda ive seen in a long time. Literally trying to convince the youth that criminal activity is cool. Slept with a black guy or having black friends would probably be worth 50 dollars each.
Yeah I got into fights mainly because I was small and had to puff my chest more to keep from getting picked on. I lost more than I won desu senpai but i never regretted any
i lived in Hong Kong for two years and worked for a Japanese company called Pasona. I taught english to japanese businessmen. Those salary types can fuckin drink; i drank more in those two years than the rest of my life combined (and i was in the military four years)
I drink and I once got a parking ticket
Or wait does that mean speeding
120$ I was a graffiti vandal in HS and did all the stuff usually associated with it.
Only got $20. Thank God I'm not a degenerate.
TP'd a few people's houses at a few parties when I was a lot younger.
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. No one in this world, so far as I know—and I have researched the records for years, and employed agents to help me—has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby."
Here's another quote for you from the same guy
Fucking Sup Forums I swear to Christ
In fact someone add getting fucking the bbc.
I've stolen something and once fired a fire extinguisher all over a public restroom, was fun.
$10, got drunk a few times. First time I got drunk I was already 26 years old, though.
30 drunk, stole, fistfight
>mfw $10
Does egging someone's car count? And does 'Wrecked a car' mean totaled or just been in an accident that required you to got to the shop?
Even without those I'm at $70. Most of these were done before I was in high school. Didn't get a ticket until I was 23.
Everything except 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20
$220. Yikes.
ive done everything on that list except
drag race,
pulled a fire alarm,
been expelled,
rekt a car
played ding dong ditch
Am I a degenerate?
I didn't light neighborhood cats on fire or smoke black tar heroin in middleschool.
Solid $50.
$140 deep ayyyy
I've been at least $30 since I was a child.
Go back to Sup Forums this is nothing political. Fucking degenerates, everyone one who replied before or after me as well, be ashamed of you're self