My parents are from Pakistani origin. I was born here in Texas. I voted for Trump. AMA.
I'm a Muslim living in Texas. AMA
Numa Numa Eh?
Kya haal hai bhai? Yahan kaise?
Ye sala gore upoon ko deport kar ne wala he.
Are most of the people that go to your masjid rich/upper-middle class doctors?
doesn't surprise me, muslims round here are pretty okay
they're a little uppity in Irving from I hear though
It's time to become christian.
Kill your family and then yourself
I'm from a small Shia sect not really typical Sunni Muslim that goes to Masjid. We have a different place of prayer that I don't attend because I'm pretty much an atheist at this point.
Most older people own gas stations,truck stops, motels, businesses. etc. The younger generation are engineers, doctors, or in finance. I'd probably say median household income if around six figures.
Did I sell you weed in Houston you shitskin?
How should I go out?
No, but I know some dipshit Mulims who have gotten caught with it.
Christians BTFO by atheists in Europe.
Thoughts on clockboy ahmed and his family? Would you say muslims in texas suffer from discrimination?
What do you think of Indian Muslims/Ismailis?
Where can I get some good Pakistani food in Texas?
My family is originally from Gujurat, India before the partition. I'm Ismaili. LUL
The best place to get food is Aga's Restaurant in Houston, Texas. Maybe Bandu Khan but that place looks run down and shitty.
Eh, I don't really mind christians, but nah.
Not really, unless it's undercover racism a lot. I've never been called a sandnigger or anything like that in IRL.
Most people just hype up discrimination.
Shoot Ahmed and his Sharia law spreading family in the head.
I don't have anything to ask you desu
Politically Ideology?
Like NatSoc, Libertarian, Communist...
Is this suppose to be a follow up story how we threw you into an oven? You parasite?
why don't u KYS
Libertarian on almost all social issues, guns included.
Don't social programs like Social Sec, Medicare, subsidized trade school and CC for plebs.
Are you marrying your cousin?
When will you go back?
>believing in god
>Be dumb fuck in Ur
>"Oy vey the weather is bad must be that An is angry with us"
>"Oy vey Terah, I must head east and sacrifice my son on a mountain top"
>"Oy vey Abram that sounds insane, that's my grandson"
>"It's cool dad, the angel came out of the sky and told me Elohim is just kidding"
>"Oy vey Moses, those people are in our spot"
>Moses dies
>"Oy vey Joshua, betta' slaughter all every single person in that city except the family that lets us sneak in"
>"Oy vey, betta keep killin all the other tribes"
>"Oy vey da Romans are taking all our shekels"
>"Titus, get the cross"
>600 years go by
>"Derka Derka Sherpa if I take the Bible and act like I wrote it maybe I can fuck 9 year olds Derka Derka"
What can you do when a Muslim is smoking?
Turn the oven down.
Read my earlier comments. I'm basically atheist.
Would it be possible for you to convince foreign born muslims to go back?
Who cares, everyone probably thinks your Mexican anyway.
>I'm Ismaili. LUL
I worked with a lot of Ismailis at my last job. My general impression was that you guys are based as fuck. Modern, open-minded (not in a shitty SJW way, but in the sense that you can be chill with nonbelievers), good values, hard working, etc. Basically the American ideal for immigrants.
IS that a fair assessment, or is there a dark underbelly of the culture I didn't see?
After I Make America Great Again.
>I'm a Muslim living in Texas. AMA.
>Read my earlier comments. I'm basically atheist.
Which is it then faggot? Afraid your old man is gonna saw your head off?
so ur not really muslim. moving on....
Who did your parents vote for, and why did you vote against the best interests of your people?
Ismailis believe that some European man referred to as Aga Khan (has some old arab and Indian ancestry) is basically the leader of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through Fatima.
Basically he's mandated a bunch of liberal changes within the religion like not wearing hijabs, or praying five times a day, allowing their kids to marry non-muslims openly, etc.
But he's basically a scam artist who takes 12.5% of everybody's money as Zakat. He has lots of connections throughout the world and knows PM of many countries tho. LUL
Culturally I'm Muslim, and everybody in society sees me as a Muslim. I don't admit to atheism in public lul.
M8 we are coming for you
Kaisa hai sab
y? cause they'd cut your head? LOL
>Voted for Trump
How does it feel to be a cuck?
LUL fuck Muslims from coming to the United States. As if I care for them. They're just going to come here and some are going to commit terrorism ruining the reputation of peaceful Muslims like Ismail's who've never committed terrorist attacks.
My parent's didn't register to vote, but they didn't support Trump.
I literally can't care who moves here so long as they vote Republican
You did fucking good son, keep up the good work, pop open a Mille- I mean pop open a Big Red, get some Whataburger, and fire off a few shotgun shells for me.
Life in Texas is fucking great isn't it?
disgusting traitor!
People still see atheists as niggers in Texas. I criticize the religion to people my age, and tell my friend's I'm atheist. But if somebody asked me at McDonald's what religion i believe in I would Islam or Hinduism.
>mr. 360 revolution
>calls people in his own army traitors
Lot of mental gymnastics there
About to get some Dr. Pepper and Whataburger.
Prob buy a handgun at 21, bc cuck state gov, won't let me buy me one right now.
How do we help assimilate new Islam immigrants? How do we identify radical Imams?
How does it feel to be a cuck?
Ive contemplated but its very similar to islam in many ways and actions(crusades, spreading religion by the sword), aka the same reason I have a bit of a problem with islam the trade seems not even worth the effort senpai
>I voted for Trump
You can't be that bad then. Good luck in life.
do you think people are trying to make being a Muslim into a racial thing, like what happened with the Jews? I fucking hate that they can pull the race card.
Fuck a gun. Get a chl when you turn 21 and show up with a crossbow to your class. Only get headshots
Why do you believe in complete bullshit? Is it because of high amounts of indoctrination, low intelligence, or both?
Says the cunt that lives in a shit hole where he is treated like a second class citizen.
Don't let in anybody who is not a professional (i.e. doctor) from terrorist areas.
Muslims here are already drinking and being American.
This Bengali bitch that comes to my school has strict Muslim parents but poses for bikini shoots, and dresses like slut for social media.
>Ismailis believe that some European man referred to as Aga Khan (has some old arab and Indian ancestry) is basically the leader of Islam and the ancestor of Muhammad through Fatima.
So let me get this straight ... a European noble is the head of an Islamic sect that mandates in favor of Western values and takes a cut from believers?
LOL this dude should be Sup Forums royalty
Muslims will act like they are discriminated against till the end of time. Same with Jews.
Niggers act like they're discriminated in 80%, 65% black cities like Detroit, Baltimore. There is no stopping the race card.
>implying that was bad
Are you still drinking cow piss and street shitting pajeet?
Funny enough I can buy AR-15s and shotguns right now in Texas, but no handguns.
I'm also a Pakistani from Sugar Land, you?
Wow I don't believe you
Spread it like wildfire LUL. He's a lowkey cult leader who tries to stay out of the public eye. He's cucked millions of people.
Hindu mandir here was selling sweets with cow piss in them here LUL
Wait, what? This cant be true
Do Indian Muslims poo in the loo, or do they use designated shitting streets like their Hindu neighbors?
sameeeeeee im near new territory
Are you one of those people that go to Houston Community College?
>jail the dictator
>democratically elect the president
>jail the president
>free the dictator
Yes, it is LUL
Look him up he is scamming king on earth. VERY LOW KEY.
No i don't go to HCC. where u go?
do u like subway?
Lmao ismailis are cucked hahahaha
So this is why ISIS is killing Shias...
What part btw? I'm in Dallas area, lots of Muslims here. I am 1 mile from a Halal market kek.
No this is the 2nd largest sect in Shia Islam. Most shias being killed are not from this sect.
>have some terrorist as the head of the state
>people want him removed
>b-but muh democracy
LUL please rally Sup Forums to expose that mf.
Ah that sucks m8. I knew a Pakistani kid who grew up in my hometown. He was cool but he came right after 9/11. I don't like Islam but I felt so bad for that kid. Always got picked on. I remember my senior year he was like "Hahaha don't worry man I'm not gonna kill you I got my guns taken away by the govt... haha..."
He looked so broken on the inside. I hope he's doing well.
Experience much stuff like that? I saw it first hand.
Good for you brother
Take the next step and shed those psychological chains
>implying his parents won't kill him in his sleep if he converts
>people want him removed after democratically electing him
>so instead of waiting for the election they remove him undemocratically
>they also free the old dictator for all the crimes
Totally not planned by the dictator
Is he a Pakistani? I don't know for some reason I always thought he was Pakistani.
No I never experienced any of that stuff, and I lived in a pretty conservative part of Texas too.
No, he's European mostly.
>is a religious leader
>wife is a fucking fashion model
>also has divorced that to marry some european princess which he also divorced later
>he was divorced because of cheat8ng with a airhostess
>you cant make this shit up
Allah just exalt me from this world
>the outisting of a terrorist group whose tentacles were everywhere in the state should have been delayed because democracy
>hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr democracy
Lmao, it was not about him being a terrorist, it was about freeing the dictator
don't you have a street to be shitting in, pajeet?
What do you think of Salaam Namaste and King's Chicken?
Those are my goto joints for Indopak food.
Been meaning to try Aga's, that's the one next to Carter's Country right?
You say you're an athiest now but... How do we know you won't hear your biological call to AKBAR KABOOM?
>im a muslim
>im not a muslim though
made me think
do you wish you were white?
>Carter's Country
Aga's is the best. Salaam I went to years ago.
Texas ex-pat here.
Atheist are nigger tier!!
You're children will be left leaning communist scum if you don't put some guiding religious principles in their life.
Regardless of wether or not you are, at heart, an atheist.
Religion is needed to instill morality at an early age.