What's stopping you from killing yourself Sup Forums? Do you still have hope your life will get better?
What's stopping you from killing yourself Sup Forums? Do you still have hope your life will get better?
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Anyone who kills themselves is a weak faggot, like you OP
They're waiting
Considered it for a couple of years. Finally moved out of the parents house at the tender age of 25. Three years later I'm just lonely but at least I can say I'm not scrounging for good boy points like back then. Work validates me even if it is menial bullshit. Not stuck at retail or fast food, if I keep at it someone might recodnize my work ethic and move me up. Or not. It's too late to get married now so work is all I have. Killing myself just seems out of the way and like too much effort right now.
28 is too late to get married?
No because I haven't wasted my life on anime
if you want to get noticed, be social. if nobody bumps you up after that, find a niche and make yourself invaluable. then you can find artful ways of demanding raises and promotions.
the key is to find stuff nobody else can do, and make other people love you so that if you leave the place will operate in a worse fashion
Utah standards. 18 or bust. 20 is pushing it.
Enjoying the ride senpai very content
My hot wife and unborn child
I hope you're kidding. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
For you? then go ahead faggot.
>too late to get married
Are you retarded?
>too late to get married
That's fucking retarded.
Too lazy
But is it too late to start dating?
I'm 27 and kissless.
theres no way off this ride
why not lay back and try to enjoy it while it lasts
Who said my life is bad?
Exaggerating a little bit... More like 21. Gotta get on that mission at 18 ya know? Come back home and pick from the local herd of women aka singles ward.
Also isn't is a strange coincidence Utah is one of the highest rated states for suicide?
Wow sick comeback. Say the word faggot more it makes you seem badass
So move. This can't be real. There must be something else stopping you. Social awkwardness? Closet gay? Something.
We actually have wives and girlfriends you insufferable faggot. We are the future of this website.
Go back to
and fap to your 2D loli porn drawn by 40 year old obese men, where you belong.
Family is all that is stopping me I guess. That and cost of living is fucking cheeeeap here so I can't complain.
Eh, the vague hope that things might get better.
23 year old part time security guard and I live with my parents. In addition to the usual problems people on here have with socializing I've always had trouble focusing, ADHD as it's called. I started seeing a shrink that thinks I'm bipolar.
But even though I've had my problems I still recognize I have good qualities and can overcome my deficits. Thinking positively cant hurt.
Just stop pretending your life is normal. It's keeping you in a prison. Accept that this is a deficit, hire a hooker or w/e and proceed from there.
Society will trap you in a cage of unhappiness if you let it.
Okay how about retard then? follow this leaf's advice
right here, so you can read it again, then drink bleach
Why would you kill yourself before seeing what a Trump presidency like? kek
It was meant as a more flippant question than that, really.
I gave up on the flesh a long time ago and got into h-games and stuff like MMD.
If artificial personality wives become a thing, I'll be the target market. They don't even need "true thought" or any of that bullshit. I'd settle for a dynamic Huniepop character.
But this faggot did it, and he's become world famous.
>Just stop pretending your life is normal. It's keeping you in a prison.
Good point, I always just expect and want things in my life to be a certain way at a certain age.
Neet living with / caring for suicidal opiate addicted mom. My brother found her dying and saved her life. She is always negative and has passed her depressive attitude on me. If I find her OD'ing like my brother did, I might not intervene. It's all about family right? So if my own mother wants to die, shows how important her sons are to her...
Tried it once, drunk as fuck drove into freeway barricade, totaled car and only scratched my nose. Went to jail, DUI, community service etc...
Been sober from alcohol for over 3 years now, still don't give a fuck.
If there was a clean, painless way to go I'd be in that line.
ok i drank all the bleach now what senpai
Do you think your parents like you
I want to, but i dont have access to anykind of drugs or firearms, so my best bet is to hang myself, but it looks like it'll be more painful than it looks.
>literally who
>being this uncultured
>If there was a clean, painless way to go I'd be in that line.
There is. Nembutal(Pentobarbital), you basically fall asleep and your brain shuts down permanently. It used to be pretty easy to get it in Mexico and other Latin American countries. I heard that in Thailand you can still buy if off the counter without a prescription.
No but you will have to settle for some worn out ho who had to kids with Jamal.
who is gonna give neetbux w/ dead mom?
You must have some vague hope you'll strike out on your own and be self sufficient, right?
The name of the image has his name
>He is remembered for his ritual suicide by seppuku after a failed coup d'état attempt, known as the "Mishima Incident
>Do you still have hope your life will get better?
Not really, but it's certainly getting more and more interesting, at least as concerns global politics. Quitting now would be like dropping a captivating TV series in the middle of a season.
It gets better takes a looong time. I have been here, yes I do feel live can be a good experience and that is what I have come to view it as. I do not believe in God but I will say this. During my time here I deem it an amazing journey. I look up to the sky a lot as I find it grounds me .
More Sup Forums worthy degenerate shit thread. Why am I not surprised
just gonna work and drink until my liver is kill
it's supposed to be an excruciating death but i really feel like i deserve it for being such a piece of shit
These are really cool perspectives. Thanks for sharing. I think this board can be really dark, but what we fight for is a positive thing. Even if our lives don't end happily, maybe generations in the future will.
I guess Mormons really are Morons.
To be honest I almost did Sunday. Nobody really speaks to me that often unless they need something. I'm never anyone's first option to do...well anything with. Not that I blame them, if I were them I wouldn't hang with me either. I was home drunk by myself and I was actually trying to find the rope I have to make my noose finally and hang myself in the woods behind my home but out of no where my mom called me and asked me to go to dinner. Little does she know what she may or may not have prevented
>If there was a clean, painless way to go I'd be in that line.
Going out deep in woods in the winter, drink a bottle of vodka or take sleeping pills, fall asleep and freeze to death looks nice to me.
My grandma almost froze to death when she was young (not while trying to commit suicide, of course) and she told it was a very nice feeling: at a certain point, already asleep and freezing to certain death, she was dreaming of sitting near a big oven and was feeling pleasant comfortable warmth. It was very painful and disappointing to wake up back to cold and grim reality after some person found her sleeping out in the cold.
The hopes that I will become a success in my fathers eyes before he dies.
Won't happen tho
I don't want to get involved in a relationship
don't want to have children and pass along mental illness
So... i don't want to hurt anyone when I go and have been turning friends into acquaintances over the last decade
Another fucking white male who wants to leave it all behind
Try to do more, go hiking, go skydiving. Anything like that.
It's helped in my experience.
When you can no longer distract yourself...?
Because Trump isn't in office yet, once he's inaugurated he's going to make Anime real.
Failing that I'm also willing to settle for genetically engineering catgirls for the purposes of domestic ownership or robo-waifus.
was thinking of paddling out into the ocean all night, slice my calf and slowly bleed, serve myself up as dinner
I just might.
What's the point? Not existing sucks. Suicide doesn't make any sense.
It aint a distraction, it helped me grow as a person.
I dont expect it to affect everyone the same way, but worse that could happen is that you did something and maybe you'll have a nice memory.
Y-Yes goyim, discuss how to end your lives
>not existing sucks
What's it like to not exist?
Well, I don't know but the idea of not existing sucks. Think about it, there will never be year like 2016 again. This was the best year on the internet since 2006, im hope full again.
because nobody sings of peaceful times dori
You dropped your leaf spuck
The hope that I might get a job sometime in life that will allow me to buy things and go out and get drunk
Currently my job pays minimum wage and I make 1400 a month and my rent is 1050 so I have no money left over for anything other than food and Internet bill
I'm 28 and if I make it to 35 and I'm still in the same poorfag lifestyle I'll off myself for sure because I'm currently not living I'm just existing
My what?
Love for my family and friends and worry that my Mom would lose her mind if I die (my 13yo sister died 2 years ago) are what's keeping me going. I'm 29, broke, working with animals, over a year since my last relationship. I was hopeful for a bit after Trump won but this election showed me that I underestimated the stupidity of people, including people I once respected. With idiots breeding, our freedoms rapidly disappearing, and the Internet on the verge of censorship, I don't have much hope for the future. Even so, I'll never an hero. Couldn't put the people in my life through that shit, they don't deserve it.
why is your rent so high why not just have 3 roommates. there's literally no excuse for having rent that high when you're that poor
so far nobody has presented a real problem or barrier to happiness that doesn't seem like they're in their own way and unwilling to work on themselves.
People often talk about Sup Forums as this big bad wolf of the "alt right" but I find the discourse here to be much worse than anywhere else.
I think maybe Sup Forums is just this negativity vortex and everybody who comes here would be better served by growing the fuck up
Cheapest place I could find and there's only 1 bedroom so roommates is out of the question . I also can't get any better job at the moment because nothing pays more than minimum wage around here
My self respect oddly enough. I embrace death, but I am not a big enough coward to end it myself. Honestly waiting for the day I get mugged so I can either kill the bastard or he kills me.