Just started watching BoJack Horseman. It seems really Redpilled.
>great anti-woman jokes
>commentary on how worthless and degenerate culture is
>Seems to understand sexual dynamics
Got me thinking, what is the most redpilled thing allowed on TV?
Just started watching BoJack Horseman. It seems really Redpilled.
>great anti-woman jokes
>commentary on how worthless and degenerate culture is
>Seems to understand sexual dynamics
Got me thinking, what is the most redpilled thing allowed on TV?
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>reddit, the show
Bojack Horseman's writing isn't bad, but there's nothing more annoying than people in the Hollywood bubble writing about living in the Hollywood bubble. It just serves as a punch under the belt for America's easily refuted celebrity culture while also functioning as self-gratification for its writers.
The first two seasons were OK, season 3 was shit.
One of the artists is a huge feminist cunt too.
Nah that's Rick and Morty
it's literally depression kino but Sup Forums bullies it too much
I thought so too til I watched it.
MDE's World peace, obviously..
Each season has one incredibly blue pilled episode.
Season one and two's weren't too bad, but the abortion one was cringe inducing
He regularly takes shots at gun owners and gun culture
Season 3 was shit? That was the best one so far, Season 1 was the 'shit' season. That underwater episode was the greatest episode of any show this year.
The abortion episode was a mixed bag at worst. It was way more into picking on pro-abortionists rather than anti-abortionists..
it's not red-pilled, it's just nihilistic.
It isn't really pilled, but a great show nonetheless
Nah, season 1 was the best. Forced jokes started coming in in season 2 and by season 3 it was half the show.
I love this show, but I also love calling white people the n-word, so I'm not sure how valued my opinion us to you.
BoJack is about nihilism and existentialism. BoJack wants meaning in his life. He tries family, friends and work. He fails. The end.
it kinda throws off the redneck to call them nigs
They made some joke about Hollywood producers diddling little kids, that is when I knew that the show is redpilled.
It's basically an amalgamation of fucked up Hollywood stories.
It's like how Les Grossman was based on a real exec.
>It seems really Redpilled.
The ultimate message of the show is nihilistic, and leads to no real conclusion outside of perpetual self-loathing.
I promise; you could not get something more liberal if you tried.
Yea, it throws them into a state of confusion.
I tried to watch it but quickly stopped once his assistant began talking about how she's a feminist and blah blah blah
They shit on her for that though.
What's the solution, though?
The Boondocks. At least season 1-3.
You and the show completely fail at the simplest thing that you need to do to make yourself happy. The answer to happiness was right at the end of season two.
Get outdoors and run.
Work out.
If Bojack could at least stick to that ONE SIMPLE THING he'd at least set the precedence to improve his life. Because then you'll be able to ask yourself everyday "What did I do", and you'll at least one answer before you fall asleep.
Orange is the New Black
>idea about people not being able to change
>red pilled
Please, OP. It has flaws.
cool, source?
My one grievance with the show is the pro-feminism, but you cant really expect otherwise in modern TV shows.
The final solution?
>BoJack is about nihilism and existentialism.
That's where the search for meaning in life ultimately ends up if you live in the same kind of place as Bojack. You would understand if you lived in a place as soulless and morally empty as California.
>what is the most redpilled thing allowed on TV?
pick one
Thats Rick and morty
Its kinda cuck actually, anything that promotes a nihilistic "nothing matters, believe in nothing" point of view should be rkoed.
Isn't that feminist garbage?
I'll get the rake.
I think that a lot of people on Sup Forums can relate to where BoJack is, I can't say that I found an answer.
Its satire and shits on it.
The show starts nihilistic, but I think in the last season Bojack will find some form of purpose / meaning
Might check it out then.
This. I was incredibly disappointed with Season 3. Killed any interest I had in the show. It's a shame because Season 2 was incredible.
This show is fucking liberal garbage.
>opressed minorities that are actually super intellectual
>no one is responsible for their actions, the system let them down
This man understands
Wasn't Patton Oswalt in that show, at least for a little while? So I highly doubt it.
Nah. Wife is watching it, it is whiny in the extreme. Did not laugh once. Muh feelings. Muh will arnett. Arrested dev way better, MDE is king.
>Its kinda cuck actually, anything that promotes a nihilistic "nothing matters, believe in nothing" point of view should be rkoed.
Except it does the opposite, it promotes how empty and devoid of actual pleasure the nihilist's life is.
I like it because I can relate to Bojack.
Life is ultimately fruitless and meaningless.
>what is the most redpilled thing allowed on TV?
idk about today, but I started The Sopranos a while ago, and its based as fuck
>implying the bender episode wasn't the best of the entire show
Fuck, speaking of Patton Oswalt, he's gonna be in the reboot of Mystery Science Theater 3000
You're kidding, right? God damnit.
my very own satan trips wew
I forgot, I was going to add,
Bojack Horseman helped me recognize my own depression and it was encouraging in a weird way, so I definitely have a soft spot for the show. I know he never 'fully recovers' in the show, but I saw a lot of my own depressed tendencies in Bojack and I related to him (minus being rich and washed up), and it encouraged me to change.
>drink the nihilistic cool aid of the hollyjew
>g-guys this is SO redpilled.
it didnt get you thinking it demoralised your fat ass you retard.
That's what I heard.
Also, the original guys aren't gonna be in it, like mike/joel, the guys who did the voices for tom servo/crow etc...
It's cool though, let them ruin mst3k, we have Rifftrax
>babbys first existential crisis
Wow its not like nihilism and existentialism existed like centuries ago, maybe you should like care about reading a fucking book
Oh jesus, it has Felicia Day too. Fuck kikestarter.
I always see people on Sup Forums saying the same thing about the underwater episode. I personally didn't care for it. What about it did you like? Just curious, thinking of watching it again.
Ironic since the creator is a raging Jew lefty who thinks he's black because he wrote The Wire.
Just realized I got the 2 Davids mixed up. Fuck me in the goat ass.
The only real answer is this.
The creator is still likely a lefty and up on the current trends.
These type of scenes always make me think (in a non meme way), because, in my mind, someone who wrote that had to understand it to a certain extent. And I know 2002 was a different time, but still.
very redpilled, it's basically thelastpsychiatrist the show, read through his blog a bit, you'll see this show with different eyes
protip to fag who don't want to read
>you shouldn't sympatize with bojack, he destroys everything he touches.
>this show isn't about nihilism or some other bullshit philosophy, it's there so you can reflect and stop being a bojack to people in your life - everything else is eyecandy.
I've watched the whole series (not the most sober like Bojack of course)... you have a specific episode you can point to for that? Cause I don't remember that at all.
That's the hard part about depression. It's really fucking hard to do simple things like "Get outdoors and run".
As someone who had depression, worked super hard to get past it, and eventually (mostly) did... it's not easy. Like Bojack you try over and over again, keep being unable to improve and then get even more depressed at your inability to do such "simple things".
You feel utterly fucking broken, like Bojack.
Sup Forums is filled with nihilists and existentialists so they relate immensely to the show. However it is a blue pilled as fuck show in actuality and the show doesn't exactly encourage a healthy perspective. Then again, neither does Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is just more open minded than they think.
S2E7 "Hank after dark"
She gets a lot of shit for saying that a famous celebrity is a rapist or something.
The line was very short and off-colour, I can't remember which episode in particular.
>fancy jew nails
> Alpha character literally named Judah
Blue pilled to the max