Why are liberal women so much hotter than conservative women?
Why are liberal women so much hotter than conservative women?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no hair
>trying too hard
Why do you use such shitty bait?
Plus he has a cleft lip. Nasty.
She needs to vacuum her floor.
can't make this shit up
Everyone knows short hair on females = heavily damaged psychic at the worst or recent traumatic event at the best.
You tried favellion!
my kind of woman!
Every girl there thinks they're the hottest of the group.
But in reality must liberal women look like pic related.
They're not hot at all, they look like downies with crappy dollar store wigs.
Redpilled conservative waifus and autismfus are way better.
Lol, they're not, but they just get your attention by flaunting their bodies that you're supposed to somehow worship and ignore at the same time.
why do they all have this fish mouth / mouth breather look?
shes cute
Well it depends how you're looking at it.
If you see a woman and decide she's hot because she's liberal then you're basing attractiveness on ideology, for whatever reason only you know.
Though if you see a woman and decide she's liberal because she's hot then that's more based on observation and recognizing patterns. Why hotter woman are more likely to be liberal can be for a number of reasons, just off the top of my head: most of the time younger=hotter, and younger, less experienced, less knowledgeable women are going to tend towards swallowing braindead feel-good platitudes, and modern liberalism is all about that; also as a hot woman, they're less likely to be challenged by both other women who don't want confrontation like that and of course guys who will be obedient yes-men to a vagina that looks in their general direction.
Man this armchair is comfortable. sage
They're not, there are just more of them.
I'd fuck that boipussy.
What is it about a painted face you find attractive, women are literally clowns
Anybody has the pic of the landwhale getting mad at trumpgirls?
>t. lonely nerd virgin
They really aren't
They're not. For every hot libtard, there's 100,000 bodyposi landwhales.
>Kalindra-chan is a Hill shill
No big loss, (((her))) tits were SAD
That's objectively incorrect.
conservative women don't flaunt it so you won't see it but they can be complete whores in the bedroom
true, liberal women are just whore in general. Whether it be for attention, sympathy, power, they do anything to be controlling and get what they want. Liberalism is a cancer.
>source: my slut ex cheated on me and when we broke up she told me I was "slut shaming" her and that I'm a "mansplaining" member of the "patriarchy" haha
why does this exact phrase get said everytime..
She looks like she has 18 different types of HIV and a penis.
>Only one boipussy post
OP stop being a faggot
If you're a vapid and shallow materialist you care a lot more about how you look, hides the fact you're an empty shell of a human.
We really should be thankful that women make it so easy to weed the shitty ones out. Once she is in a relationship a shitty woman will make no effort to improve herself or the state of her relationship. It's either status quo or downhill.
I assume this is an example of a conservative in your framework?
Vegetarian diet vs Fast Food
i want a gf like the 2 on the far right but who also has far right views and is submissive to me
>be involved in a music scene
>tfw only attract psycho lefties
>one of them is black
>the rest look like jews
>star of david on her twitter
Is this the best conservatives can do?
Total qt here senpai
show boi pucci plz
Gotta say this. Sadly there are a good number of southern chicks that would be super hot if they only watched their diet...
Liberal women I've noticed tend to be more outgoing in conversation, which I think is one of the reason men keep falling for the trap in dating them. It starts off with the liberal women being attracted to conservative men, but then when they don't ultimately cuck or become a whipping boy, they go psycho and blame shit they read on buzzfeed like "toxic masculinity" yet these bitches want to be choked and fucked rough during sex
My advice to bros, date the quiet shy christian chick. she may not be exciting, but at least she won't stuff your heart in a blender
that's a trap isn't it?
come out already guys
because they have morals. they stand up to all the evils of society like racism, sexism, and homophobia
Why are you attracted to fish people...?
Lana is neat
You may want to have a seat buddy
Sorry to hear about your gender dysphoria.
It kills me when whores dress cute.
>MFW want to be with Christian chick because I know she wont be some degenerate
>MFW I'm not religious in the slightest, just have a good moral compass that aligns with Christians values
Give it to me straight Sup Forums, what are my chances? Should I just pretend to be religious?
>sluts are always liberal.
It's just a trap user. They can be hot but will never be a wife material or for a serious relationship.
Yeah, we have to admit some of them are very hot, but these women are just for cum 'n dump
>tfw I'm in the same boat
I'm probably more socially/morally Christian/conservative in general than any Christian woman born after like 1890 tbqh
they aren't
Conservative women actually act feminine. That helps.
Lel, at first I thought that was this Japanese Trump chick
>trap with fishmouth
Become culturally religious. Many religious people have weak or non existent faith in the supernatural but are culturally religious because they e joy the community and the positive effect it has on society.
Yeah, I know "Christian" girls who go out and get wasted and stoned regularly, then fuck random dudes occasionally. Then they go to church on Sunday and play "I'm a good Christian"