So it's pretty much confirmed now right? No one would go this far if he was neurotypical.
So it's pretty much confirmed now right? No one would go this far if he was neurotypical.
Other urls found in this thread:
You understand that this is basically an autism containment board, Sup Forums is Barron and Barron is Sup Forums
It's usually pretty common for people to leave presidents kids alone. Real Media in the past had this unwritten rule but since now everyone is a journalist ...
I think the Obama girls only really got messed with when there was a picture of them partying. They weren't waging full on war of claims that they had mental defects
having even a reputation of autism is pretty bad for some people, basically protecting the son from being mocked with or without autism
It was just one of them and she was over 18. Go figure Obama raised a basic bitch pothead slut
Most people would sue if someone popularized a claim that their kid is autistic. Of course you're a libshit so you're only bothered by the fact that its the Trump family doing it.
I come here to marvel at it and fuel it with d&c shill statements
Kek agrees
I'm not a libshit, I'm a libertarian/conservative and you are apparently a moron, since you are completely fine that some people can shut down critics of themselves.
By the way "libshit" is an offensive term, my lawyer will be mailing you soon
It's called libel you dumbass. Leave it to a non country to not understand basic American laws
What if they saw that he was autistic after seeing him on TV with his weird behavior?
>I'm a libertarian/conservative
Frickin epic xd. Epic win m'lad
Barron is /ourguy/
its been confirmed for a long time and like the asshurt liberals they are, they wanna use government pressure to stifle people talking about it
>neurotypical heterosexual cis
Is this the new way to describe a normal person?
This, I saw the video.
It didn't claim that he was autistic, he only said Barron "might be" and has seemingly many autistic traits. That's what bothers me, the uploader simply used his medical knowledge to do a video where he speculates.
I'm sure it's not true...
but if he's on Sup Forums, then it makes sense.
It's pretty shitty to talk shit about people's kids in any case.
Put a sign outside your neighbour's place saying their kids are autistic and see how well it goes down
his behavior isn't weird he's 10 years old and 5'8, people expect him to act and have the mannerisms of a teenager or someone that is slightly more self-aware when he's literally just a kid
>make fun of a 9 year old
>get threatened by the parents
Ermergerd! It is the end of the world! I dont understand how this is possible!
Amazing that someone as tall as him has only been in this world for 10 years.
Fuck, that's as tall as me.
Billionaire child is better than me in every conceivable way :(.
its that fat disgusting pig rosie odonell
holy fuck, he's giant.
Yeah man, it's pretty shitty.
So is fucking talking behind my back, so I shall install microphones and shock collars on people and hire a guy to listen what they say, and if they criticize me or in any way talk something "negative" about me I will fucking electrocute them. Because they're shitty people and deserve it. Right? No.
If I see autistic traits in a person and the topic is hot enough, I WILL COMMENT ABOUT IT.
Fuck off with your commie restrictions on free speech
>That's what bothers me, the uploader simply used his medical knowledge to do a video where he speculates.
The Trump family didnt ask for his medial advice so why speculate publicly about a 10 year old kid?
>Talk shit about people without any proofs
>Get called out
>"Waaaaah you literal Hitlers stop taking away muh fredumb of spich!"
Yeah and I didn't ask for you to reply to this thread, can I sue you know?!
What the fuck is wrong you?
>can I go home if I clap loud?
>I'm missing Spongebob
>my feet hurt
If someone calls you gay, you can laugh it off, because you know it isn't true.
If many people are calling you gay, you gotta do something about it. You can't let that shit go, otherwise everyone will think you're gay.
You guys do realize that when a couple are old + have a big gap in age, (both of which applies to the Don and Melania), the chances of their kids having autism sky rockets? It wouldn't surprise me, really. That's why you shouldn't have kids too late or too early in your life.
and they have every right to sue your ass for it. free speech is protection against the government. if you slander someone, theyll sue you. real life isnt an anonymous internet forum, faggot
Nice straw man faggot, try harder
>comment on a controversial matter respectfully, reiterating constantly that "THIS IS SIMPLY SPECULATION"
>speculation is well done and quite researched
>get sued because someone doesn't want you to talk about it
There's not a single strawman in that post, you moron.
Tell you what. If Hillary started suing people for talking about pizzagate, would you say the same? No, you would not.
How was that slander?
If the Clintons sued someone for making a video on one of their young grandchildren I would be fine with that
So maybe he's a sperg. But maybe the REAL family secret here is he's showing that he's not totally on board. Maybe he's just protesting with a half-ass hand clap in the small ways that a 10 year old child of Donald Trump tries to get away with. Could you imagine trying to talk back to that Dad?
Trumps campaign showed us, that mocking is a major social mechanism. Nobody mocks Barron whatever conditions he has. At least untill he will be 14.
I myself want to teach all my nephews to mock their enemies.
He was clearly just bored.
Talking back to father is nothing special. Lefties pain it as something special, because they want conflicts in families. They want society/nation to be in dismay.
holy fuck road rash
Downloading now and re uploading it. Fuck that whore.
>you are completely fine that some people can shut down critics of themselves
He's a fucking 10 year old kid.
He did nothing to deserve any criticism.
Trump's dick....how does it taste? He's clearly a fucking tard.
Just leave the kid alone what the fuck.
Where were you when they were talking about Obama's children you fucking hypocrite.
who the fuck cares about nigger subhumans lmao?
Then who cares about that fucking bird shit skin future cancer patient neanderthal cave cracker?
yes but this was a public video.
locker room talk is locker room talk. A public video with intent to be a faget is a different story.
Theyre like 18. They can defend themselves
Hey everyone this is Barron. My mom just doesn't want the world to be aware of my cyber skills. I will reveal my end game one day. My dad is just the first step of my master plan.
They weren't 18 at the time you fuck. Stop trying to justify it.
>im a libertarian/conservative
oghhhhkkkayyyy faggot go back to redddit
>shutting down critics of themselves
hes a kid not some loser like you who has to come here to bait people into responding to you in order to get some type of human contact from someone other then you mom.
The courts are a seperate power to the presidential branch.
>nigger children are people
That was wrong, just like this is wrong
They are kids, they didnt choose to be in the spotlight unlike a singer or a movie star
Hi son. Jerk off to mommy. The First Whore.
We do. And your place in cleaning flames for beaing a retarded shit
>fucking SJW restricting my free speech
>Having a youtube video that has content I don't like? LAWSUIT!
I dunno guys, I know the pendulum is swinging hard right right now, but does it really have to go like that?
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation
this nigger faggot is mad as fuck rofl
My "not an argument" radar is bleeping like hell right now
>fuel it with d&c shill statements
no need
They weren't 10 AND everyone wasn't out for their blood like trump blood
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? He's a 10 year old kid forced to stand around all night. It was 3am when Trump made the speech, he was tired and annoyed, not autistic like you.
The uploader was VERY CLEAR in his video that IT IS SPECULATION. NOT FACT. Can I not upload a video and say "Hey, I think x might be y? I'm not a professional at this, but here's my reasoning why I think so..."
This is why all the Hollyweird movies have anti-heroes as the star.
>tfw you will never grab Melania's melanias
Yeah, you can. Just not about kids
Fucking trump supporters. How does Trump's dick taste you faggot? Stop being a fucking hypocrite. Glad I didn't vote for either of those fucking morons. Hilary or Trump. I feel good I didn't put a fucking reality star in the white cause "muh alt-right" told me to.
I don't fuck third world old white whores that sound like Borat.
What is your problem with the kid?
He is 10! Is there really a reason to keep attacking him just because you dont like his father?
I have seen the twitter accounts of Trumps familie, under almost every single family photo of them some assholes have to personally attack them. I have not seen it this bad with Obama.
>critics of themselves.
>a 10 year old kid
>My "not an argument" radar is bleeping like hell right now
you sound like an idiot but i get it, you want attention. you obviously dont get any in your daily life among the people you surround yourself with so you come here, i get it. keep thinking of arguments and witty comebacks because that's clearly the main core of your linguistic capabilities. the fact that you refuse to admit your wrong just shows how much of a douchebag you are and i know if someone made a video on youtube about your kid or sibling you'd be the first faggot posting about it on reddiit trying to get people to notice you, but i get it. so if you could do us all a huge favor and kill yourself it would be much appreciated, thanks.
Requesting that pic
I have no problem with Mr. Trump. In fact, I love the guy. It's funny how you immediately assume that I'm some sort of #NeverTrumper when I even slightly criticize his wife, Christ Allmighty.
I hope Trump bans libertarianism. The libertarian salt would be even tastier than the liberal post-election salt.
He's a little fucking tard that won't know what being broke feels like just like his moron fucking hot dog water colored father. It was worse with Obama.
Barron's dad is already the most polarizing man in the country so giving the kids around him ammo like he's Autistic is just asking Barron to be pariah'd
Why would I admit that I'm wrong when you can't even come up with a coherent argument as to why? So far you've only insulted my supposed lack of friends and my mother, do you realize just how stupid that makes you look? You're an embarrasement for Trump.
You know the sad part about Trump winning is? his voters actually think they've won something. You're still a broke fucking wage slave and will die one. Trump or Hilary winning won't change your fucking fates one bit. They'd actually have to give a shit to do that and the rich don't.
I thought that was made clear when Trump said he would open up the libel laws.
anyone who thinks it's okay to say this about children ought to re examine their morality and reason for doing so. there is zero reason to tell the world about your opinion about the problems a child may or may not have. the only reason that this was even done was to get at trump. why are you even defending shit behavior like this?
Nigger my family is rich as fuck. I pay $60/yr. tuition in full.
Wow a mother defending her son what a fucking novel concept.
Morality on Sup Forums!? You should be fucking banned for life for even mentioning morality on this board you fuck. Fucking racist whites have the nerve to talk about morality. Give me a fucking break!
Because the family in question is now government, that's where the conflict lies
it does explain why hes a computer super genius though
1000 people who were about to lose their jobs at carrier are certainly feeling like their fates changed.
Autism isn't real.
If you're rich and post on this board you really are a pathetic piece of shit. Out of all the things you could be doing now with your black stallion horse fucking family money you're on a fucking user message board? Failure doesn't even begin to describe a person like you.
oh,and i suppose pizzagate or whatever is just a coincidental crusade. there are things that are so stupid that they shouldn't be tolerated, retard
I know you're just b8ing, but you actually bring up a pretty good point. I never did get along too well with the other rich kids.
He goes to school with other kids.
This information would come out if it were true.
Pizzagate? Oh you mean white men doing what they do best? If they did it in church they'd be catholic priests. The fuck do you care?