>Reducing taxes for middle to lower income Americans
>Cracking down on corrupt politicians and preventing money from being swindled out of politics
And I'm guessing that most people on this board are on some kind of welfare so you can't tell me that you wouldn't have benefited with at least one of his proposals
I dont think you(or him) understand the concept of free
Benjamin Rivera
>People actually supported Bernie
It still makes my head hurt.
Michael Gray
Never trust a Jew.
Brody Jenkins
>>Tuition-free college > >Free healthcare > >Increasing minimum wage > >Reducing taxes for middle to lower income Americans > >Cracking down on corrupt politicians and preventing money from being swindled out of politics The last one is merely misguided but the other 4 are great reasons as to why he was so bad. Read a book faggot.
Chase Hill
>Reducing taxes for middle to lower income Americans did anyone actually read his tax proposal? my taxes would've doubled and I'm low-middle income
>free ya ok
Angel Cox
>Tuition-free college >Free healthcare >Reducing taxes for middle to lower income Americans >Reducing taxes literally what
Hudson Sanchez
Apart from th obvious which he is a jew and cant be trusted full stop. Believing shit is free and you can give it away is pants on head retarded especially when it comes to higher education.
James Rivera
>free food Can't see it
Luke Long
He sold out and quit the Democratic Party at the first possible chance.
Matthew Gutierrez
Jeremiah Anderson
Socialism kills.
Julian King
This All my libshit friends where raving about him so I looked into him and threw my earnings into that one tax calculator program. I make just over 31k now before bernie and under him I would be paying out over 2k more in taxes. fuck that. I just got into a job I have a small bit of comfort in financially.
Colton Rodriguez
Are you willing to have more than half of your paycheck taken away in order to have all those benefits?
Grayson Martinez
>>Tuition-free college >>Free healthcare >>Increasing minimum wage >>Reducing taxes for middle to lower income Americans >>Cracking down on corrupt politicians and preventing money from being swindled out of politics Pick one
Jason Howard
>more immigration >higher wages and salaries wat
Joshua Turner
>voting for a kike >voting for an actual commie Sup Forums hated this jew fuck more than hillary
also there never was a fucking bernie sanders. he was controlled opposition the entire time. he was supposed to rile up the 20 year old kids in college with his communist buzzword salad to eventually go vote for hillary. the guy had no substance, he's done literally nothing his entire career. you know what, what you should be doing is finding out how a fucking guy who failed at every job in his life and got kicked out of a fucking commune for talking too much somehow landed a job as vermont senator
really makes me fucking think
Mason Moore
>Tuition-free college >Free healthcare >Increasing minimum wage
So everyone has to pay for obese communist retards to do women and african studies in college and also pay for their diabetes medication and then when they leave college with their useless degrees they can't even work at McDonalds because the cashiers have been replaced with automated machines to save money.
>Cracking down on corrupt politicians and preventing money from being swindled out of politics
>jew >stopping money swindling of any kind
sage goes in all fields.
Caleb Ramirez
because the fucking idiots solution to everything is trickle up poverty
Joshua Price
Go through the tax calculator for every candidate and see how your finances would have fared if Trump didn't win.
>mfw Bernie Sanders Thank GOD he was never serious.
Xavier Cooper
How much do you pay for health insurance currently?
Juan Davis
So what you are saying there are inherent contradictions in capitalism and that further automation of jobs will inevitably lead to a future where the vast majority of mankind is unemployed and not benefiting on this automation?
I'm sure whatever pathetic amount you will contribute to any sort of a taxation to have free higher education will really hurt you personally. Fucking unconscious prole.
Dominic Sullivan
>somehow landed a job as vermont senator
He was the mayor of the largest (only?) city in Vermont.
Parker Lewis
With my new job I pay $62.50 total monthly for medical, dental, and eye in addition to life and other injury shit. Next year I'll have a 401k where they put in 3% of my salary annually and match up to 4% of my contribution monthly. On top of that I will also be getting a pension. And all I fucking do is work inside sales for electrical utility supply. IE: I sell transformers and transformer accessories and I'm not even the guy who has to hunt down and woo customers and suppliers. It's unreal and I love it even though it's a bit dull.
>Dawnuld is reespawnsiple faw his peoples violence! >But what about the violence we've seen from your supporters? >"Look, if I had to be held responsible for the actions of everyone who ever supported me I'd live a very difficult life."
He's a senile, batshit insane, cuck of a socialist and he would never have won.
Cooper Harris
His plan was essentially to elevate niggers and other minorities even further above the God tier that they already have here. Nah. Not interested.