Can someone explain this shit to me? Why does this happen?
Can someone explain this shit to me? Why does this happen?
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Let the liberal states fucking crumble, I don't give a fuck.
Who cares, worry about your own life you fucking busybody faggot
Wonder if any girl could even get away with being a tomboy anymore without some libcuck immediately assuming she's a tranny.
they do look pretty legit tho I won't lie. their fat covers up their facial structure.
DESU I believe in male to female trannies but I don't think female to male trannies are a real thing
I don't think lesbians are a real thing either
>it kinda looks like me as a kid
what do you mean by that
>Lizzy the Lezzy
is the shit for real?
The destruction of the nuclear family.
The mother of that child had a shit-tier upbringing and was unable to keep the father around and raise their offspring in a cohesive family unit.
Some niggas killed Temujin's dad and look what ended up happening
This shit is child abuse plain and simple.
To tell a child that they are allowed to choose their gender, or even mentioning gender to them at all is fucked.
Let kids be kids and make mistakes that will ruin their body and outcast them from normal society as informed consenting mentally ill adults.
Who cares. If he wishes to live out his life as a boy that is his choice and not anyone elses
nice meme
she will kill herself eventually
wont make it to see 25
Jews happened
If "he" chooses to have a sexual encounter with an adult that's NOT okay though. Unleas that adult is a woman everyone will just say "nice."
if someone asked me If I wanted to be a girl when I was 10 I would of probably said yeah because I idolized my sisters
if someone actually encouraged it, it would of probrobly ruined my life
this trend in parenting is totally unacceptable
I'm convinced this is some evolved form of munchausen by proxy. The mother is invariably the culprit with an absent father (99% of the time has left because of maternal infidelity).
Her desire for attention couples with her hatred for the father and then instead of turning inward it focuses on the child as an object to destroy while simultaneously garnering her the attention she desperately craves.
Stay out of other people's lives and familes, deal with your own shit
Some of us have an Empire to uphold, not just shag sheep all day.
Lisanne is probably a borderline (if not full blown by now) coal burner, disillusioned by the Liberals into thinking doing silly shit like this makes you look cool on social media. That's why she posted it. She could have just done it and kept her mouth shut, but she wants attention at the sake of the kid.
Concentration camps for these things are the best solution.
Is this your first time on the internet or something?
Go fuck yourself.
>at least they're not cutting anything off
This is a single mother, right?
>10 year old
>too young to even have sex, marry, drive, serve in military, drink, vote, or do fucking anything without parent's permission
>old enough to decide he wants to make an irreversible change to his body
When I was a young boy I used to wear dresses when I was playing with my cousins, because they were all girls. If my parents had been liberals I would probably be a tranny freak now.
Whatever, man.
Let the libturds physically and mentally cripple their very children for the sake of Facebook likes. Suicide rates among transgenders remains constant no matter what age the transition occurred. Those rates are very much above baseline.
Faggots brainwashing their child , and shut the fuck up if you have a problem wih what i just said im a vetrinarian !
>Let the libturds physically and mentally cripple their very children
No let's fucking not. They don't deserve this.
Fucken wanka.
Are you me? I used to do the exact same thing. We even did some role playing where I was a princess and they had to save me and shit. Then we practiced kissing as well.
I didn't think it was weird at the time
Thats the thing the bible the christian bible warns about , sin leads to death and destruction ... God doesnt like that or want to tell us what to do for fun , sins are noted as warnings to us all but these idiots choose to turn away from god and brainwash their families. Even demons know god exists , if these people only would acceapt salvation they wouldnt be so warped.
I wanted to be a kitty cat at that age. Why didn't my parents start me transitioning to a transfur life as a kitty cat? Why must we endure this oppression and hate? End the fursecution. Start pre-teen transhuman operations now.
>10 years old
>"Hi mommy. I think boys are cute"
Of course you do. Good girl
>"Hi mommy. I should have been born a boy"
Even if this kid was happy with the irreversible mutilations to his/her/its(?) body its still in the minority. Trannies much be sent to the gas chamber.
Even if you believe this, surely parading him on social media with a big fuck off picture isn't quite right, yeah?
If we had the technology to help you sprout fur and grow a tail, I see literally nothing wrong with you choosing to do so
I wouldve been told , "you are too young to ubderstand love or gender " which would be true.
Phebe? Felix?
>Lizzy the Lezzy
Id prefer to grow a horse cock
I think he looks handsome for one. And this could be used as encouragement for other children to come out as transsexual and for parents to accept it
The problem is that the transkid isn't even in puberty. What's gonna happen when her estrogen production kicks off properly? I remember reading about a dude who was raised as a girl because circumcision botched his penis. In puberty he started to feel like a man and later offed himself after years of psychological abuse.
This makes me and my penis profoundly sad
Lol your logic isnt flawed at all
Ruined a perfectly good loli.
I was posting to make fun of them... but I honestly do believe Americans are free to do that shit to themselves.
>kid knew he was transgender
yea and I wanted to be hulk hogan when I was growing up. you should be locked up for child abuse.
To make way for a perfectly good shota.
Welcome to Trump's America.
Mommy , im not a human im an alien without sexual organs and i am an asexual being with an antenna on ny head when can i have my surgery ? "
We don't let a person smoke cigarettes until their 18.
We don't let a person join the military and serve their country until they are 18.
We don't let a person drink alcohol until they are 21.
We don't let a person drive until they are capable teenagers.
Who the fuck decided that a 10 year old girl, who hasn't even reached puberty yet, has the capability of deciding that they want to change their fucking sex, putting them on hormones?
This shit is fucked as hell man. These parents brainwash their kids into this propaganda. Honestly, I could care less if this person as an adult decides to do this horseshit, I don't approve of it, but an adult can choose their own path in life if they want to. This is a child, a child with an undeveloped mind making life-altering choices when they are too young to understand the consequences. Sickening.
except the first one is following a biological imperative which has been hardwired into our brains long before we even had consciousness and the second one is a kid being curious about trying new things and wants to know what it's like on the other side of the fence. As the parent you're supposed to curtail certain behaviors because you are wiser and have more knowledge about the world than your child. We have to raise kids for a reason, if they could make massive life changing decisions properly we wouldn't need to spend one fifth of their life carefully and painstakingly teaching them about the world
Pic makes me sad every time
gives new meaning to the phrase "my wife's son"
I don't support kids transitioning before they're 18. Maybe puburty blockers, but shit like this is silly.
You're right, but not only can we not prevent it from happening, it MUST happen.
You see, a social ill is only corrected when things get BAD enough. Let the Leftists become ghoulish renders of genitalia at the expense of their own flesh and blood. The purposes it serves are vital.
>be a lefty
>chop off your kid's dick for facebook likes
>that kids grows up awkward, underdeveloped, sickly, feeling like a pariah of both genders
>either the kid offs themselves, tickling my sense of schadenfreude; or gets their shit together and rebels against their well intentioned but retarded parents.
Now imagine this happening with thousands of kids today, as is the case... give it 10, 15, 20 years as the bodies pile up, as the resentment grows, as the kids that don't commit suicide turn to drug-addiction, criminality, or lash out violently.
All the while, mainstream science and society will, God willing, catch up and realize the leftist's genital mutilation crusade for the foolhardy failed social experiment it always has been.
Thy hand dost not know that the fire is hot until it grabs a coal.
>Maybe puburty blockers, but shit like this is silly.
Are you retarded? So you think it's ok that they make permanent changes to their body while they're minors, but they're NOT allowed to dress up differently?
Imagine if the kid grows up to be religeous and has some kind of internal controversy over their mutilated deformed body
>I did this
>I did that
it's all about the mom. the child is just an innocent victim of her narcissism
>good shota
She is either irresponsible, or possibly suffering from some kind of delirium. If in the right state of mind, knowing parents these days, she must be unable to tend to her son in the proper manner and has therefore resorted to following him through his little trend phase. She is confused and as such cannot solve the problem in any other way than support, believing that crud shoved into her mouth by the media during her young age.
This is only pushed in a capitalist society. There is money to be made transitioning the sex of children. Truly twisted and sick.
This is Trudeau-tier, if your enemy wins, you win.
When has this type of thinking ever worked?
You're talking about the original "gender" experiment, back in the early 1950s, where the term "gender" was literally invented by an insane pedophile. It has no basis in anything but, "social science". The part you never hear about is that the doctor made the two twin boys have sex with each other coutinously to push the idea that he was a woman since "gender is a frame of mind". They both killed themselves. The doctor is still not called a pedophile to this day, nor did he spend a single day in prison.
Do you let your 10yo kid harm himself with cigarettes, alcohol or drugs? If the answer is no, then why would you let your 10yo kid harm herself by putting her on male hormones and causing irreversible change which she most certainly will regret at a later point? You're not supposed as a parent to encourage harmful behaviour. 10yo kid is in no position to make the choice about becoming a tranny
> I've known for a long time he was transgender
There you go. The proof is in the pudding. Its these goddamn parents fucking these kids over. A child rarely has feelings of gender dysphoria and if they do they need help and have likely been abused.
Its like the shit with Barbie. Parents (particularly mothers) convinced themselves their kids were sick and depressed because Barbie was too skinny. Now Barbie is fat and kids are still sick and depressed.
Parents like this ought to be lynched. Kids don't deserve to suffer their parents fucked up beliefs.
Naw you get me wrong.
There are a lot of familys that force this shit on the kids. If the kid is serious about it and keeps an interest in it longer than a few years then definitely consider puberty blockers.
I wish I coulda had T blockers when I was younger. But I don't think they should be given HRT untill they're old enough.
Source, nao...
More info on this guy whats his name ?
Parents are too afraid to say no to their children.
I don't know why some parents think they're on equal social standing with their offspring. You are the parent, you're in charge, do your fucking job.
Just about all boys do this.
Is a lefty chopping off my kids penis and telling them they're a girl?
Nope, the dipshit Mensa-case in San Francisco is doing it to their own kids.
I'm not saying embrace it, I'm not saying condone it. I'm just saying don't interrupt your enemy while they're making a huge mistake.
Mate, puberty blockers have to be started as early as 12 to be effective.
Are you seriously saying kids should be able to make such a permanent and lifechanging decision at 12 years of age? You don't let a kid get a tattoo at 12, why the fuck would you let them do that?
Cause Testosterone fucks with your bones, either way I dont really know. I'm just a dumb tranny who started when she was 20.
Parents want their children to be special, one way or another. It comes from the same place that makes parents convince themselves they have a psychic indigo child because it said they saw a ghost once.
People 50 years from now are going to look back at this shit the way we look back at the days when the lobotomy was considered an all-purpose miracle cure for mental illness.
John William Money. There are interviews of one of the twins before he also killed himself. They were raped, abused and forced to perform sexual acts on each other. The kids were Bruce and Brian Reimer.
She better save up for anti-depressants, xhe's gonna need them!
poor kid. oh well, at least you can't cut off a kid's vagina.
>mommy where do numales come from?
Transitioning is nothing like burning yourself with cigarettes. When your child has cancer do you say "well cancer is natural, therefore good!". If anything, it is abuse to not get your child on hormones as soon as they are sure they are born the wrong sex
He's talking about David Reimer and John Money. It's actually more fucked up than that. First the Jews mutilated the boy's penis, so they decide to just cut it all off and make him live like a girl. The "doctor" makes him wear a dress year round in the frozen wasteland that is Canada and gets him to have sex with his brother. That said, he just put name to gender bullshit, it was already a thing in feminist studies.
That's the effect I'm going for, let this barbarism continue to the detriment of the degenerate until society bucks these sick trends entirely.
>testosterone fucks with your bones
>makes them literally stronger and more robust
>lack of testosterone literally causes osteoporosis
>testosterone is Bad for bones guise
No wonder you're a tranny, you're fucking retarded
I hope that picture isn't you because you have the facial structure of Scott Adams.
>Cause Testosterone fucks with your bones,
That's what I've been trying to tell you. Do you think kids should be able to make important decisions like what happens to their skeletal structure when they're as young as 12? What if they grow out of it, like many are proven to?
They're just gonna kill themselves. A common theme among transgenders who go through with something permanent, you'll find.
Brainwash from parents + kid not understanding what gender is + kid not wanting to be "like other girls" because she got different interests than make up or barbie
combine it all and you get this mess
>Who cares if they fuck kids, they are not my kids
People in 50 years won't even speak English in USA at this rate. Are you sure, you can afford to fuck up the next generation of kids?
You're back I see. What are you doing parading on Sup Forums so publicly?
What is your objective here..?
Thats real fucking neato.
Its a sticky situation. I can't solve it. I'm with most of yall in this. The kids are transtrenders or forced to do it by their libtard parents.
Don't forget to add a dash of multikulti garbage to further endanger the subject by exposing them to dangerously intolerant minorities!
misery loves company perhaps
Since when is it wrong to care about communities and not just about yourself?
When your boy grows out of the I'M A GIRL phase and kills himself after realizing the effects are irreversible, do you still say:"WELP AT LEAST I GOT HIM TO TRANSITION EARLY"?
>I'm with most of yall in this.
But you did JUST come out to say that you think test blocking should be acceptable. Test blocking is probably the single most permanent and biggest thing a very underaged child can do.
So did you change your mind or are you just backpedaling?
I think this shits merely a symptom of the base problem being the warfare welfare state we are living in , if we want to reclain our sanity we have to end our wars and bring about peace
You have a man's arms. You'll never be a woman you deranged fuck. you'll never procreate to pass your terrible genetic line and mental illness. Nobody likes you and the people that do just feel sorry for you. Your parents hold you in contempt. Any family you have know what you really are. A mentally disturbed freak
>someone posts something publicly, begging for attention
>omg leave them alone, it's their private business
Kiwis are like australians with down syndrome and a penchant for fucking sheep
Perhaps perhaps. Can't know that though.