Try to debunk this, you farking LOSERS.
Try to debunk this, you farking LOSERS
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Yeah, it's a shame he isn't a Nazi, so that we can have a revolution already.
But alas, it takes time.
I know you elected the gayest, most idiotic leader the free world has ever seen; but you don't get to be American, ever.
Meanwhile without even being sworn in Trump is keeping manufacturing at home, improving international relations with world leaders, scaring the shit out of the corrupt globalists and making neocons and rinos bend the knee.
Liberals, SJWs and Leftists BTFO eternally. Enjoy watching how real men run the world for the next 8+ years.
>greatest modern president
Obama will go down as an irrelevant run of the mill president who merely sat back and did nothing of note for years.
>our greatest national shame
Apparently whoever wrote this has no grasp of history. Irregardless of your political opinions of Trump, things like genocides take precedent.
>but Gay marriage!
Friendly Reminder that Canada has been burning since May of this year.
Yeah, retards will probably say that, but little do they realize it would've happened irregardless with a 100% chance, Obama was irrelevant.
>doubles down on his precursor's hated policies
>gets hailed as the greatest president ever thanks to darker than average color of his skin
Pretty racistic desu senpai.
Justin Castro is so pathetic that he is also our greatest national shame simply because we have to share a border with you.
Trump won
fucking leaf.
obummer's greatest achievements:
1. bin laden (BO had nothing to do with catching him, if in fact it was OBL that they "buried at sea")
2. obamacare, which is a complete disaster.
OD are a prime example of useful idiots.
I would really like to meet the founder of OD and punch him in the face real fucking hard, it's very obvious he's been living a very sheltered life.
>supreme court
Passed Health Care Reform
Passed the Stimulus
Passed Wall Street Reform
Ended the War in Iraq
Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan
Eliminated Osama bin laden
Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry
Recapitalized Banks
Repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
Told Mubarak to Go
Reversed Bush Torture Policies
Improved America’s Image Abroad
Kicked Banks Out of Federal Student Loan Program, Expanded Pell Grant Spending
Created Race to the Top
Boosted Fuel Efficiency Standards
Coordinated International Response to Financial Crisis
Passed Mini Stimuli
Began Asia “Pivot”
Increased Support for Veterans
Tightened Sanctions on Iran
Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants
Passed Credit Card Reforms
Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws
Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court
Improved Food Safety System
Achieved New START Treaty
Expanded National Service
Expanded Wilderness and Watershed Protection
Gave the FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco
Pushed Federal Agencies to Be Green Leaders
Passed Fair Sentencing Act
Trimmed and Reoriented Missile Defense
Began Post-Post-9/11 Military Builddown
Let Space Shuttle Die and Killed Planned Moon Mission
Invested Heavily in Renewable Technology
Crafting Next-Generation School Tests
Cracked Down on Bad For-Profit Colleges
Improved School Nutrition
Expanded Hate Crimes Protections
Avoided Scandal
Brokered Agreement for Speedy Compensation to Victims of Gulf Oil Spill
Pushed Broadband Coverage
Expanded Health Coverage for Children
Recognized the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide
Expanded Stem Cell Research
Provided Payment to Wronged Minority Farmers
Helped South Sudan Declare Independence
Greatest modern president?
Only got voted in because he was a nigger, everything he's done will soon be irrelevant
>Obama will go down as an irrelevant run of the mill
He's already up there with the best.
>national "shame" does nothing but say he's going to undo most of our "greatest" presidents acts
>gets voted in
Think you have those mixed up.
Is this a joke?
>Passed Health Care Reform
Complete failure
>Passed Wall Street Reform
More like bailed out the bankers that caused the GFC
>Ended the War in Iraq
Bush already started pulling out from Iraq
>Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan
Same as Iraq, Bush started scaling down
>Eliminated Osama bin laden
Would have happened regardless of who was president
>Turned Around U.S. Auto Industry
Which is why the rust belt is in a great way today and also why they love the democrats..not
>Toppled Moammar Gaddafi
Libyas working out great now isn't it?
>Improved America’s Image Abroad
Has made America look weak on the national stage
I could keep going..
Left side of the pic is wrong. Obama isn't as bad as Trump looks to be, but Obama was a piece of crap himself.
Not an argument.
Increased extra-judicial killing and drone strikes
Created the worst healthcate reform in American history
Sowed racial and class division
Created Isis
Destabalized large parts of North Africa and the Middle East
Burdened the US with crippling debt
Protected subversive globalists
Bailed out failed and corrupt institutions and businesses
Encourage the off-shoring of American jobs
Tried to initiate the TPP
Killed US space program
Made the US weak in the eyes of rival international powers
Created the foundation for another world war
Appointed corrupt and unqualified people to important positions
Alienated classical international allies
Abandoned the middle class and blue collar America
Weakened the military and appointed brass based on political ideology
He is a likeable guy and a good orator, I'll give him that.
I still can't believe our American cousins would elect someone with such an ugly comb-over.
Given Australia elected a female Ronald McDonald we can't talk m8
How about you debunk THIS.