Mcdonalds introducing kisosks nationwide after testrun in Canada

holy fuck this shit is gold!
These protesters just fucked everything up!
Apparently none of these liberal faggots took an econ class!

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who cares

yeah, damn, that must have been it.

A few protesters in Michigan so the most efficient tested fast food chain on the planet is moving to touchscreen order screens like Japan has for the past decade.

I bet you fucking claim that Uber switches to auto-auto electric cars in 10 years because uber drivers complain too much for their own good.

90,0000 people work for mcdonalds.
If they cut out one or two from each store likely 20,0000 people will in total lose their jobs.

Yes, because a move to a $15 minimum wage wouldn't lead to employees being fired.
Have you ever taken an economics class?

it kills every liberal minimum wage hypothesis

We have them here.
They're the best, I can't wait to never have to interact with service industry retards ever again.

>Ed Rensi
>Mr. Rensi is the former president and CEO of McDonald’s USA.


Every mcdonalds in Australia has these

They won't replace the cooks or cleaners.

On one hand, I'm happy that the jobs have been eliminated for two reasons:

1. The person at the cash register is almost universally shitty, considering that they are just pressing virtual buttons on a screen, and not even scanning my bank card for me

2. It shoves the $15/hr argument into the dirt.

That said, I'm also sad that teens will have access to low-skilled jobs restricted.

High wages and politicians taxing corps means no jobs.

We have a big problem with it here coupled with working visas and immigration taking too many jobs. I have a job but mates and family are struggling, they are hard working people without jobs, it's insane.

Fuckin wakeup people.

>Yes, because a move to a $15 minimum wage wouldn't lead to employees being fired.

The jobs are going either way, you idiot. In the next decade every fucking trucker in the country is going to be fired. Just count the number of 18-wheelers you see on the highway in one afternoon.

Almost all mcdonald's style restaurants will switch to touch order. You already do touch order. Have you never placed a pickup order for a restaurant through their website? Ever ordered a pizza? You don't call in anymore. These jobs are going away whether they make $15 an hour or $1.50 an hour.

The service industry is going to collapse. Wages are already poverty level. What do you think is going to happen when we have self driving cars? The Tesla model 3 releases next year and it will come with handsfree door to door driving

Not everyone works on a cash register. People actually cook, clean, assemble sandwiches, work the drive-thru, etc.

That's your filthy abbos don't have jobs.

Oh wait nvm its because your government pays them to huff petrol all day.

>1. The person at the cash register is almost universally shitty, considering that they are just pressing virtual buttons on a screen, and not even scanning my bank card for me

holy shit get a load of this fucking old guy that has never worked retail.

they're taking out every need for a customer to talk to the employee.
I've been at places where there are at least 50 truckers.

McDonalds will scale down employees and spread the extra workload around,

Fully automated luxury communism is here to stay and you will fade

You seriously don't see what I'm talking about?

these are just greedy capitalists. mcdonalds makes plenty of money every second. of course pol falls victim to the jew while claiming to be aware

at the same time, the market will determine whether or not this works. if enough people are outraged, they can boycott mcdonalds by going somewhere else. on the other hand, if no one cares, we benefit in the long run by eliminating increasingly worthless jobs, moving closer to universal basic income and automated society


Fuck the teens. They can work manual labor doing construction or picking cotton but they're spoiled and prefer the easier job flipping burgers

I've worked at 2 Walmarts, a KFC, two Burger Kings, and a McDonalds throughout my life.

Grateful as fuck to be out of it now.

>McDonalds will scale down employees and spread the extra workload around,
I'm aware. I was simply stating why only 20k out of the 90k working people would be terminated.

oh I just saw it. I'm a retard I guess.

Maybe the machines will be able to get my order right.

>That said, I'm also sad that teens will have access to low-skilled jobs restricted.

This desu. These jobs were never meant to feed a family, just get some teenage spending money and a little bit of work ethic.

Liberals ruin yet another thing that could do a lot of good.

>The jobs are going either way

This. I support this push for a higher minimum wage because it makes the labor-free future come that much faster.

Food riots, soylent green is people, etc. Will be an interesting world when the labor of a majority of people isn't needed any longer.

>tfw your order will never be perfect until the replicator scans your personally prepared meal that fits your autismo requirements

I think this was going to happen regardless.

I don't much care for the fate of an average McD cashier, but I can tell you if I walk into a McD in Moscow and it doesn't have touchscreen ordering, I walk right out again. That shit is so much more efficient and unintrusive you wont believe. My introvert autist self is so spoiled by it I now pray for every kind of fastfood and even other services to introduce them. Go Go touchscreen orders!

This is how I know leftist have raided this fucking board. Get cancer.

I wouldn't champion it unless everyone you care about is immune from the effects of the coming service industry economic collapse

we are anti-socialism
these protesters are pro-socialist
we said mcdonalds would cut back their work and the workers thought the government would protect their jobs.

I agree, gets them active.

Sorry, I kinda pulled the 90,000 out my ass without reason. I realize that. it's still a very large amount.

Fucking leftist cancer

I hope the entirety of society just agrees to quit eating trash and places like McDonald's go into irreversible bankruptcy.

Good restaurants that serve legit food can hire kids who need work, and barely sentient normal faggots will feed their families and themselves food that wasn't manufactured in a lab.

McDonald's is a social negative in every regard now. I applaud these workers for fighting for a decent wage.

we've been here all along. We just don't waste our time replying to the thousands of trump shitposts

no you haven't you piece of shit fuck off

There are even test store models where an entire small McDonald's is run by just a single person. All the cooking and such is pretty much entirely automated. Not sure if that is cost effective yet though.


>tfw the cuties at takeout and drive-thru are replaced by machines that transport food through tubes directly to me
>my only interaction with females will soon disappear
now how am I supposed to have that .01% chance at getting a gf?

>Sorry, I kinda pulled the 90,000 out my ass without reason. I realize that. it's still a very large amount.

You probably aren't far off on either figure. McDonalds employs 400,000 people worldwide. I think it is reasonable to presume ~25% of them would be in the US.

lol looks like some libtards going to have to start looking for a new job soon.

This. Literally
>Oy vey goyim, see what happens when you demand fair pay. Now get to work, or else!

So fair laws finally brought fucking fast food into the 19th century? Wow capitalism.

I love it. Less human contact. Now even my robot ass can get food without REEing.

Lol, I was arguing with my dad about how the government is going to have to start limiting robotics and self serving shit or we won't survive unless we are a socialist/communist state

Fuck that article

Neat. I already hate ordering in person because the dumbass kids make me repeat myself several times and still fuck up the order. I've only used an automated cashier once on a road trip at some burrito place, and it was great.

These are in my local shopping centre too. So much easier, quicker and can speak (well in this case, display) proper English. Might not be the same as Canada's but our's are touch screen. They've thought of everything too, you can ask for the gerkin off of your burger and shit.

>10/10 better than any McWagecuck

i can confirm that they are awesome
> yfw robots take over and being a government funded NEET is the new norm

back to plebbit

The minimum wage should go up.
But I see nothing serious about the kiosks.
The mcdonalds in my town was updated with touch screens and kiosks and there are plenty of people who would rather have a human take their order and avoid the technology.

I strongly disagree with the idea of a $15 minimum wage but anyone who thinks that this has anything to do with the minimum wage or protests is being willfully ignorant. At best, you could make some half assed economic argument that the fight for a $15 minimum wage sped up kiosk adoption by a couple of months or so (even that is pretty unlikely.) At some point, every job which can be automated will be. Thinking that you can beat automation by keeping wages low when it costs pennies to operate an automated kiosk all day is silly. It's like claiming that USPS could have stopped the rise of e-mail by paying postal workers less. As the initial cost of building and installing these machines gets lower and lower, it will make progressively less sense to human employees (aside from the ones who are essential to making sure the machines operate properly.) Getting paid $5 an hour as opposed to $15 an hour isn't going to save a single persons job from automation.

>hitting on drive-thru girls

Aim slightly higher, I believe in you.

I know this may be hard for some people to swallow, but ALL OF THE PROGRESSIVISTS ARE A BRANCH OF CORPORATISM.

Stop listening to what they are saying and look what are the results of their meddling. That pipeline through indian reservation? Indians start to protest, in comes white progressive liberals, start virtue signalling, yelling racist at everyone, protests dissolve, corporation will get to build their pipeline without resistance.

Try it, look at any of their issues and look at what resulted from it.

And Americans think Trump is going to bring back jobs by cutting off buisness access to third world countries ?

Say hello to the age of computers Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

It's not teenagers complaining, it's low end trash that are in their 30s. These are the degenerates that smoke weed everyday and fuck eachother in the walk ins. Increasing minimum wage gers rid of jobs for teens an ups the amount of self serving/robotics

Good. This will force dindus to take up STEM and trades. Next, I wish expert systems will make pencil-pushing managers and lawyers irrelevant.

Back to the gilded age where you belong.

read thisYou truly are an useful idiot in every sense of the word.
And since you mentioned Uber - Uber now for years lobbies in Saudi Arabia against any law that would give more autonomy to saudi women, because no one profits more from women not being able to drive than Uber.

>Fuck the teens. They can work manual labor doing construction or picking cotton but they're spoiled and prefer the easier job flipping burgers

This is literally what boomers believe.

So where do l these people go employee in this industry? Do you throw them to the streets and create criminals? Do they go on welfare Medicaid and the govt aka tax payers pays them while corporations get write offs ?

Is anybody else terrified for the future? I'm all for people making more money and getting raises, but everytime they do that businesses automate. Couple that with H1b visas, low birth rates and the destruction of unions, North America is going to become a hellhole.

>In the next decade every fucking trucker in the country is going to be fired.

I wish this meme would die. It will happen but I'll be surprised if this happens before I die.

>Sup Forums has been against making shit jobs feasible and competitive this whole time.

You genuinely believe any opposition viewpoints are a conspiracy to benefit the target. I don't really have anything to say to you other than you need chemical balancing.

Kiosks are fucking awesome. Just wait until you get them.
Less imports to run tills also.

What I hate most about this, even more than the waste and massive corporations doing nothing for people, is the anti-social enabling.

This one people don't really have to worry about.
1. There will still be extreme conditions I have trouble believing a bot could handle
2. Jobs will be created to service these trucks at different strips albeit not being paid as much

I think self driving cars will get rid of taxi drivers. They're fucking scum anyway though.

Won't happen. Passenger air liners fly themselves and look how many accidents on autopilot they have had in just 2 years.

Get a shit-tier telemarketing job like I had through high school.

It'll be a nice wakeup call for most of the indoctrinated shitters when they find out that their inability to produce results and subsequent inability to come up with any viable excuse results in getting fired the fuck out the door.

1 trucker = $60k a year + health insurance + drivers insurance + max number of working hours + sick and paid leave

1 auto-auto = $150k - fully remote controlled, running 24/7 (+charging time) with minimal maintenance since it's an electric car

Human truck drivers will be phased out as fast as conceivably possible. The money saved on the first major buy of electric autos will be used to buy the second lot and so on until every human driver is let go. There is no fucking way Amazon or Walmart, or your grocery store will hire a truck driver when this becomes available.

And the first publicly available car capable of this will be on sale next year. How long before the first auto-bigrig?
Here's some hard at work factory workers at Amazon right now:

Canada friend.

The rest of the western world, Canada included, expects mass unemployment due to automation in 50 years.

We're already getting ready.

Basic minimum income. It's being supported by both the conservative and liberal parties. It's counter intuitive but the more you read and understand how and why it works, the more promising it is. Ontario is launching their trial next year.

Bonus. Its been tried before in Canada and other countries. It does work very well.

The economy is simply changing. And much work is already going into keeping us afloat.

Leaf Kiosk Pioneer here. Can confirm the kiosks are our future.

>go to A&W
>struggle to order chicken from some Somali mongoloid who can't speak English
>go to McDonalds

Can't wait until they have food production automation too.

It still amazes me that people line up at the counter to order. The only time I bother is when the system is down.

Then again I have had at least 2 people tell me they didn't realise you could do regular orders on them, and thought it was only for the Create-your-own.

I do wish that the employees would stop coming over and asking if I need help using the simple as fuck touch screen interface that I had been standing there using fine for the last 30 seconds.

At least we still have $1 frozen cokes.

>basic income

So where in the fuck does the free money come from? Printing more? Taxing the fuck out of those that still work?

I always go drivethru even if I want to go inside. It gets preference over people ordering inside and I don't have to stand in a line.


>I Will Back Down
more like
>I Will Not Pass Algebra

They've been around here for a few months now. You don't even need to get your platter or anything, you get a RFID card, sit at a table, and the platter comes to you, brought to you by nigger Joey.

I thought I would never know the golden era of slavery. Turns out I was wrong.

It looks like that whole "basic income" thing is going to have to happen sooner or later with the rate shit is getting automated. I'm not really well versed in economics, but how do economists argue against a basic unconditional government income when the population starts to heavily exceed the amount of available jobs?

Fuck that, just gas the poor

If you don't think there's going to be a planned mass extermination event once basic income becomes feasible then I got some bad news for you

This. Fuck them.

This guy gets it.

They will continue to eat this poisoned food and drink their flint water, not giving a fuck about anything. I lose faith in humanity on boards like this.

They are so pre-programmed to champion despotism and shit on dignity, its fucking soul crushing.

The samefag shill is strong

Everyone is well aware that these automated systems have nothing to do with the minimum wage and will be implemented regardless.

The drivethrus in our area have really declined. You pretty much always have to wait regardless. And they get shit wrong.

If they could make an app or something so you could order from your car before you get in line shit would be amazing.

It amazes me this is only happening now, these have been in every store in Australia for quite awhile due to high wages.

Beats the person every time. This is the future you made happen.

Eliminating welfare and will bureaus, getting homeless people off the streets preventing health care costs for being stabbed and hypothermia, or landing in jail and paying for that shit.

Also in trials it's shown people generally don't stop working. There's a claw back for higher incomes, but a lot of people re educate train and specialise and end up with higher incomes and pay more taxes.

Also a lot more people use the money to make leaps into starting businesses which you can also tax bringing in more revenue. And finally, a lot of well fare fags don't go off wellfare because they lose it as soon as they get a job.

Now they still get a check. They too tend return to work, and eventually earn more and pay more taxes.

Again this is based on trials. Not theoretical thinking.

The money doesn't just materialise from thin air, the budget can handle it, and it does actually save a lot. I said it was counter intuitive. Dont knock it until you've done all your research.

Basic income will irreversibly BTFO this species.

Absolutely fucking doomed if/when it happens.

>1 trucker = $60k a year + health insurance + drivers insurance + max number of working hours + sick and paid leave

You'd be wrong about this. 97% of truck drivers these days are entry level (below 1 year exp) due to the high turnover. You're looking at well under $40k per year for them.

You imported black people just to work at your drivethrus then?

Neither will you anymore feggit! Now you can go back to sucking dicks for nickels back on the street.

here you have to pay by card if you use touchscreen and i'm paranoid about getting my card cloned


Do you not have the option to use apple pay?

>frozen cokes
I have never heard of these. What are they?

You don't know the half of it. The shit our politicians bring in aren't even able to attempt working at McDonalds. They are that worthless.

We just have useless shitcunt teens and lebbos. Or some sort of asian/islander combo.

Some are genuinely decent, but they can't manage shit if there is a little pressure.

This. No more dealing with some smug assed shitty nigger with constant resting bitch face. MAGA.

If we keep letting companies be greedy jews with AI it will stunt economic growth. Ai can't spend money. If we get to the point where Ai can do everything it will have to give us even more reason to start limiting the population in order for a first world society to be attainable.

Supposedly most of the money is going to come from dismantling all the overhead from current systems.

People seem to be under the impression that even if we do get it, a basic income is going to let you live a comfortable life like the current ridiculous welfare package combined with low income housing.
Not even close. It's going to be poor college life all over again or worse. Either moving out into the middle of nowhere to rent a closet (or a Japanese sleeping pod in the city), eating complete trash, and not having money to do shit at all.

>i'm paranoid about getting my card cloned

Don't you monitor your card history? Can you not just flag it as fraud and get a new one overnight mailed to you? That's what happened to me.