Geert thread

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>Comparing Rotte, a dexent prime minister to the most fucking corrupt official in american history whhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy

>Dat face on Hillary
Sweet Jesus.

This triggers the left.

>Decent prime minister

Pick one, Rutte is one of the fucking worst prime ministers in recent years. Many right wing people voted for him in the hope that the cabinet would be right wing but he fucked all the voters over and started governing with the fucking pvda (le refugees welcome cuck party) Fuck Rutte.

I fucking love Geert. His final statement for his trial was amazing

Damn, he was fat there

>a dexent prime minister

Geert will rule the world



what was his final statement?

>no link

God damn it user.

A 24 hour long political speech

Rutte is a EU bootlicker. Absolutely useless. He can be a good guy but he doesn't act like it.

>Decent PM

Why was he on trial and is he, well, guilty?

Belgium muslim terrorist attack:
UK muslim terrorist attack:
Germany muslim terrorist attack:
France muslim terrorist attack:
Netherlands muslim terrorist attack: ???

make hillarys butt bigger pls

In a speech he asked the public if we want more or fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands (which make up a huge part of the crime rates), to which his audience chanted "Minder minder!" (Fewer, fewer!)
He was on trial because that is apparently racist...

what did he do? kill someone? evade his taxes?

"hate speech"

Yet public servants saying "He should be killed" is A-OK.

We don't call them terrorist attacks. They just get buried in with the rest of the crime. It all looks the same, they just don't mention motive, name, nationality etc.
Marechaussee are pretty good at stopping things too.

Holy fuck Holland

best of luck to yooy fagoots.

Said what 40%+ of Dutch people have been asking for.
Truly a criminal of the highest order.

1 posted by this ID

I thought toothpaste was one of the last uncucked places. or maybe Im thinking of an other cold country.

WTF? Hillary's ass is NOT that fat, fucking stupid propagandists.

Why are you guys called the Netherlands anyway?

Always makes me think of "The Nether World" or some hellish shit like that. What was wrong with Holland?

Yeah, nice parallel to the shit going on in the USA with butthurt leftists about Trump. Leftcucks can do anything and go home scot free.

It's mostly diaper, temper your autism.

We're below sealevel for the major part. :D

It's just the death throes of a dying elite.

Either way it's helping him in the polls kek

>a dexent prime minister

he is a rotte though.

I know a certain Aardvark who would disagree with you, son.

>Islam is a religion of peace
>Buuuuut you probably shouldn't insult it, you might get yourself and others killed.
>Remember, peaceful.

yes it is.

Geert is a fucking goat, Niederland deserves better than getting cucked by small Moroccan cock.

You guys have comfy windmills and are tall and have bretty frauline, pls keep it that way.

thought it was some advanced word in the english language but it turns out you are just retarded

Premium Idea: dig out Randstad and push it into North Sea.

that was fucking glorious

Too much work. Surround it with higher, unclimbable dykes and flood it.
Refer to the area as Atlantis, lost forever. Surround with a renewed navy to ensure it stays lost forever.

Randstad is pretty awesome place tho. I could move there and find a job easy, rest of the Netherlands I'd be fucked.

We'll try burger bro, we'll try

Geert is a Zionist Faglover

most nationalists are pro-zionist, since zionism is nationalism for israel. that should only bother you if you're a shit skin living next to israel