Congratulations (((Jill))), Your Movement is Spreading!^tfw

He only had to pay up $14,000 to get 93 precincts recounted. If that count comes back with >1% discrepancy, the whole state gets recounted.

I wonder why Jill didn't do this first? If she paid even 1% of the $7M she's raised so far to recount some precincts in NV it would have been a very effective use of some of the donations to fight voter fraud. Maybe she'll pitch in with this guy and count a few more precincts, because she's all for transparency, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

would this even change the outcome? he would still win right?

>loud pounding on the door outside mi casa

Nevada went to Hillary.. they also have a shit ton of illegals.

I know the maps said nevada went blue.
But, I seriously think Clark County Nevada was more Trump then Hillary.

But, if it is as I fear, it's the whole US will be blue.

>He received just 2,552 votes, or 0.23 percent. Democratic contender Hillary Clinton won Nevada with 47.9 percent of the vote, beating Republican President-elect Donald Trump by a little more than 2 percent.

Gee, I wonder why (((Stein))) didn't ask for a recount.

Clinton won NV, unless of course she actually didn't. Then he would win by an even wider margin.

Theres a higher proportion of illegals here than any other state. I live in vegas and 60% of the voters i saw were wearing red shirts


How can recount help against illegal aliens voting?
Ballots are anonymous, right? So there's no way to check whether ballot came from legit citizen, you can only check that number of ballots match up.

Lord-Dicksuck's balls bounced up and down as black, arab, and mexican cocks invaginated his butthole. Big thick, girthed dicks GAPE his butthole.

Ecstasy and awe shown from his face. Godly ethnic cocks paved roads of golds up his ass. Moans, groans, and laughs filled the area. Clap clap, clush and Inmendhoe was creampied by ethnic cocks. Butthole agape 2 inches.

Homosexual germanic jewish slut spider, the story.

>tfw my state is overrun by illegals and califaggot transplants and even Nevada is more conservative than us now
P...pls colorado...

don't go out like this...

it would also put other states into question

We are just recounting the states where Hillary lost right? What day is the electorial college?

Hillary won Nevada. This means nothing, unless Trump takes it.

dude weed lmao.

Dec 19th I believe

how long is this going to take?

Is this just a token recount so it doesn't look like the recount effort is one sided or what?

>trumps wins
>decide to recount whole USA
>find proof of Hillary's rigging
>finally Hillary goes in jail
4d chess

Nope. This recount was paid for by the Independent party leader. He wanted to recount the state where he got the most votes.

The Nevada recount was requested by Rocky De La Fuente

Ballots are not anonymous, you need to register to vote so they can check your ballot with your registration. If there are too many Miguel Sanchezs they know something is fishy. Well it's like that in the northern states that don't have a sanctuary city nearby, I have no idea how the southern democrat states do it.

Well, ballots themselves may be anonymous, but the system isn't. You must register to vote under your name. The only way to check for illegal votes is to look at how many people were registered to vote in a county, then compare that number to the actual number of votes on election day. If the number of votes is higher than the number of registeted voters in that county, then something is fishy. Unfortunately, it would be impossible to find out who voted illegally.

still, not an audit. that's why none of these recounts will end up with any significant findings. illegal voters are almost all of the fraud, but no way to prove it with a recount.

Not only that but also
>the democrats paid for it

Truly a 31d mahjong master

But I heard you can register with utility bill and similar shit in states like CA which doesn't establish whether your stay on american soil is legal and whether you have citizenship.

Even democrats are tired of this. This election cycle has been the longest in history, and Jill steinberg just keeps dragging things out. People are trying to get into the Christmas spirit. America needs a break from this god forsaken kikery

>mfw she got herself caught

You may be right. Im not a criminal fuck so I have no idea what you need to game the system. I always just assumed crooked dems would help illegals register under fake names without proof of citizenship. It doesn't matter, like the user above me said, a recount won't do shit to expose illegal voters.

how long will it take before she runs off with the 7 million dollars?

>Nevada flips due to (((errors)))
>Trump is proved right in the mind of the average man that the system was rigged against him
this is the best possible scenario.

Who you voted is anonymous, bUT it's recorded if you voted.

what's the next step in her master plan?

Nevada user reporting in.

Trump should have won this state in all honestly.

Crashing the whole election


>Trump wins the popular vote

Leftist remain silent and submit to lord emperor Trump.

in all honesty

Doesn't even matter, hillary losing more states will not affect the result.


im on campus and I don't know anyone who has openly said they voted for trump
I realize that could just be campus but with the city demographics i don't think it actually went red

Nevada is the "Chicago" of states. Notorious for fraud.

California gives driver licenses to illegals. They also automatically register all driver to vote.

Im a teacher in cali. I help two illegals vote. They did not vote for Hillary. That is absolutely confirmed. Nothing i could do because muh union, slander, unemployment, death threats, anal rape by john podesta, etc.

Bullshit. Either provide proof of this or stop with the faggot larping.


The only reason Jill is doing this is to make money.

She will keep half the money donated by butthurt hillary voters for herself.

It is almost like the whole recount shit is some type of (((trick))).... now only if we can find out who is behind the recount.... hhhhhhhhmmmmmmm

>professional victims remain silent
The only way to shut them up is Pol Pot style.


>Updated recount post: NV law says Clinton's and Rocky's votes matter, not Trump's.


Here's what he means.

>UPDATED, 7:15 PM: The Sun's Megan Messerly reported on the recount. And here is the applicable law that shows the only votes relevant to the recount are Clinton's and Rocky's: "If the separate examinations, when combined, show a total discrepancy equal to or greater than 1 percent for the candidate demanding the recount or the candidate who won the election, according to the original canvass of the returns...."

Does this mean there's a chance of it being revealed that illegals has voted in large numbers? Do they check that shit when they recount?

those licences are supposed to clearly state "not valid for identification purposes"

any califags here to verify that ?