Why havent you guys shallowed the ultimate redpill?

Why havent you guys shallowed the ultimate redpill?

There really arent any major differences between races.

It just matters if you grew up well off. The poorer you are the more retarded you are. Its extremely rare seeing middle-upper class people do retarded things like the poor do.

Other urls found in this thread:

areavibes.com/view park-windsor hills-ca/crime/

>t. Leftypol

Niggers are inferior and Hitler did nothing wrong

Commit suicide

Race doesn't matter. However, the overwhelming majority of the time people of the same race have similar personalities. That's what we hate.

There really are major differences between races you stupid faggot.

there really arent at all you retard, if you grew up poor you are going to remain poor and might do retarded shit like crime to get rich. If you grew up rich theres literally no reason to do stupid shit like that.


>american cuckposting

Each race has pros and cons, they are completely different as each race has adapted to their environment to maximize their chances of survival. You are literally denying evolution, and most christfags believe in evolution. So you are basically a retard.

Nothing I have said is incorrect so you can't debate me and probably won't reply to my post.

go back to infinitychan you faggot

You are arguing that rich people don't break the law?

Are you fucking dumb?

>there really arent at all you retard, if you grew up poor you are going to remain poor
so you're saying evolution doesn't exist, good to know.

People of the same race tend to hang out with each other, and the majority of blacks are poor. Simple as that.
>denying evolution
Well white people still chimp out and ruin nations so how can i deny that?

Wtf I love niggers now.

I grew up poor and now I own stocks worth up to 10 million on a good day

yeah dude a rich neighborhood has as much crime as compton
nice autistic brain europoor

You aren't addressing my question or the inconsistencies in your logic. You aren't very articulated and are actually harming your movement by generalizing everyone and making stupid statements.

>rich neighborhoods have no crime

You mean white neighborhoods right?

You must be 12, come back in 10 years, you'll sing another song

ive grown up extremely poor and still am, ill admit it makes drugs and alcohol very tempting given that you cant really afford to just buy a bunch of books or videogames or go out and do something you want for entertainment whenever you want, but i don't rob people or act like an animal

You also larp on Sup Forums
rich black neighbors pretty much dont exist

Wrong, there are still major differences between racial groups even when you account for socioeconomic upbringing.

There's so many whites that got out of the poor house through hard work and determination. Not fucking acting like a stupid monkey, stealing shit, and getting 25 to life in prison.

You're a fucking retard OP and I hope you burn in a fire.

Why is it that they don't exist, explain it to me.

What are you even hoping to accomplish

Explain this faggot.

White people dont get attacked by their own race on the same rate that blacks do
(citation needed)

you think thats a red pill because you arent that smart. start doing more research, there are clearly differences between the races, and weve known these things since the 80s. the only reason you dont, is again, the jew, and PCness

but there are. Why are isolated white tribes infinitely more like to invent shit than blacks?

blacks are subhuman, have subhuman IQ levels, have subhuman features- broad flat pig noses, pronounced lips, less front cortex brain tissue, etc

get over it.

Why is that?

>People of the same race tend to hang out with each other, and the majority of blacks are poor.
Citation? Just kidding, I know you don't have any.

People are more likely to associate with other people in the same socioeconomic class, regardless of race.

You just proved yourself wrong. Good going retard.

Their culture promotes crime and getting money fast. Instead of wage slaving at walmart all of their lives they decide to shoot each other and deal drugs.

Seach: white killed by black, and prepare yourself. There really is a difference.

Then why did the majority of african Tribes never get beyond the Stone Age despite living on one of the naturally wealthiest continents?

Frig off Ricky.

So their culture is inferior is what you are saying? Why don't they just stop shooting each other? Why is it that most blacks act the same regardless of the country they are in?

This is actually completely correct. Class ultimately determines niggerness.

>People are more likely to associate with other people in the same socioeconomic class, regardless of race.

But I haven't seen anyone hang out with black people here

if you use your brain you can figure out.

poor= do degenerate things

most blacks are poor.

You're wrong.

Niggers are still more violent and dangerous then poor whites statistically.

I know OP is right, because of all those great civilizations created by nonwhites

>But I haven't seen anyone hang out with black people here
There aren't any middle class blacks where I live. Obviously I can't speak for the rest of the board. I'm not sure what your point is.

so, from a social point of view, "black culture" is inferior to white culture?

honestly never understood this famabamalam

Why are humans a singularity?

"sand niggers" created a much more advanced civilization and have contributed much more important inventions then the superior white man or the chinese.


No self sacrificing ancestors that setup a dynasty of contacts for nepotism and money/property.

In my family everyone only ever had two kids so property and inheritance was split only in half and passed on.

I'm NEET but design houses/apartments for dad, I'm specifically good at making the smallest spaces functional. I maintain a lot of the properties with yard work and handy man repairs. I don't even get paid so you could say I'm getting jewed but he's building a house for me.

This is a circular argument. You are trying to say that culture or systematic racism is why they are poor, because you are a retard and I'm sure that's where you are going. But african blacks don't have the same culture as american blacks, and Canadian blacks obviously have a different culture to blacks in haiti. Yet they all seem to be poor and lean towards crime. This would suggest it isn't cultural and indeed biological.

Explain Africa then smartass.

This is completely and utterly false. You can't btfo us with statements so ass backwards as this. Try harder kike.

im sorry do you actually believe that

because jews typically tell much more plausible lies than that

so it follows that you're just an idiot

I'm very poor

>(citation needed)
Here you go

areavibes.com/view park-windsor hills-ca/crime/


>give blacks entire countries- shining examples such as south africa, rhodesia
>come back 40 years later
>they are living in mud huts and eating rodents

WOOPS! guess i rekt that poor = do degenerate things argument of yours

Culture is a product of race. You continue to prove yourself wrong.

Africa was fine until invaders started exploiting their resources and fucking everything up.

Fine in regards to what? You just said they are all poor because of their culture, not ours.

Algebra Coffee, Smartphone, these 3 off of the top of my head are some of the most important inventions all by middle easterners. You literally cant argue any of this

>Africa was fine
If you call killing each other with spears, never inventing anything and dying by 40 fine.

>Middle Eastern Tribes had a good run 3000yrs ago
>Complete shitholes now
Meanwhile ...
>European and asian Tribes had a good run 3000yrs ago
>Still doing fine
Explain this to me without using the Words "crusade" and "imperialism"

So you're against foreigners invading and fucking things up then? Cool, because honestly I would rather just leave africa to its own nigger devices, so long as we can kick all the ones moving here out.

all culture is shit if youre dirt poor.

>never invent written language, the wheel, cant understand that shitting into the river where your wife is gathering water 3 feet away from you causes sickness
>rape and raid one another



>Africa was fine until invaders started exploiting their resources
Wrong again.

how does one invent coffee

ignoring all the genetic differences, just knowing that you come from a certain place makes the way you behave with people differently

Steve jobs was half lebanese, and he grew up in america. He wasn't a middle easterner. Algebra wasn't actually invented by middle easterners, it was isaac newton who gave birth to modern algebra.

>North african arabs enslaving Black african Stone Age Tribes
>Muh, invaders
El Oh El

Take the redpill, bros.


Middle east was fantastic until white nations started sperging out over the oil.

Now its just a war zone and warzone=poor people
>rape and raid one another
like every poor place?
>never invent written language
not true
>the wheel
not true

It's true.

Should have just left them alone. We would have a continent just for people who want to live the tribal/hunting life, which suits most black people.



nice argument faggot

nice spergout i can here you slamming your keyboard right now chang

>le income is the reason niggers are stupid meme

It's not cause you a poor its cause you are NIGGERS, look at SAT scores by race. Niggers with rich parents are stupider than whites with trailer trash parents, regression to the mean.

What you're forgetting is that culture is tied to races throughout the world because of liberal's insistence that every culture is important, and tradition/sense of belonging, etc. So unless a person is an extreme outlier and completely rejects the culture they were born into then there are going to be quite a few extreme differences between races.

And there are genetic differences, even ones that cause behavioral differences. But yeah they can be overcome by an acceptance of a foreign culture. Are you going to go around telling niggers that they're degenerate and need to behave more like white people though? I doubt it. And you wouldn't make much progress trying.

you cant back up your argument with facts and you scream not true to everything being thrown at you

so thats a summation of how you are reacting


Why stop (((lies))) there? Throw in quantum physics, medicine, and all of the arts...but, then what happened? Look at them now.

already explained this earlier the world isnt black and white numbnut. Use your brain.
shut up cuck

Really activates my almonds

You need to go back.

>Middle east was fantastic until white nations started sperging out over the oil.
so you think "White nations" forced middle Eastern nations like Saudi Arabia to sell them their oil, making them the richest nations on earth without offering anything else but more oil and wahabism? Are you 15 and just discovered Bush jr.?

>Middle east was fantastic until white nations started sperging out over the oil.
Wrong again.

After the US helped overthrow Sadam, we put out the Kuwaiti oil fires and turned the oil fields back over to the Iraqis. If we only invaded for oil we could have just kept them with a some flimsy excuse of "we'll return them once the middle east is stabilized, which will be never."

Explain to me how rich blacks score worse than power whites on SAT tests???

Imagine being so brainwashed to not realize that nearly every terrorist group has been funded and trained by a white government and the reason we have been fighting in the middle east ever since all this oil was discovered.

earth is flat is the final pill


>already explained this earlier
You tried and I refuted you. You ran away from my post.


I don't care.

>(((white))) government

>race doesn't matter

Kermit the Frog is Satan's embodiment.

I wonder why that is?


So then why do rich black Africans pretty much not exist? Surely you wouldn't imply all races share a fundamental base culture?



If we're all the same why are black skulls so fucking different?

Do you have any citation to back that up?

No. No you don't.