Lets see how good american education really is
Lets see how good american education really is
>hotdog divide from the amount of beer mug on 2 doses of oxygen
>6(4.832 *cheese burger) subtract from bottle to account for elusive values
>multiply x4.6 on beer the beer mug, upon adding to hotdog (whit know is from previous equation)
bottel = 10
burger= 5
do the intergal
the answer is approximately 9
bt = 10
S(0->inf)(10*sin(x)/2x)dx = 5 * S(sinx/x)dx = 5* π/2
the answer is 5 * π/2
I did the intergal from 0 to 999 and its 7.8489785
no solution the hotdog will oscillate forever due to the infinite limit
so then find the derivative you lazy fuck
but it has a limit my fellow burger
oops didn't see its for ameritards only
nigga it doesn't converge there is no solution
its the derivative burger
can you please explain to me the concept of Si(x) mu fellow Sup Forums
There is
does the d mean it's in degrees?
d means delta
The symbol after d is the integral variable
*le wolframalpha => Integral(5*sin(x)/x) from 0 to +infinity
wew 7.854 so hard
Something something 5 times the Taylor series expansion of sin X, integrate the expansion and divide by X
the d after an intergal or derivative operation is in regards to take the intergal or derivative to, IE:
4x dx = 4
4x dy = 0
Just a quick google search friend
You can't do that, fatty.
If you integrate the Taylor of sin(x), you are losing the x variable, now if you divide that by x you are left with C/x where C is a constant.
Si(x) is a special case integral, you cannot solve it with normal integration ( with substitutions ). However you can do some magic with Taylor series and some other stuff and find that it is pi/2, I remember the result when we derived it.
Si(x) is called that because it occurs often.
Taylor expansion is a polynomial form of X and remains so after integration. You should divide it by X first then integrate, convert to a known series and apply the constant and infinity
This is correct.
>-t Physicist
It's 5*Pi/2
>there are literally people on Sup Forums that wouldn't pass Analysis I
ITT: Sup Forums does some fag's calc 1 homework
>people completely missing the fact that the burgers, beer bottles, and beer mugs are different sizes
nice going retards
Oh cool I was rightish
Computer science masterrace does it again
D stands for digit. Like numbers
this is some calc 3 shit my nigga
people think theyre smart and good at math when they citate their highschool mathbooks
thats literally straight from the first integral example. a fucking child can do that
That solution is pig disgusting desu.
>mfw u actually expect me to remember how to do this shit
Yeah, I googled too.
The sin is divided by hotdog, so as hotdog approaches infinity, the oscilation tends towards 0.