Which one is worse: leftists or libertarians?
ME! ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! mentality
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That picture looks pretty appealing to me.
>ME! ME!
>I'm more progressive than YOU!
Well, how else are they protect their marijuana plants?
>hahahahaha Ron Paul rulez! xD
The party of Ron Paul died in 2012.
the difference between leftists and libertarian is that leftists are not pro-gun. The cultural agenda is exactly the same to me.
was it any better before 2012?
reminder that ultranationalist libertarianism is the best political system
libertarianism is the father of marxism and marxism is libertarianism + Unions + central balk.
are you a mong? libertarianism is the exact opposite of marxism
That's supposed to say "assault rifles" you liberal fucking cuck.
not libertines, thats what Clinton and her cronies are
a taste of the horrors they indulge
There's nothing wrong with this statement. I don't entirely agree about gay marriage but under current legislation it makes sense.
>There's nothing wrong with this statement.
The government shouldn't be in charge of marriage. It should be up to the churches
If sodomite fags when to marry fine, but it should be done at their own church
>libertarianism is the exact opposite of marxism
The only big difference of libertarianism and marxism is a very simple one: central balk.
Everything else is identical: degeneracy, gay rights, drug rights, lgbtqdfg rights, pedo rights, etc.
libertarianism, as presented by gary aleppo johnson and his bunch f mongs and cucks, is a leftist, utopian betrayal of everything that libertarianism historically has stood for. they have perverted a noble doctrine against bloated government and servitude into a dude weed LMAO folly.
>libertarianism historically
You do realize libertarianism is French Revolution and was invented by french man who enjoyed anal sex?
Marquis de Sade
>He was a proponent of extreme freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion, or law.
read pic related. there is no way natural order can be restored by current forms of government
>there is no way natural order can be restored by current forms of government
National Liberalism is as much schizophrenic as National Bolshevism
Bolshevism = internationalism. It can't never, and will never, be patriotic.
The same applies to liberarism/libertarianism which will never be patriotic and nationalistic.
The founding fathers of the USA were the opposite of libertarians.
that is libertinism/sadism
that is not even a political ideology. just a notion that you have no moral/lawful duties towards anyine. I can guarantee you that such people would not survive for long in a rightwing libertarian society
>just a notion that you have no moral/lawful duties towards society
Every libertarian don't have moral duties towards society. Their moral duties is towards themselves and their own pleasures.
Checkmate atheist.
read Hoppe. Read how allowing immigrants could only happen when you have a public sector. when that sector is gone, you will have liberals who want to allow immigrants, but they will have to only allow them on their own private property. no one has any duty towards them but the person who allows them.
but regardless, I am not an ancap.
my ideal would be ultranationalist libertarianism
have on one hand habeas corpus, due prcoess, bill of rights, as little taxation as possible, no court monopoly, no war on drugs, absolute self defense and bear arms rights, no hate speech laws, freedom of association...
combined with a ban on foreign immigration, a ban on foreigners owning arms, a ban on marriage with foreigners, only suffrage to those over age 25 who have served a year of military service and own land, allegiance to the flag, fixed national holidays, treason as a public crime,...
>Read how allowing immigrants could only happen when you have a public sector
What prevents an private organization from bringing refugees?
As long as the refugees are paid by them they are not violating any laws.
Since there is no public force you can't deny the organization rights of bringing refugees
Checkmate libertarian.
no income tax, no national bank, no official national currency, no government surveillance, no welfare in whatever form,...
and I want to combine this with a strong nationalism.
would be the best of two worlds no?
Libertarians are worse. Leftists, however retarded they may be, have principles which they stick to.
Libertarians have no loyalty to anything or anyone but themselves.
yea I know, I was just LARPing a bit with ancapism, but read the rest of my posts. would that not be a good society?
or what would you prefer? maximal liberty and maximal ethnonationalism is the best combination, and one that should go hand in hand
>would that not be a good society?
>what would you prefer
A good society is like the Francoist Spain.
>maximal liberty
This is the definition of liberal marxism.
>unironically wanting to live in an authoritarian hell
But why though? Europe is collapsing because we went too far with the "MUH PROGRESSIVES N SHIT" and tolerated savage and primitive cultures, allowing them to kill us. If a libertarian society is truly nationalistic and understands that cultural egalitarianism is trash, we won't have that problem.
They don't but they indirectly help society regardless.
>businessman wants to make shekels
>starts business
>employs people
>gives them wages and food
>lets them live prosperously, thus helping society
lol. good luck for you if you happen to be a protestant or a basque. such societies never can maintain their power for long. look what happened afterwards. spain is just a liberal shithole like all others.
have fun paying an income tax of 50%, getting caned for not going to church every Sunday, not having guns, have to deal with spying secret police, and maybe have your assets seized by the government for the "public good".
Only of the ruling party is consisted of bolsheviks and degenerates.
Authoritarianism is part of nature and it's healthy. It's the only way a society can function without going Swedish mode.
>>businessman wants to make shekels
>>starts business
>>employs people
>>gives them wages and food
>>lets them live prosperously, thus helping society
Soros employs people, give them wages and food...
on one hand no war on drugs, no executive agencies, no income tax, no welfare, absolute free speech, freedom of association, absoute self defense and bear arms rights, bill of rights, no surveillance, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, no court monopoly, due process, no eminent domain, no national bank, ....
combined with things like no foerign immigration, no adoption of foreigners, no marriage of foreigners, only suffrage for those over age 25 who have served in the army, fixed national cultural holidays, death penalty for high treason,.....
>appeal to nature this hard
>thinking authoritarian societies wouldn't decay really fast
>implying the higher ups and elites in government aren't hardcore degenerates that pretend to be pure
>implying the dictatorship government wouldn't parasite off the common man
So he does, but you really think that he can do half the shit he does without government support? Our government has become so large, corrupt and bureaucratic that bastards like Soros have power. Businessmen cannot rule without a "gun" or "strong arm", this "strong arm" is the government. If government was small and weak, he won't have nearly as much power as he doesn't have a movement to back or politicians to pay that will actually give him power.
>>thinking authoritarian societies wouldn't decay really fast
Rome lasted hundreds of year. United States couldn't even 150.
>dictatorship government
Who said dictatorship? I'm talking about strong Monarchy with strict Law & Order.
>this "strong arm" is the government
And guess who is the people in the government? libertarians, leftists, egalitarians.
t. commie rape baby who hates individuals
Constitutional monarchy or complete absolute monarchy? Because the 1st is reasonable but the 2nd is just dictatorship with a crown.
If government barely existed and had little power would it make a difference?
the american revolution happened before the french revolution, you retarded, uneducated, uncultural swine
and francoist spain lasted not even 50 years.
your point being?
your kind of state will aways descend into immorality, despotism, civil war etc
and the roman elite was as degenerate as any podesta today.
So all that stupid social shit that's not even a fucking issue.
Libertarians are anarchist.
He's a Finnish autist, his country has been under socialist rule for decades. He's literally a bootlicking cuck who cannot stop worshipping authority, he needs someone to tell him how to live his life.
>Constitutional monarchy or complete absolute monarchy?
Constitutional Monarchy without separation of Church and State.
Separation of Church state is a french revolution idea that destroyed western countries.
leftists by far
I agree with this.
We have to move on from these issues, regulate them properly, and let them be.
Move onto other things.
dont need guns
just buy a couple of supersoakers and fill them with AIDS-laden jizz
Roman republic lasted for 500 years you cuck
>Wanting theocracy
>Wanting catholics to genocide the protestants when they get power
>Wanting protestants to genocide catholics when they get into power
>Waaaah if you don't pay lip service to my imaginary friend you don't get to take part in government!
You could always move to Turkey.
The idea that you don't have liberal cucks dictating how Swedish will live is delusional.
You indeed have freaks and liberals dictating when swedens go to school, when then have free speech, when they may protest, what they may eat.
Am I lying?. No.
The comment I wrote to the delusional sweden applies to both of you as well.
You are delusional to think you have freedom in the USA and not a literal marxist african destroying your society.
And Obama already destroyed. Trump can't fix the USA.
Says the swede :^)
>You don't really have freedom
>Ergo the solution to this is to stop pretending we're free and embrace authoritarian fascism.
It's a biblical idea you fucking retard
That's not an argument nor is it a fact.
Btw marriage institute is outdated and useless, we have to get rid of it.
t. libertarian
>The idea that you don't have liberal cucks dictating how Swedish will live is delusional.
>You indeed have freaks and liberals dictating when swedens go to school, when then have free speech, when they may protest, what they may eat.
>Am I lying?. No.
I have never made any claim saying the opposite. Apart from being retarded you are an illiterate as well
How's that 400 euros a month in gibs working for you? Spending it all on alcohol and anime?
> individuals>all
This meme needs to stop, it is the reason we are in this fucked up world
There is only a small minority that is really going to benefit from having this much freedom, all the rest is going to eat itsellf in hedonistic ways and is going to cause problems, be improductive and it will be worse and worse
If there isn't proper morals, values and education freedom is a double edged sword
Leftist, by a huge margin. Leftists actively seek to corrupt, control, and destroy, Libertarians mostly want to be left alone, and can only do that by tearing down the government because of aggressive leftists.
Marriage as it exists today is just a government contract to promote cohabitation and child rearing. Nobody really believes it's sacred - if they did, they wouldn't be divorcing so much.
Why give it significance in government legislation if nobody's going to enforce what should be an eternally binding agreement?
You want freedom, freedom and freedom? You can have it but accept the consequences as well
Real freedom only exists as far as you can hit a moving target.
I'll take it.
I'll take freedom over a government-provided safe space any day.
I'm not seeing the problem.
>not seeing the problem
Saint Petersburg probably isn't very far away from you, you know. If you want Papa Putin to build you a nice comfy padded cell to keep all the degenerates out, you need only ask him.
imposing your will on others by agressive force is not moral, it's immoral
our european countries have been collectivised for a hundred years, look where that brought us
weak, stupid, dependent, cuckolded countries and peoples
>freedom and liberty is the absolute right
>fuck your morals, fuck your rules
No difference between you and leftists except gun ownership
Americans are left-libertarians that pretend they have patriotism.
top kek
The problem in europe is the lack of force by the state against degeneracy, the lack of moral imposing, the lack of people believing in moral duty.
haha thats fuckn hysterical
>my entire political ideology is based around obsessing with dicks in butts and/or lack thereof
What the duck is wrong with you?
>The problem in europe is the lack of force by the state against degeneracy, the lack of moral imposing, the lack of people believing in moral duty.
no you dumb fuck all of that is happening, just not according to your moral standards, they're working for the left
That's my opinion as well that's why I said except for the gay marriage part.
Ideally government would get out of marriage but as long as it is in I agree with it.
>mfw right wing authoritarians think they're any better than communists.
You probably genuinely think fascism makes sense as a political ideology. You're basically a neo-con LMFAO.
>my entire political ideology is based around obsessing with dicks in butts and/or lack thereof
I was describing libertarianism and liberalism.
the problem is that people are being socially engineered through government education and controlled media to be degenerate retards, this is not naturally evolved
what said
He's an authoritarian, they're all like this whether they're left wing or right wing. They autistically obsess about what everyone else in the world is doing and feel the need to control all of it.
Not only makes sense but it's the only political ideology which can prevents a society from destroying itself.
That's why Mussolini and Hitler were destroyed by "liberal values" of western democracies.
>the problem is that people are being socially engineered through government education and controlled media to be degenerate retards, this is not naturally evolved
Exactly. Only a strong force can oppose that. Liberal values will only speed the degradation and engineering process
youre thinking more idealistically though, history shows a powerful state will always be corrupted/turn its back on what it used to protect
>Exactly. Only a strong force can oppose that. Liberal values will only speed the degradation and engineering process
Education is enough to oppose that. Christianity is certainly enough to oppose that.
If we never had government education (indoctrination) our problems wouldn't exist in the first place
Government is an intrinsically tyrannical and corrupt institution whose powers must be kept in check as much as possible, lest it mutate into the hypocritical beast you live under today.
Government is the enabler, not the cure.
No ya dingus. libertarians are conservatives. They are considered "right wing" in the US.
left is always authoritarian bruv, you cant rely on a state thats not powerful
Government is an intrinsically tyrannical and corrupt when the government is not made by Christians and for Christians
Separation of church and state is the abomination that created the tyrannical modern state which violates everyone privacy and tax your for that.
Wow this whole post is riddled with lies and disinformation about libertarianism. First idiots libertarianism is conservatism. It is exactly what our founding fathers believed in. Anything else is a move away from that in which made the United States a free country. Libertarianism is not in the best interest of liberals or Neo-cons. Who pretty much want to hand our county over to the globalist scum.
Dipshit, go read up on why we have separation of church and state. Start with the Thirty Years' War so you can have a clue.
The Founding Fathers would have a heart attack if they knew people would use their names to spread gay marriage and marijuana legalization
>Thirty Years' War
This war was started by people who wanted separation of Church and state. They were tyrannical revolutionaries. They were the bolsheviks of the 17th century.