John Jones Died Because of "Obsessive Overthinking"

>An inquest at St Pancras Coroner’s Court heard that the lawyer – who worked on high profile war crimes cases at The Hague – suffered from “obsessive overthinking” which had become prevalent following a stressful period in his life.

>The day before he died was a Sunday and Mr Jones had been allowed to visit his family.

>At approximately 7am, the court heard that Mr Jones leapt to his death.

>CCTV footage of the death was not played to the court because coroner Mary Hassell said she thought it would be “too distressing” but that she had watched it, and was satisfied that “nobody else was involved”.

This shit is just too fucking real.

Other urls found in this thread:


ikr, literally who? Also "John Jones" is a pretty retarded name to have.


This, I'm only getting the sailor and the bass player, which John Jones is this?

This from the Onion or daily Mail?

I think it's an Wikileaks lawyer that got suicided

>google it
>only source is

I do hope you have something better.

Lawyer for Assange, apparently he didn't commit suicide.

Is this the guy?

holy shit the Jonny "Bones" Jones died? I guess Daniel Cormier will never get his fat ass handed to him

Holy fuck you guys arent paying attention to this stuff? Come on now

Assange's lawyer

They couldn't be this sloppy could they? If yes, get trump on this. They can't ignore him.

Check the links down below that one, Wikileaks' official account tweets about it.

Shit sorry, link.

Sup Forums is becoming new Sup Forums. Loads of refugees here for dank meme magic and kek memes.

They don't read or know shit.

They just took it on the word of the coroner that the CCTV footage showed he killed himself.

Any info on a coroner named Mary Hassell in West Hampsted?

That's saying he was murdered.

They aren't even hiding it anymore.

I'm afraid this couldn't be more true

I think it's reddit fags

>j'onn j'onzz
That's Martian Manhunter.
He could survive the fall from a building, easy.

>if he's dead there is definitely something suspicious going on.

He 'jumped in front of a train,' because he was apparently depressed, there was apparently cctv footage but the coroner didn't want to trigger anybody in a court of law, so they were all just find with taking her word that he did it himself.

Holy jesus fuck man

If you demand to see the video you are just going to end up being the next train jumper.

How do we get our hands on that tape?



Yes... let the thread die..

keep posting about kek and gets.. good got..

Bump, this thread is important

God damn

wait, this says he jumped in front of a train? Not "leapt to his death?"

Also, "too distressing," my ass. More like someone pushed him in front of the train and they were sloppy with the CCTV getting footage of it. I mean, there's a chance it was actually suicide, but come on now. "Too distressing," really? Fucking hell

just post Assange Lawyer in the topi, you fucking retard, this thread is going to die because of you you fucking piece of shit dumbfuck

lmao, at least he didn't strangle himself to death

Just finished looking through the article, and it sounds like it could also possibly be purposeful malpractice on the part of the doctor:

"The inquest heard that Mr Jones decided to stop taking Chlonazepam, a benzodopiate, a couple of weeks before he died as the combination of medication he was taking was making him drowsy and unable to concentrate."

Maybe withdrawl from going cold turkey played a part?

But yeah, honestly, is right, you really screwed the pooch on this one. "John Jones" is a forgettable name, and even people who have been following all the shit with Assange might only remember him as "Assange's lawyer" at this point. This thread is dead

Benzo withdrawal is serious. You can die from it, and suicide is even listed as one of the possible side effects on Wikipedia. It definitely played a part.

He was suicided, two pills in the back of the throat.

>suffered from “obsessive overthinking”
>Mr Jones was recorded screaming "hmm this really made me think" before jumping to his death