Why is the Far-left so hated in this board?
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because they arent right.
This board? You mean everywhere in society except for their little echochambers.
Fpbp, based jap bant sniper.
you retards keep trying to spam and raid this board and it's hilarious how you think it has any effect on anyone who wasn't already a commie faggot
Because they try to destroy the ingroup for whatever reason. Since I'm part of that ingroup, I don't particularly enjoy those shenanigans.
Also might wanna check trends in the recent elections, it is not just this board which is fed up with them.
Nippon speaks the truth
Because it's shit and only makes your country broke
cos you are nigger lovers and completely irrational on social issues
Everyone hates the far left except academics and people like Ahuviya Harel.
>Since I'm part of that ingroup
wew lad
>what a turn of events, when japan starts dropping bombs
Because they became a bunch of fucking faggots who think identity is more important than the working class.
What do these fags even claim to stand for?
Nightmare mode:
>muh immigrants
>muh antiracism
>muh antifash
>muh 1%
Because you want white people extinguished so you can rule above a nigger population forever.
based nip
because their stated goal is:
1) a violent purge of the upper and middle classes, followed by:
2) an authoritarian leftist dictatorship with re-education/labor camps, followed by:
3) a stateless, classless, post-socialist society which has never actually existed outside of dusty Marxist tomes, and tens of millions of souls have been ruthlessly murdered in its unsuccessful pursuit
60 million Russians died because of the far-left
because its mental illness
nobody wants to hang out with mental illness guys
They are mentally ill unless they are themselves sick and represent the same crooked thoughts
So basically:
1. Kill all the rich people
2. Kill all the poor people
3. ???
4. Utopia!
People here will do anything to shut out the noise of reason, because it threatens their fragile world view.
because this board is a brainwashed alt right echochamber full of insecure cultists who compensate by blaming their failures on different racial groups and their leftist superiors
When nobody is alive, nobody complains
Because they are boring and their worldview only survives in safe spaces.
Leftism is for low testosterone wimps who need the goverment to keep their life afloat so they have a chance to passing their genes. Just look at that idiot from OP's pic ( Thats Pablo Iglesias a pseudo-comunist from a far left party in Spain): narrow shoulders, weak facial features, pencil-neck, shitty beard and so on.... a worthless scrawny looking motherfucker. Leftists have bad genes.
Mate, fuck right off. I was here first. Go find another thread.
Because every time you niggers come here to shitpost, you eventually just turn to one of us. While it's great, the transitional period is just really fucking annoying, given that the axiom that all leftists are unfunny niggers.
But keep believing your 'raid' will make a difference. Believe me, I used to be one of you guys. :^)
Because you're a bunch of faggots that have been ruining the world since the 1700s.
Oh shit I forgot about potato Phil.
Name one issue created by the left that wasn't a result of the right either scuttling something or adding to a problem. Go ahead, I'll wait.
1. They're wrong
2. They're accepted and pushed everywhere else, fuck off.
thanks for the (You)
Anyone that is categorically deemed "far-left" needs to be dragged out onto the street and shot in the back of the head with a luger, then left in the gutter for the rats to feast on.
Because they are subversive and self-destructive. They are the political manifestation of mental illness resulting in self-loathing and self-harming, except they want to take everyone else down with them.
They want to destroy or corrupt everything beautiful.
And yet our country is going broke with a right wing govt
Because they are absolutely moronic. This is the same party who said that lines for food in Venezuela were due to an increase in spending power
because its 2016
just wait until 2020 or 2024
I only hate them if they are cultural marxist/atheist degenerates
Race baiting
Complete and utter media bias
Willful ignorance to the real issues
Gender identification
Addition of genders that aren't real
Didn't have to wait long pal
Remember that cold war thing that the far-left lost horribly because their ideology is retarded?
Yeah that's why people stopped supporting them. Even if they rebranded themselves to be "green".
>la operación de apropiación y traslado de 510 toneladas de oro en monedas, correspondientes al 72,6% de las reservas de oro del Banco de España, desde su depósito en Madrid hacia la Unión Soviética
You're everything wrong with western civilisation.
Destruction of traditional values
Destruction of traditional families
Destruction of white identity while unironically promoting multiculturalism
Gross decline of western birthrates
Subsidizing single motherhood
Incentivising divorce
Promotion of open borders
Forced equality (Equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity)
Increase of government power
Increase in welfare dependency
Demonisation of men and masculinity
Demonisation of white people
Focusing on trivial "social justice" issues instead of real world issues
Being absolute tools for globalists like George Soros
Being mindless drones for globalist propaganda in general
Speaking out against the "1%" but never naming the Federal Reserve or Central Banking in general
Speaking out against "white privilege" but completely avoiding jewish privilege or asian privilege
Justification of authoritarian policies whilst simultaneously decrying "fascism"
Showing utter contempt for free speech whenever it hurts your feelings
Dismissing all white nationalists as fascists while defending islamofascists and islamic nationalists after every single terrorist attack
Letting thousands of rapists, criminals and terrorists into western countries
Promoting communism, marxism, and socialism whilst completely ignoring the hundreds of millions who died in communist regimes
Attempted normalisation of pedophilia
Dismissing the existence of global pedophile rings simply because the alt right are the ones trying to expose it
Alslo all the 3rd wave feminism, cultural marxism, cultural relativism, SJWs, PC culture and other transgender non binary bullshit
Marxism, ie the far left has also been working class ideology, what are you talking about dude
We qould be Eastern Europe tier broke country if we were governed by the retarded commies
Because they are clueless anarchists fed by a society built on order.
You must be mistaken then. Sup Forums doesnt hate the LEFT, they hate the LEFT SPIN, for worse than having your aquifers poisoned is having your own children despise themselves for being white (as is custom today in America where black pride is forbidden and beautiful and white pride equals slavery)
Much of Sup Forums is centrist but you wont hear the ex-democrats because we are ashamed of what Obama has done to everyone here in the USA
because you want to kill all white people
>Dude... we are already broke man... like vote podemos man.. it can't be worse... like refugees are people man..
>the right fucking up is the fault of something that happened 80 years ago
wow that's some next level autism
le spanish banter
>b-but it would be w-worse with a l-left government
wow such a good argument based on solid fact
>the people who got us into this mess will surely get us out, TVE said so!
im part of the ingroup too asshole you got a problem with that??
>a party that believes lines for bread in Venezuela are due to extra spending power will surely be good for the economy
Matate maricon
not an argument
>Venezuela is an argument
kys cuck
>Party receiving funds from Maduro
>openly praising Venezuela's economic policies
>huur duur kys cuck
Again, not an argument
>Party receiving funds from Maduro
>has been sued like 5 times over this and it got thrown out every single time
just repeat the lie enough times and it'll stick amirite
Because they're a bunch of cucks.
>Support BLM
>Want every single third-worlder on welfare here
Are we for this, or against this ?
>le party that thinks Otegi is a hero should be voted
>le party that doesn't support the release of political prisoners in Venezuela, because they are being paid by them and by Soros, should be voted.
You must be over 18 to post here kid.
>muh it's a lie because I say so
Even if it was completely false, Podemos still openly admired Venezuela's economic policies.
Enjoys eat rats' feces for dinner
>Why is the Far-left so hated
>le party founded by franco's interior minister is ok
>le party founded by La Caixa is ok
>get proven wrong
edgelord pls go
>tfw soon enough kids will be able to vote before they're able to visit this site
I dont hate the far left.
Stalin was rather based and I genuinely admire the
chinese communist ability to pacify nearly 100 million muslims withim their borders.
What I dislike about their ideology is that it is too unstable.
The only way anything can get done in leftism is if every voice clamouring for attention is silenced long enough for some authority to step in and begin spelling out priorities.
But at that moment it stops being leftism and starts looking more like proper fascism, the way things should be.
anda y muerete ya puto cabrón, si crees que la extrema izquierda ofrece algo bueno a un gobierno es que eres un gilipollas integral.
que te den por culo y ojala te mueras pronto, hijo de puta.
>can't speak english
>gets this triggered
opinion discarded
20 and they werent all russians considering the 4 million eukranians, and those million fucking muslim turkmen
Not very sanitary.
You know thats how people get diseases right?
Ill sell you the service seeimg as to how yoi dont want the government to do it.
Welcome to Sup Forums here we talk about politics and related stuff. We are against globalism, failed economic systems and this weak society.
I want to clarify something. There is no Sup Forums approved party with enough popularity currently in Spain. The closest would be Ciudadanos, and thats really fucking far already. There was no choice. Voting PSOE is a vote for PP 2. A vote for Ciudadanos would be a vote for PP, because they didn't have the popularity. And i would never vote a hippy that always thinks he has the moral ground because he never wears a suit in the parlament. PP was going to win anyway. So i voted ciudadanos, because their program actually benefited me. You have to understand: PP and Ciudadanos are cuckservatives, but that is better than the SJW Spain that would come with Nigglesias.
Politics are a circle. The far left and far right are at the same point in that circle.
I just hate SJWs and neo-liberals that have strongly perpetuated the American left I don't hate Thomas Jefferson style classical liberals.
I miss anti-war, anti-globalization, pro-environment liberals. They were great.
Japan always bringing the quality bantz
kys cuck I prefer a hippie to certain bankrupcy.
The bankruptcy is certain, no matter how will be government. Nobody wants to balance the budget and has been sth rare during to do in democracy.
>calls me cuck
>wants to vote for a faggot that wants to bring niggers to his country
>the same faggot whose party was protesting because the niggers wanted better food and other free shit.
No. You should be at school right now.
Because every goddamned thing they say is couched in loaded emotional language.
Makes it too obvious that they are capable of misleading and ignoring truth.
Also, anyone that claims everyone is equal is either lying or feels themselves to be below average. If they feel below average their ideology improves their position. If they are lying they are Stalin.
Because of liberal privilege...
Spain was the 9th richest nation (between Canada and Australia) in the world before Zapatero (a socialist from those who don't know spanish politics) took office in 2004, 8 years later he left us in the 14th place or around there with more than 20% unemployement (and ~50% youth unemployement). The number of immigrants increased from around 5% to to the current >12%. He legalized more than a million illegal immigrants. He softened border control. He passed "hate speech" laws. He passed feminist laws that can put a man in jail just with the word of a woman who said he mistreated her, no proves whatsoever needed, the "let's jail him just in case" VIOGEN laws.
Around 2007 we had at the same time our own personal building bubble crisis and then the international banking/financial crisis. Zapatero and his team only worsened everything, he denied the crisis for two years not taking any proper measure just so he could win the election of 2008. He tried to create a false sense of economical stability and growth by creating fake surplus by selling all our gold reserves (the lasts we had after the Commies in the Civil War gave most of our gold to the Soviets). Furthermore, he created the infamous Plan E to reduce unemployement and "create wealth", which was an economical disaster of public infrastructure investment which didn't create stable wealth or employement long-term, it was just a move so he could mask the bad numbers and silence criticism, the only thing that he actually achieved was increasing our debt.
Socialists, not even once.
Well said.
stfu cuck
True, but how open the borders was Aznar. Immigrants in 1996: less than 1%, less than 1 million.
Because we're all introverts and the idea of someone walking. In and out of our hermit home pisses us off to no end
Just stay on your fucking side of the map
Don't sing or dance just stop talking and reeee let me watch my anime in peace without trying to censor it from me
Just leave me alone stop changing the world to your views I don't agree so it's just as wrong of you to think you're right
They hate White people and would destroy the country straight away if they had total power.
Yes, Aznar was a globalist neocon cuck.
However, the biggest flood came with Zapatero, apart from legalizing more than a million illegals who should have been expelled he increased the welfare coverage for immigrants creating a "call effect", passed laws of "reagrupación familiar" making it easier for people to move to Spain if they had a family member here, kinda similar to the anchor babies in the USA, and he even moved the "La Legión" from Ceuta and Melilla border control because they were "too harsh" on the immigrants who tried to jump.
His whole administration was a complete fucking disaster and we still suffer the consequences today.