Hey /pol is a person still white if he has dark hair and brown eyes?
Blonde hair
can be
pink nipples are more important
>deciding your race based on nipple color
Simply blonde hair is bland. Do a general hair/eyes pigmentation map like this.
>Chocolate Nipples McGee chimes in
>American Education
>eyes are the window to the soul
>hair the color of gold
>nipples be pink and sheit
And skin color has little to do with hair or eye color. Stop being an idiot.
No, you need to atleast have light colored eyes, hazel counts, brown no
>t. sub-human brown nip
My nipples are pink, but using that as a metric for whiteness is retarded.
There is no romance in it at all. Hair and eyes have been adored for generations, but nobody writes about the pinkness of nipples.
Besides, hair and eyes can be seen when you first meet someone but nipples cannot. Do you mean to say that you can't tell if someone is white or not unless they lift their shirt?
That's absolutely retarded.
well actually mine are pink/red so thanks burger it helped
You're only white if you have red hair and green/blue eyes
Anything else and you're basically a nigger
t. Ginger subhuman
glad i could be of help my fellow white friend
meant for
>red hair
really Lukas?
Wtf kind of color scheme is this?
>tfw no red hair
Does your flag represent ginger hair, extremely white skin in between, and ginger pubes?
It's pretty bad but I'm too lazy to find other variants. Try this one instead.
I have dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, freckles and a red beard. I defy your petty attempts at categorisation.
Green eyes makes you half blood though.
>When your country is more light than half spain and balkans
You realise nip tits can be pink right..
>dark hair, dark eyes
Kill yourself Mahmud, pale skin not an excuse.
I wonder how they do these maps and how they know how much percentage of blondism every small region of each country has. I assume they don't have the funds to do an actual in-depth study so they have to use the data from many different sources, sometimes inconclusive and contradictory and others outdated, thus the disparity in the maps. In general, the maps look like made up bullshit from century old stereotypes tbqh.
>>Anglo genes + Paki genes
Dmitri how is moscow doing with all central asians and muslims?
I agree, today we have brown people everywhere.
Kek, now I see that is a Carleton Coon map.
Outdated would be too much of a nice word for that.
It is simply made up statistics.
You sound shitskin enough for the rope, m8.
t. Jamal and Tyrone
Get off of Sup Forums and eat a banana or something you filthy animals
I'm sorry Hernando
Yes, Austrians are proto-vikings
Still better than anything else though
Exactly like you think, Goga, it looks like Tashkent and Bishkek.
You're white if you're in the European genetic cluster.
Red hair used to be what defined Jews in medieval Europe. If a stranger walked into town and his hair was red, he would have been called a Jew.
Also, Judas had red hair.
You would say that, shitskin
Go take your greasy wide head and goggle eyes someplace else
Soo are those beta tajiks getting any russian qt's or they just rape?
It's either that or no map. Researching this today would be too racist. And my two maps have identical data just colored differently. The first one shows just blonde hair. Mine average all light hair and eyes colors. Of they're going to not match OP's.
Fucking kek.
This map somewhat fucked up, komi and mari are finno-ugric, thus must be like Finland.
Like you?
Not an argument.
Can you prove it?
Tajiks actually better than many Russians. Yes they get, even nice girls sometimes.
But I thought Jews weren't white :^)
It has. Never seen blond with dark eyes, unless hair simply bleached.
well i am neither muslim nor asian
>Tajiks actually better than many Russians
lol really? i mean most of the russian i met in georgia hate them
My cousin has dirty-blonde hair and light brow eyes.
alrighty, if you say so
More accurate.