>drain the swamp
What did daddy Trump mean by this?
Drain the swamp
Other urls found in this thread:
>People can't change
>Former lobbyists can't have good intentions after the fact and also be better than anyone else because they know the games the bad guys play
Dude Tom Wheeler fucking sucks right lmao
Keep your friends close
And your enemies closer...
Isn't that the guy who is trumps current personal accountant? Is that also the guy who wants to abolish the federal reserve?
>Meeting at usual
>Believe Media
What did this guy mean by "returning to the gold standard"?
It is proven that returning to the gold standard doesn't work. I mean look at JFK, he wanted it too and his head exploded.
>get the best kike in the world to run your treasury
The fuck is wrong with that? If the guy is good enough to climb Goldman Sachs he certainly can be of use for Trump. The guy also has to sign all that non lobbying bullshit.
You retards got played. Everyone who becomes the POTUS is a fucking lying cuck who doesn't give two flying shits about any of you
ShillWatching is my favorite pasttime. Here we see a Faggot Leaf, trying to subtlely concern troll. But alas, subtle trolling is too much for someone so fucking retarded, and it all falls apart. Poor leaf!
Wtf, I hate gold now
With these picks Trump alinated all the "anti-establishment" people and media to get in bed wiht Neocons. Essentially all the people who supported him from the start , like Ann Coulter, Alex Jones and Breitbart
The fucking head editor of Breitbart is now his senior counselor/
Getting all the leftist fag lovers out of office
What a fucking crock
>being so retarded and liberal that your brain cannot cognitively process the fact that there may be some good and smart goys that currently or previously have worked for Goldman Sachs
>Being anyway associated with goldman sachs makes you instantly evil and irredeemable.
Fuck my countrymen make me want to drink
Oh shit guys, what if Ann Coulter becomes press Secretary? Or Alex Jones?
To be fair, this crowd attacked Honorable Ted as being a shill because of his wife's Goldman Sachs ties.
Can't have it both ways.
t. Cruzmissile
>Being this in denial.
This guy is literally George Soro's protegee.
Putting a Jew in charge of finances is like putting a fox in charge of guarding the hen-house.
Face it Trumpee, you've been had. This guy has been a Jew slave all along. You've been used and now you will be discarded. He will never build the wall, he will only further the agenda of his kike masters.
t. goldman sachs janitor on his night off
On 8pol mentioning this gets you a ban.
Trump is being threatened to pick people the globalists want him to pick.
he's not allowed to tell us directly that he is being threatened and controlled.
his tweet about flag burning losing your citizenship was a code. it was not literal
we have to try to decipher his codes.
>t-trump is trying to h-help us g-guys, h-he actually cares r-rather than the s-simplest possible explanation!!!!!11
Nice stockholm syndrome cuck
>Trump has already said nobody knows any of his cabinet choices but him and to not trust the media
>he actually trusted Trump's word
holy shit lmao
and here we have the biggest cuck/retard in existence
You're not even trying anymore.
>he unironically trusts a man who managed to bankrupt 3 casinos (casino license is a license to print money) and keep
holy shit lMAO you will never be this naive. FeelsGoodMan
Government isn't a swamp its an ocean.
It just keeps getting better everyday
The (((Trumptards))) in this forum must have one helluva hangover now
They need to go. Trumptards need to go back to Plebbit. You need to go back.
It means it's time to bend over to the Jews.
I believe in Trump, but you sound like a Swede in a cuck shed right now.
Trump has always been pro-jewish.
Sorry reality had to intrude on your memes and fantasises.
What did nordic Eesti meme by this?
Fucking Steve Bannon worked at Goldman
Didn't see breitbart bitching about his appointment
Not everyone who worked at Goldman and not every Jew is corrupt. Bannon used to work at Goldman too. I don't think people understand how HUGE Goldman is. Mnuchin was Trump's campaign financier, Trump likes him and trusts him, so I'm giving benefit of the doubt.
Look at this level of cognitive dissonance and delusion
-------------> Plebbit this way
Gold standard is best for America. In the colapse of the world economy only countries with gold will prevail. Russia, USA and China will have total dominance.
>Who should we appoint to the treasury?
>probably should be someone who is good with balancing money, like a banker or accountant
>I know! I'll appoint one of the former heads of one of the largest global banks! He probably knows what he's doing!
Makes sense to me.
Rothschild family controls gold prices anyway.
>Ahmed doesn't realize that Mnuchin wants Gold Standard back.
Should've voted Hillary then? ;^)
Casinos aren't as profitable as they used to be.
Don't you need a jew to outjew the jew?
>People change
>He's still upset
How's the recount going?
This. How do you navigate high finance if you don't understand the intricate nature of it. Trumps has a literal genius running the treasury for him. The man has a tremendous investment track record. If this guy is loyal he will be able to help Trump navigate any financial traps laid out for him and see any time bombs before they blow up.
I support this pick.
Hey don't drag us into this, we wanted a president Sanders.
>Ann Coulter
>Alex Jones
No, God almighty no.
Maybe you fucknuts should look at what the man has actually done and not just "oh he has a lot of money, he's good for the job"
Hillary had a lot of experience in politics but we rejected her because of her shady dealings, remember?
This is just too out of character for pol, starting to think there's some shilling going on here
Wow I guess I'm not voting for Trump now...
Step 1: take control of the central banks and through nepotism, create bazillions of $$$ so you and your (((buddies))) can buy up the entire world with it
Step 2: now that you possess everything, get rid of fiat money and introduce the gold standard so no one else can repeat this Ponzi
Gold standard = the (((1%ers))) want to cement the plutocratic status quo
Dont fall for the gold meme...
Pulling in the master Jew to prepare for the shitstorm all the other jews have been putting into place eh?
I'm curious how well all of his picks are going to fit together.
Go back to Sup Forumsanana
>We wanted a cuck
Mfw I'm shocked
Aegean, Pirin, Vardar
Sieg heil ypur way back to stormfront you edgy pissed off kraut.
>Ride Heidi Cruz for being in the pocket of Goldman Sachs
>Ride Hillary Clinton for being in the pocket of Goldman Sachs
>favors Steve Mnuchin former Goldman & Soros alum for Treasury.
Sup Forums really will defend anything.
I wonder who sent Donald after Soros, Clinton, and Heidi. Fucking merchants! Merchants everywhere!
>He a good goyim. He din joo nuffin'.
Keep your friends close and appoint your enemies to Treasury Secretary
You faggots know that the treasury secretary just oversees operations, right? They can do anything about Dodd Frank other than enforce the law. That ball is in the congressional court.
Yeah totally, it's not like congress is full of Neocons that have a majority or anything