Women want men to be total alpha males. They want men to lead, be good looking, be dominant...

Women want men to be total alpha males. They want men to lead, be good looking, be dominant, be 'amazing' in every sense. Yet western society is overloaded with feminism 24/7 which discriminates against men and favors women.

So why the contradiction? Why is western civilization so feminist, when women want men to be in charge?

Because women don't know what they want.

Because they're goal is to destroy families and weaken the country.

Nah man. Not all of them are looking for a douchebag.

Because it became illegal to put women in their place when they were acting out




It's a way to weed out alpha positives versus alpha negatives

>t. virgin
Women put you through shit to see if you'll actually put up with it. You're not supposed to actually go along with them.

Feminism is just one massive shit test so women can tell who is an alpha and who is a beta in an increasingly complex world.

Women want all the credit. Pretty simple.

Because women should be in an inferior position to men and the current system is an insult to everyone's intelligence and, worse, to the natural order of things. You are a cuck and an idiot if you disagree with me. Women should not be in the workplace or allowed outside without a male escort. I repeat, if you disagree with me, you are a Rick Wilson-tier cuckold beta.

/r/ that picture of cap with the guy writing how vain and stupid women are


Please do not leafpost. This thread is not for leafposting.

But yes, if we want to go back to oldschool terminology, yes, women do want the "douchebags" in a sense, your way of phrasing it is a very immature bare-bones way of saying what I basically did but not really.

You are an idiot if you think that anything I said is wrong.

why this cherry picking

The problem is that the modern """man""" does go along with it because society punishes men who act traditionally masculine. Women act out because they are testing if a man is strong enough to put them in their place. If a man can't handle a woman, how can he possibly deal with external threats? When all men are giant cucks women continually have to push the line until a man finally comes along to law down the law.

The phenomenon of atheist feminist converting to Islam is because the women have literally broken every rule of their culture without any man "challenging" her and proving his strength so they literally have to join a new culture just to have sexual satisfaction.

It's not wrong. It's young women posting their feelings on twitter. It's just socially taboo to mention how women really do like the "jerks" and they don't like nice guys. Feminists made it so no guys can point this out anymore. But I want more people to address my first post.

which is why feminism is a component of white genocide btw

feminism made it so guys cannot* point this out anymore I meant

It's like mountain goats. The female mountain goat watches males fight over her. After a battered male comes out victorious, the female then runs up the mountain and makes the injured male goat chase her, until she tires out and finally gives up that sweet goat pussy.

It's the same concept with humans. Females use feminism to make it as difficult as possible for males to mate. This filters out the weakest cucked males into submission or rejection, while only allowing only the strongest alpha males who to mate.