NZ Thread


how are ya

yeah good thanks

A whole thread for that tiny, insignifcant, inconsequential country? What has your country ever done?

dish drawers motherfucker

Fuck off and go worship Canada OP you cuck

Split the atom before yours did

Steak, Bacon and Cheese Pie

how's the job situation in nz? thinking about coming back but not looking forward to it for .. well for every reason that made me leave in the first place

first powered flight

>American education

>thinking about coming back but not looking forward to it for .. well for every reason that made me leave in the first place
what do you mean by this?

Hey friends, how's your evening? How many of you have gun licences?

>how's the job situation in nz? thinking about coming back but not looking forward to it for .. well for every reason that made me leave in the first place

if you didn't vote for either ACT or National, you are a fool


get out of here

I couldn't vote last election, but I've voting NZF next one. It's the only correct option, also what the fuck is Gareth Morgan doing?

no jobs, fat ugly women, bad weather, low pay, expensive rent, maoris & islanders

whats the problem here exactly? overseas investment in our economy?

>overseas investment
more like invasion

Oh wow. That cannot be real. Chinese can run for positions in NZ? Christ almighty

I thought the chink memes were about just too many chinese migrants.

That must be in Auckland

well you're not wrong

this is auckland

Can you handle a hammer?

Move to Christchurch. They're still hiring unskilled for the rebuild.

Only about 40k left Australia for NZ last year.

Australia in 2010's is New Zealand in the 1980's.
> shit cricket team
> dollar dropped 25% in a year
> six changes of government or PM in 5 years
> no jobs
> overrun by lefties
> terror attacks
> infrastructure fuck ups, major city goes 2 days without electricity
> normal people leaving the country to be replaced by chinks and poos.

New Zealand of the 2010s is like Australia of the 1980s.
> great cricket team, actuallybwins consistently
> dollar on par with Australia's
> stable govt, only 2 administrations since 1999
> skills shortages in all areas.
> country has sjws but most people based AF
> insignificant on world stage, even the French don't wanna bomb us anymore
> infrastructure spending in the billions; roaring, internet, rail
> people have stopped leaving. Now were being flooded by Kiwis who lost their jobs in Oz.

In b4 house prices and mass migration from Asia. Granted those aren't ideal, but same happening in Australia and Canada. At least we are keeping the middle east out of our cities.

>infrastructure spending in the billions; roaring, internet, rail
they can't even get fibre where i am until 2024

I've been dreaming of moving to NZ Unironically for years now. Can you kiwi faggots tell me some pros and cons to life there. Traveled far and wide but never to straya. Forever fuck Australia also. Real life shit, good and bad pls. Jobs, lifestyle, culture, rent, healthcare, norm shit. inb4 maoris and political bullshit. Thanks in advance hobbit baby dicks.

t. miserable amerifat looking for laid-back normie life in first world country not in europe or asia.

I was in Auckland City last weekend people who say it isn't over run with Chinese are talking shit.

> roaring

God damn auto correct. ROADING.

How's living in Hokitika treating ya mate!

i'm in fucking albany in auckland

fuck off were full unless based poms are here

Jew alert! Fuck off Max Key.

I live north of you be thankful you get fiber at all i get 240 kb/s max

Wow, welly dude here, I think i felt an earthquake. Or am I too blazed, cant tell.


I lived in chch for 2 years already. It was like a retirement village then

every time I make a move or a decision it seems to be after the point that that thing has peaked
>move back to auckland
>employment shits fucked pre-earthquake
>move to australia to escape
>economy collapses

If I move back to NZ I can't help but wonder if the whole country will sink into the ocean

Does anyone here work in IT?


Will take your answers in the morning, I have to sleep. Work in 6 hours. Have worthless BFA, thinking about student visa for MFA possibly teaching, wife is yoga instructor, willing to work simple labor jobs if hipsters horde all advertising and design jobs. Heres a nude for your help

When are you soft cunts getting your Air Force sorted out? Would based Winnie get you boys back to bombing browns again?

Splitting the Green vote

winston says we will get fighters but thats only if he got to be PM himself

Best thing about NZ is outdoor lifestyle. Surfing, skiing, trekking, all that shit. 5 million people spreads out in these 2 islands. When the mood takes me doesn't take much effort to get away from people.

Worst thing is house prices. Through the roof in the cities, not as bad as Canada at least. Oh and earthquakes, been waaaaaay more of them than I'm comfortable with lately. Also we seem to have a disproportionate amount of ugly girls. Or our girls are fucking terrible at making themselves attractive. Too many think regrowth, ugg boots and polar fleece is all they need to get em a man.

we've got f-18 hornets and f-18 superhornets, with an order for f-35's on the way. We store them on our aircraft carrier the HMNZAS Australia

>Or our girls are fucking terrible at making themselves attractive.
yeah but that just boosts our chances because we underestimate how attractive they are


Nelson reporting

Chch :3

who blue collar hornby here

Is Teflon John our guy?

Can't even argue with any of that. Why are you thinking of returning, then?

no this is our guy

based Winnie

Only thing I haven't liked is when he said the capital should be moved following the quakes, was pretty ridiculous thing to say for a multitude of reasons.

its only saying stuff he does not ever have to do because he only needs to deliver on core policies in a coalition

John "Selling us out to the yellow Kraut" Key is most defiantly not our guy

the job situation here is bad. I arrived here in 2011 and overnight the mining boom was declared over and things seem to have been going from bad to worse ever since

So mostly I'd be moving back for work

its "yellow clout" you faggot asian who cant say his Ls

>So mostly I'd be moving back for work
Welly will start hiring by february or march after the quakes and increased movement of people from welly it may be even January, predictably end of the year is a time they dont try to hire people.

yeah I know he'd never do it, was just that he said it.

Rotorua reporting in
Lake geysers are making the natives uppity about Taniwha

About to start the process of getting it

Honourary SI, studying at Otago

Piss off and come back when you're a carpenter or a plumber.

>Lake geysers are making the natives uppity about Taniwha
isn't that just a scam they created so the gov would have to pay them money so they could build a bridge over the waikato river

How is new Zealand like?

Pretty much aye


it's just okay

I've voted National 3 times, but now I want a right wing government who won't throw away our culture for an injection of Chinese currency.
Legitimately don't know who to vote for in the next election.

And how is "full" like?

Winnie ;)

Any other Waimos here?

dead bodies on the streets


How's the wife doing

>Legitimately don't know who to vote for in the next election.
Winston Peters, it's pretty obvious.

shaken up a bit after the quakes, but she'll be right

but it has you so I'm coming anyway

seethis guy if you are a fag

> Rutherford split the atom
> Our natives are more based than your Indians
> Sir Hillary climbed the tallest mountain
> Invented the bungee jump so dumb people would accident themselves
> Fought in WW1 and WW2 and were pretty good at it
> Have decent private schools that mirror the old based British style
> Invented kiwifruit
> Hilarious accent
> More British than either the Australians or Canadians
> Kept the based flag
> Has a decent primary industry based on agriculture and actual products for export
> Not sabotaging the nuclear family
> Lets in White SA refugees
> Lets in lots of rich Asians and very few Blacks

Indians were a mistake

but i'm a cute girl

>but i'm a cute girl
good one

I just wanna hug you oni-chan


Yeah not bad aye

Boy, I wouldn't know.

What are these rankings

Get out of Auckland m80.

New Zealand-ness

Legatum Prosperity Rankings

Basically factors in everything social, economic, corruption, environment, education, safety, etc.

Based rankings.

I can verify this.

I'm 5mins from the outskirts of greater Auckland.
at least 50% of this city is Asian majority when you count the students.

I did until they flooded the country with cheap foreign IT workers.
I literally changed industry to get more money.
Our politicians are unbelievably stupid here.

How the fuck does a non-white country get number 1?


I've met some cool Mexicans.
DESU mate its not that great anymore.

Because our non-whites are better than the mudslides in Europe, abos, and niggers.

Anyone got any rare Te Pepes?

don't save any more thumbnails bro.

Flawed rating systems.
You could stop shitting the board up but I bet you enjoy it too much.

>Over Meixco
>Over chile
>Over argentina
>Over fucking israel
Bull fucking shit

Your a legend, I can finally have my background in HD

Unfortunately most Maori qts stay within their hori niche. I see some nice ones sit down on the train followed by their bfs/male relatives hootin and a-hollerin as they board seconds later.

Howzit bro. Can I get a "yeah nah" for shits 'n' gigs?
