>why are you fucktards so edgy and mad if talking about German superiority ?
Can we discuss this phenomenon
Why are you fucktards so edgy and mad if talking about German superiority ?
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Let them live in their fantasy. The Reich awakens.
nice false quote, Jamal
We were doing this pic related while you backward German barbarians were fighting among yourselves.
We have a whole wikipedia page dedicated to our greatness: en.wikipedia.org
We have given the world so much from the English language to the harnessing of coal as a means of production from common law.
Advances in Medicine, sciences, industry, capitalism, mathematics, chemistry, biology, locomotive, seafaring, warfare, weaponry, etc all attributed from the great minds of British men and women.
It's a shame we have lost our great empire to a bunch of uncivilized German apes. We should of just nuked you all together saving the lives of British people lost to a bunch of Muslim loving cuckolds.
You have destroyed our Empire but we are currently destroying your own!
May we never forget the horrors brought upon us by the savage brutes who are satan incarnate by those who call themselves "Germans".
sexxay chesthairss
>Smoking cigarettes
Do it, faggots, BEER HALL PUTCH NOW!
that is the best pepe I have seen in a long while.
So wake up and remove kebab already, ffs.
german superiority hasnt been a thing for like 70 years, Jake Mueller
>German superiority
>letting shitskins takeover your country
t. Tyrone Garcia
I'm whiter than you could ever hope to be, Ali.
If the refugees are coming because their countries are war-torn shitholes, why don't you guys just start WW3?
Post a of your skin with timestamp, retard.
If you do, I will.
Dude your intelligence agency have been infiltrated by islamic terrorists.
not paying your denbts to the jews is the ultimate redpill desu! Just enjoy the sun, the food, the islands, and fuck the wagecucks
Regardless from the fact that you're literally a people of mongrels also manner and mentality should reflect the meaning to be white.
I consider any Italian, Spaniard or whatever resides below the Alps more white than an American since they don't embrace a hysteric, choleric and ignorant """"""culture"""""" like you degenerates do.
As an American with heavy German heritage, I gotta say that the concept of German Superiority became so muddled because the the government, for some goddamn reason, still seems like it feels guilty about WW2. That self induced guilt is kiling your country's image and identity. I swear i'm not a Natsoc or Fashy
>German "superiority"
>Stole meme from Poland
yeah, sure, go back to krautchan and stay there
fuck off fag
It's fascinating how always, literally ALWAYS, some butthurt pole appears in any thread about Germany to express with his archetypical inferiority complex
Just let it go mate
Still friends?
Germany develops Germanism to such the extent that it erupts into a murderous frenzy twice. Shamed, it then goes so far in the opposite direction it literally replaces its entire population with third worlders. Why are Germans so fucking autistic?
Pollacks are really subhuman tier in behaviour
For example, take this Southern Euro here, despite the fact that they are butthurt in modern times, especially Italy and Greece, I still consider them somehow bro-tier, but Poland is literally the definiton of butthurt
1/10 wrist
can't see enough but fuccboi forearm
Germans and Austrians (+Italy) are our true friends in Europe. Have always been.
Why does Germany keep pretending they look like scandinavians? You're an ugly bunch, Germany.
Germany is a cultural fiasco and a wrong type of civilization, this is why it's dying before our eyes. Have you even read Thomas Mann or Nietzsche? They were very critical of Germany
Germany is great in economics and natural science, but culturally it's terrible
>Impying the aren't setting the stage for another European war in which they will emerge as the victor and rightful ruler of the continent.
Pardon me, did you say something twerp? I don't talk to losers.
Get back in line.
Need template and name of OP meme.
It's called "Pole, Frog, and Kraut behind America's wall"
Sieg Heil and ubermensh.
And fact that your nazi scum parents never prosecuted glorious examples of arian race like Mengele.
Every time you started talking about superiority people died in great numbers. I just hope that next time when germans get crazy again, you all get treatment like you gave to untermensh around you.
Stay low germany, and worry about your future muslim population. You may turn into kebab republic very soon.
idk Hans. You've been a good neighbour most of the times. I like to see you doing well, but I am afraid things are headed the wrong way now.
But I hope (and believe) you (or we) will find a solution to the problem again when it's crucial. Germany can only be superior when its population stays actually German.
It's the Jew's and Anglo's fault for brainwashing since WW2 (but also caused WW2). You just got to snap out of it again.
>bipedal inbred groids,t*rks,madslimes,gypsies and churkas are barebacking(rape) german women of all social status,age and class
>meanwhile,virgin,pale,skinnyfat Hans is talking about "muh superiority" on a taiwanese phone app for autism
How do you feel when your mother gets her ass groped from work by big hairy,dark men?
Why can't you protect her?
>German superiority
Don't you foken mock that hairstyle you kraut
>German Empire
>Third reich
All dead
>muh german superiority
Because this.