how's it feel knowing you stormfag's favorite aryan celeb is a slut for zionists?
How's it feel knowing you stormfag's favorite aryan celeb is a slut for zionists?
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sluts mcslutterys!
Jews mixed with celebrities
Wow what an insightful thread OP
Have a bump paco
You just know that Jew licked her pussy and asshole.
She has a two-dollar bill on her tit.
She planned that, probably left home with it. $2 bills are fashionable now.
Those threads show that you professional shillers do not understand ANYTHING.
Everybody knows that every fucking "celeb" is part of the system. "Tay-tay" even had her own initiation ceremony back in 2009.
No one gives a fuck about this assless whore
Taylor swift is a meme. She's a NatSoc icon because we say she is. Luke more kike.
all celebs are sluts for zionists who cares?
This, no true Sup Forumsack would ever have her as queen
seems like a lot do, including you
whatever makes you feel better bro
Its whores like tylor who fucked over many-many-a-jew and got away with half of their property and home.
The system is rigged and is anti male
USA truly is the empire of satan
You would be too if you were a pop star tranny that was idolized by millions.
hahaha thats soo funnyy
pls stop doing that with my waifu
TayTay is pure
I really need her in my imaginary land to be pure to even consider leaving comfort of my NEET bed
I beg you, leave TayTay alone.
With an Arab, on the same night.
Nice try
that's clearly paris hilton
you right desu
and OP this guy is not rabbi
I would drag my dick to a mile of broken glass, just to hear her fart trough a walkie talkie.
Not many know this but, she's also a #pizzagate graduate. She impressed her audience with her guitar playing skills and voice. Same thing with Beiber.
This looks so real. Holy shit.
Kek approves of false m00t sighting
The US was founded on a specific covenant with God, which is why the satanic kikes try so hard to destroy us. They still may succeed.
i love jews so much
they try so hard to degenerate everything
>implying i listen to shitty pop music
Kindly delete this thread, please.
How do you know that?
elobrate please