We got it together darlin' We're ready for it You see I'm smilin


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What is this image trying to imply?

libertarians don't like Sweden you moron

why would we like a socialist nanny state

Wtf is this shit? Libertarians don't look at Sweden as some kind of utopia on Earth. They see it as a socialist nightmare state.

maybe sweden is really like venezuela with cheese and lutefishk

>why would we like a socialist nanny state

Perhaps because both of you enjoy the same progressive rights of gay marriage and free sex?

I thought Liberals imagined Sweden like that. Libertarians usually use Switzerland as the example of libertarianism.

>Liberals imagined Sweden like that.

Liberals see sweden like this

You what mate

...I don't think you know the difference between both, I never recall meeting or hearing about a Libertarian that sees Sweden as a good country

>According to libertarians

You idiot, Sweden according to libertarians is communist.

Libertarians are liberals who don't like paying tax, but love smoking weed, so think weed should be taxed.


Libertarians are leftists by default.


>left libertarians are leftists by default

You are the one who said libertarians "are not liberals".

soon we will follow the path of our söta bror, its inevitable. fuck this gay earth and my cucked society, i never wanted this

umm, no. there are moderate libertarians, like myself. extreme libertarians for example are against public funding of education, which is bad. as a moderate libertarian, I am against compulsory education, so that the taxpayers dollars won't go to unmotivated idiots that don't want to use it. also, the parent should not be allowed to determine whether or not the child receives an education. it should be up to the child, so that parents cannot force their children into a state of ignorance and forced labor.

taxation is needed, but has been historically disproportionately taken from groups that do not use the service.

Jesus Christ, where to begin?
Left-libertarians are radical libcucks and cognitive dissonance personified.
Right-libertarians are CLASSICAL liberals, minarchists, voluntarists, individualists and ancaps.
That's what we mean when we say libertarian.

There is very little difference from left libertarians to right libertarians.

> according to libertarians
Why libertarians?

> gives link to wiki page about libertarians with specific "left-" prefix
> leftists by default

>Agreeing on half the policy is somehow agreeing with everything.
Then Sup Forums and conservatives should be loving pre-refugee sweden for all the jobs they had and their strong middle class?
But they despised them back then because they disagreed with the other half.

You are retarded.

I don't enjoy it, I just don't care about it, and so should you you stupid mongol.

Not all libertarians are leftist nor are they all left-leaning, but some are. Just like you have right wing libertarians, the more uncommon ones are the left wing libertarians which you might be talking about

Oh, really? We right-wingers like to throw them off helicopters and they'd like us in a gulag.
We are capitalists and meritocrats. They're commies and Marxists.

The fuck does Sweden have to do with libertarians?

It's a fucking SOCIALIST country. The OPPOSITE of libertarianism.

Those children are fucking creepy.

It's the swedish educational system mate
