How will the right recover?
Kraut and Tea aka i don't care that the germans cease to exist if german languague it's kept.
he's not wrong about the surge in our popularity because of the left's bullshit
> Stefan Molynauschwitz
> Adolfin Hitler
My sides
Not going to click your shitty video. Shilling your videos is against the rules
Say what you want about his views but his voice is patrician
>And now by the powers invested in me, as a misogynist degenerate of the master race, titles which you bestowed to me, I now declare you man and wife.
>mfw the kids would be "literal" feminazis
because this guy is Australian amirite
Dude, what? The only English accent that's as manly as German is fucking Russian.
Are you pretending that I don't know what a proxy is?
Why should I give a fuck about what this faggot thinks?
He's been doxxed.
I've seen the picture, he's a shit skin, brown hair, eye and skin.
The voice is a put on act, its fucking pathetic.
I like Kraut and for the most part, he is right. Still, to compare us to whiny crybullies is a bit too much.
Yeah. We're more like normal bullies.
>Thanks for the election, nerds.
>you are just as bad as the SJW's now watch me put you in a box and label you
When will you faggots learn to ignore e-celebs
Why is he pronouncing Sup Forums as /PAUL/?
He's not even relevant enough to be a e-celeb
Doesn't look like a shitskin to me
He looks like a buff version of Kevin "Purge" Godec.
It's funny how he mentions whites being genocided(our core issue) but simply laughs it over instead of actually addressing or disproving it.
Why would I care what this degenerate porn addicted race traitor thinks?