Any Aussies watching SBS right now?
>bunch of celebrities go to aborigine settlement
>see a dirty toilet
>start literally crying
>blame the government for not cleaning their toilet
The fuck?
Any Aussies watching SBS right now?
>bunch of celebrities go to aborigine settlement
>see a dirty toilet
>start literally crying
>blame the government for not cleaning their toilet
The fuck?
I'm not watching that shit, but of course celebrities would think that, they wouldn't have cleaned their own toilet in years, the idea to clean your own toilet is foreign to them.
Don't get abbos addicted to huffing toliet cleaning products.
Where can a burger like me watch?
Try this I guess, might need to proxy yourself to Aus though?
I'm actually surprised that they poo in the loo
>mfw watching nigellas juicy milk sacks on 33 and the ad for this comes on
We could convince them all to drink bleach.
Just got into a argument with my sister about this show.
Must have not been very interesting.
Yeah it wasn't. Used the old abo talking points. We made out, its all good.
I'm in WA but I just saw the advert for it.
It's called First Contact.
It's on on 2 hours and 15 minutes for me lol
Looked pretty bad really. I'm not sure if I can make it through all their bull shit.
>watching SBS unironically.
you're Victorian.
I always wondered how it feels like to live in a country with niggers in it.
Not to mention abos seem to be one of the dumbest nigger breeds on the planet.
It's really interesting.
I should visit Australia someday, hopefully i wont be eaten by some 3 meter wide motherfucking spider.
Im just watching for based David "let the abos die out" Oldfield
Yeah the only guy who isn't all muh feels. Tom Bellard is a tit
He seems to be there to make One Nation look bad.
>However, in 2000 Oldfield was expelled from One Nation after a dispute with Hanson and formed the splinter group One Nation NSW, serving as its leader from its creation in 2000, to its dissolution in 2004.
Gotta make one nation look bad even though it was 16 years ago. Those bloody racists.
THE SHOWS SHIT, The worst characters are the 2 do folder leftists only there to feel better about themselves
Can one of you spackers from down under explain what an aboriginal is and where they came from? I believe they came from Antarctica to Australia but why?
What's your guys honest opinion on how he settlers treated abos?
I think we did some pretty awful shit but tf we gonna do about it now
Well they used to work on cattlestations but the government said they weren't getting paid enough so they had to let them go then we gave them welfare.
Soooooo.... throw more money at them until they shut up right?
I hope you cunts aren't as sheltered as these celebrity fucks.
Tbf famalam the cult classic movies on Sat and Monday nights were boss.
And the only reason we got Fatpizza and Southpark in Oz years ago was SBS
lmao David Oldfield is the man
he was based af last episode
first season of swift and shift was fuckin goat
Who cares they are all dead.
They may be little more than savages, but theyre still more civilized than indians
back to r/Australia with your soft shit you gay kunt
I didn't even want to watch it. You can already tell that the media will not stop talking about this for a week.
Don't forget the government allowing them to have booze and consume pornography. I'm sure that has absolutely nothing to do with the extremely high alcohol consumption or rapes that go on.
But it was really sad that they weren't able to stay working on the cattlestations. They're actually great at tracking animals. They problem was the government made equal pay mandatory which subsequently forced employers to let them go.
why don't they just offer the abos $50,000 to sterilise themselves instead of paying for their fucking housing commissions to pollute with ridiculous amounts of children
it's fucking child abuse even giving birth to them in those conditions
Read what I said you stupid fuck. You can even mouth out the words if it helps.
Oh will Mum get mad if you say cunt.
You're the saddest cunt I've seen here for the past month and thats fucking sad.
>Don't forget the government allowing them to have booze and consume pornography.
I guess they didn't know they'd have a bad reaction and fuck do you need to have the government hold your hand through everything fucking thing holy shit.
>We made out
Tasmanian scum.
They're barely human so why treat them like one?
NT intervention didn't go far enough.
im tired of soft cock shills like you worrying about people being plants or examples to make certain political organisations or movements perceived to be bad
i spelled cunt with a k because the spam detector wasn't letting me post cunt
Nurse here, these fucking bush coons give birth under trees unless you give them a free (govt paid) plane ride to the nearest hospital.
But only so they can easily take their offspring back 2000km into the bush to die at 3 years old from abuse or illness
>spam detector
Aboriginals are better than us. They had a rich and vibrant culture, you sicken me, go back to strom front you alt-rightest. This is a Civic Nationalist board now.
wtf i love abos now
where you working as a nurse?
I'm a mental health nurse in nsw. money is good in NThe and rural wa.
looks like you can work 6 figures.
yeah it's a foreign idea to them because they probably have a foreigner that cleans their toilet
All Aussies should be gassed.
In WA, its true the rural posts pay loads and some places give free housing and transport. Personally still working in Perth, rural WA is really fucking isolated
nigella is not for lewd you lecherous convict
We could convince them to do it by telling them NOT to drink it
yeah but it'd be worth the cash just doing it for a year or so.
as long as there is a gym and atleast one fit girl to fuck id be ok
top zoz
Get cancer Tyrone.
What are they expecting? Construction companies trucking tonnes of building materials 3000km inland to build houses for people who hate the government in the first place and will just trash them in a week? I would love to see abos succeed at life and share our community more than i would immigrants, but the only way to help them is to stop convincing them they're heritage and culture is important and to stop throwing money at them. Because that's just a viscous cycle that goes nowhere
I think it was researched into why alcohol is bad for Abo's, mainly because genetically they can't metabolize it like Europeans do.
Such is the nanny statism of Australia though.
I'm a nurse too. But I really don't know how some would cope working out bush with abos. I'd probably lose my mind and look for work elsewhere. But I honestly think they should be sterilized. Sounds cruel and inhumane but I can't imagine why people think its a good idea to bring children up in that sort of environment.
lmao some halfie abo on there saying not all aboriginals
Good idea, also what this guy said, the abos and car crashes will drive you crazy if you do it for too long
if they stayed there for a full day instead of 30mins they would see what those fucking subhuman shits get up.
>Tearing house apart for firewood
>shitting in the house, rubbing shit on the walls
>just punching and breaking shit after sniffing paint thinner and glue (petrol over there replaced for special fuel that doesn't give off fumes)
>buy a new $40K range rover or hilux and then drive it till theres no petrol, then burn it and smash it up because it was made by the white man
>rape their own children
>sleep on the road and get run over
I believe from the bottom my heart that the only way to save these subhumans is too just let them die off.
yeah they should be offered a big payout to sterilise themselves
there would be a lot of them silly enough to do it and that's their own choice and problem
Are there any red pilled abos?
Spiders are a meme. They dont even exist
you're the sort of dickhead who is only here to piss cunts off enough so that you can get a handful of (you)s so you'll have an excuse to postpone your eventual suicide another few hours before you have to shitpost for attention again.
Here ya go mate
hope you feel better soon
Abo men used to prostitute their women to whiteys in exchange for goods. The problem was the women refused to go back.
Living with a white ex-convict who might rape you if you didn't put out and slap you if dinner was late was seen as preferable to being regularly gang raped and cracked over the head with a rock in the abo settlements.
Every single one of them I've met, ever, has been politically left and focused more on their race and who's fault it is, than living their life.
if you ever die to the wildlife in australia, you absolutely deserve it.
it takes a special breed of fuckwit get killed by any of the meme animals down under.
you are much more likely to die of dehydration or getting one punched by some cunt off his shit on ice
Ayy cuz I'll hook you up if you come down
My gf is polish
No kidnap I promise cunt
that dudes beard looks like dirt weed
We won, the country is ours. No ones really sorry, I don't see any bleeding heart ABC libtards signing over their property deed to some abo.No amount of apoligising or empty platitudes has ever improved indigenous welfare. Welfare handouts haven't solved the abo question at all. It's up to them if they want to unfuck their shit.
You have actually been smoking beard this entire time.
Are abos humans now ? last time i read about them they where not.
cant redpill an abo, otherwise we wouldn't have an abo problem
Is it hard to type with eight legs but no fingers, mate?
Its the snakes that worry me most. How do you do any yard work without dying?
>Australian "celebrities"
>Only recognise that bong bloke from Aus idol
>isn't even aussie
That David guy was based.
>Asks why no one picks up rubbish
>"It's not mah rubbish!"
>Whose is it then?
>So pick it up
>not knowing Tom "blue-pill" Ballard or David "red-pill" Overfield
DAH DAH DAH [drums]
How can we dance without dry farting,
How do we sleep when busy mart SHARTING!
Fuck. The convicts really did have it bad
I love that the stolen generation abos are the most well adjusted and white presenting abos so far on the show, they speak English better, they wear really nice clothing and look as if they are semi-reasonable citizens.
Unlike the fucking full abos that pop out kids raising them in inhumane conditions.
Every year with this shit;
>Commercial Network
Bunch of F list celebrities stay in a house together or go dancing with each other.
>Government Networks
Bunch of F list celebrities go to a refugee camp together or an Aboriginal community together.
Do we have Celebrity Block yet?
If not, maybe SBS can have some celebrities do a make over competition on an Aboriginal juvenile detention center or on Nauru.
What stupid fucking trash.
We treated them very well, comparatively.
If you were an Ayy Lmao, you would see;
>Literally not-even-stone-age savages who live maybe a step or two above wild animals
>They now get, for free, luxury housing in the most livable cities in the world, luxury clothing and entertainment, free world class health care of the highest quality humanity has known, free education, of the kind that foreigners pay hundreds of thousands for, free gyms and sporting equipment, and free money with which to purchase the widest variety of food known to humankind
Be honest - What exactly is the problem here?
Oh god.
Two weeks later
>mainly because genetically they can't metabolize it like Europeans do.
That's racist though.
We are coming birathers, we shit in your countries, take your jobs, fuck your ladies and will get Green cards. You guys will watch it like a bunch of cucks. Hahahahh
Better than smoking Ahmed's pole to prep him for your wife, Sweden.
We hire some idiot backpacker to do it for us.
if I were an ayylmao:
> come here 80000 years ago
"black people in a few places on the island nation. probably migrated here from the warmer parts of the planet when the oceans were lower. be interesting to see how they fare on their own."
> come here 60000 years ago
> come here 40000 years ago
> come here 20000 years ago
> come here 200 years ago
>midnight oil - diesel and dust - 06 - the dead heat.flac
tell me about the luxury homes and gyms senpai and how that comes anywhere near what's happened to them as a people, as a race
I thought you aussies were badasses for living in a country where everything wants to kill you. Then it turns out it's just a meme.
Fuck off, you cunts.
>Crocodile killings keep increasing
This is one of those things that people are completely fucking retarded over. If you stop killing crocs then they will just multiply and fucking murder anything they come across. We need to treat the crocs like we treated the viets.
Come down here and say that mate - we're the ones that survived
It's a meme to deter refugees and other immigrant cunts.
> associating himself with anglo > aka globalism > commies > racemix > etc
Mate, you do not know what you are doing.
We have been building immunities over the generations.
That is why this islam thing is such a problem. It's like introducing booze to the abos. It'll kill us all.
>Pay hundreds of euros to travel somewhere that is as dangerous and exciting as my back yard
I'd rather face a brown snake bite than a lovebite from Jamal to be frank
It's all about the injuries m8. People lose limbs to sharks, crocs and emu's all the fucking time.
Not to mention Koala's ripping off people fingers, Roo's breaking old ladies spines. Fish that mimic boulders and break your jaw, spiders that rip off toenails.
And then there's the fucking eagles, you can't even escape them, they have adapted to the sea too.
It's a rough life. What do you even have to worry about? Moles?
I lost a finger in a night club in her vagina