American General /ameripol/ general
Only Americans allowed
Non-whites need not apply
American General /ameripol/ general
Only Americans allowed
Non-whites need not apply
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get in here ameribros
I'm North American
That counts right?
Get the fuck out.
pee pee poo po
>no trigger discipline
So much freedom I came
I shouldn't be up this late
Sup Forums is an American board
thanks english teacher
Leave jap
Can't find Brit/pol/ so I'm hanging out here.
>tips hat
why is this Chinese cartoon your guys' mascot
Karenposters are the superior beings
You already have President Trump General.
I hate that cancer
Go back to teh_donald, faggot
What would have happened had the confederacy won, lads? Also opinions on Robert. E Lee? Getting more interested the more i learn about your civil war.
WV reporting in.
The last bastion of the white man needs you guys.
Move here and let's start the new Reich
We're 94.1% white and alright!
Everywhere is America.
This is the truth. There's enough US military bases that the sun never sets in the US empire
We own Europe and soon Rossiya too
Can I have a small loan of a dozen billion dollars? I'll pay it back I swear!
>Americans only
that's oxymorom
Mongrel mongol pls
That's partly the problem we're having IRL, too. It needs to be whites only.
Hope you guys have room for a leaf wanting to escape a liberal hellhole.
I started my citizenship process last week.
I want to move to the USA and get a job as a LEO. Find a nice American girl, and marry her and raise a family.
Dated a girl in Pennsylvania some time ago & I fell inlove with the U.S.
Been reading tons of American History leading up to the TRUMP victory and boy do I want to be a part of this movement now.
I'd be posting with a different flag.
Lee was a fine general, who was even going to lead the Union army until he took the rebel job.
I think we're full.
leaf BTFO.
Coupd you "smuggle" some SVTs to the USA?
I want to move innawoods, USA and buy guns my whole life. NE parts are like a more populated Canada anyways
I love you, America
Did you not hear me? I said we're full asshole. No more immigration for 10 years.
We need to rethink our situation and evaluate steps we can take forward to propel the white race while simulatenoeously ridding our country of liberal cucks, niggers, spics, (chinks are okay if they're from Japan or South Korea), and certain Jews (except for maybe Seth Rogen).
I already own a buncha guns, but I hate that we cant carry here
Love you too, leaf. :-)
you're not full, kiddo. maine has incredibly low population density and almost no minorities. its perfect for white immigrants
We need you to stay up north in case the Russians invade.
You're America's first line of defense!
>Russia to the East
>Alaska to the West
>Canada to the North
>first line of defence
I'm too lazy to make an American Education joke.
Is Canada really that bad? I mean I know America is awesome and everything but you guys have all this space. Build some cool new cities or something.
That's Alaska. I did 4 years in the military already, our government dosent even give a fuck about our military. Were flying decrepid planes and helicopters.
I remember going on exercise and we werent even given blanks at times to shoot for simulations
The wilderness is beautiful, but the people are terrible, lethargic and care about nothing more than hockey and getting tim hortons in the mornings.
There's no nationalistic spirit here, people just dont care. It's really fucking sad. They just sit by and let the Govt take away our rights and freedoms and import 3rd world cultures everywhere
can't carry. run by cucks who run a deficit giving money away. I just want to leave because there are no party options to fix this. I also like the 2nd amendment because I think self-defense goes hand in hand with self-determination
Fuck off, we're full.
Matchlock or nothing pussy.
South Dakota reporting in
would you rather me, someone who loves American history, guns, and is white
or a 3rd world somali who will leech off all your social benefit plans and plague your society
I WANT to be American because I believe in the American dream and I want to have some white kids and teach them aswell to be good Americans.
I have a drive to contribute to the greater good of America because my country has become a lost cause, and I would hate to see what happened to us, happen to you guys. We came off the same boat in the 1600s, friend.
I concur, though I believe Iowa is of the same level.
Connecticut reporting in.
Man, that's fucked.
It's very sad. We used to have the world's 3rd largest Navy in the Second World War, and now half our fleet at any given time is docked undergoing retarded ammounts of repairs because the ships keep breaking from being used way past their reccommended service lives.
Man I really like Canadians, I really wish you guys weren't such a bunch of city folk on the global scale. Everyone has a need to defend themselves.