
सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने ऑर्डर दिया है कि देशभर के सभी सिनेमाहॉलों में मूवी शुरू होने से पहले राष्ट्रगान जरूर बजेगा। इस दौरान स्क्रीन पर तिरंगा नजर आना चाहिए। साथ ही राष्ट्रगान के सम्मान में सिनेमा हॉल में मौजूद सभी लोगों को खड़ा होना होगा। कोर्ट ने केंद्र सरकार को यह आदेश एक हफ्ते में लागू करने को कहा है। गैर जरूरी चीजों पर नहीं छापा जाए राष्ट्रगान...

- जस्टिस दीपक मिश्रा की अगुआई वाली बेंच ने अपने ऑर्डर में यह भी कहा है कि गैर जरूरी चीजों पर राष्ट्रगान को न तो छापा जाना चाहिए, न ही लगाना चाहिए।
- कोर्ट ने यह भी कहा कि राष्ट्रगान से कमर्शियल बेनिफिट नहीं लेना चाहिए।
- कोर्ट ने यह ऑर्डर भी दिया कि राष्ट्रगान को आधा-अधूरा नहीं सुनाया या बजाया जाना चाहिए। इसे पूरा करना चाहिए।
- कोर्ट ने केंद्र सरकार को यह ऑर्डर एक हफ्ते में लागू करने को कहा है। साथ ही, सभी स्टेट और यूनियन टेरेटरी से इस बारे में जानकारी देने को कहा है।

yeah dude

Fucking poo runes

बकचोद रंडी साले !

hey rhh

And a chip chong ping pong to you!


चल भाग कुटया

wtf i love India now.

मर साले मर

मर साले रंडी

This isnt even funny.
Its just a whole passage about a supreme court order making it compulsory for people to listen to and stand up for the national anthem before every movie in the cinema (which is true by the way, no meme).

And OP is just replying to other posters with insults. Granted its the norm here but no one even cares if you're insulting them in another language.

Your keks are unearned


Wait what? Indians need to do the pledge to watch a movie?

Also OP leave my country you coon


good. nationalism is necessary for the health of any sovereign nation.

I can't understand that

I will accept Shit in the streets from poo in Loos if you agree to stab all the muzzies in the country. I know the Sikh hate them more than I do.

kya chutiyap hai betichod. such symbolism might be necessary for dumb masses but not for me, who sees nationalism for what it truly is. but then i'm not only too intelligent for nationalism but also for watching cinema unpiratedly
anyway they should spend their precious court time in solving social issues rather than forcing everyone to respect some 60 year old stale song

Go back to int

Yeah its actually pretty tiresome. Really ruins the whole experience. Some people even got beaten up because they refused to. And that includes one handicapped person who literally couldnt stand up. Its been this way for years now. Decades maybe.

Wait hold up is this a fucking joke? Explain it to me? So you stand up and all sing a song before a movie?

I'm going need some proof

We get plenty of that anyway. All schools only start after a prayer, the national anthem and/or the pledge so preventing us from enjoying a movie is really excessive

>poo language and scat porn
A marriage made in poo heaven.

You better answer my ducking question you hindu

I fully agree, gas the kikes

We're not supposed to sing in the cinema but we are certainly allowed to. Also not a hindu


What the Fuck ?!? How why proof?

Please never come back. They're forcing us to listen to songs that make us proud of our nation. Please run away.

>इम्प्लायिंग आई एवर लेफ्ट
>implying you can convince me to be nationalist again

Aye madarchod liberal mullah apni maa ka chut chaat.

#MINA make india nationalist again

Nice try kid. Im not muslim either. But I guess in your black and white world you cow fuckers are just the only real virtuous people in this glorious promised land.

Oh so you're just a cuck.

तो तेरि क्यु फ़त रहि है बे रन्दिया

>Indian expat who moved to Korea instead of the West

How the fuck did that happen? Doesn't Korea only accept like 40,000 immigrants a year, the same as New Zealand?

Pretty sure US and British cinema in the 1930s did the same thing

pepe दिखाकर कुछ ना हॊने वला भऐया

जा त्रुम्प का लुन्द चूस

तुतो रेह्नने दे चुतिये। कोइ काम का ना हे तु


>die bastard die

you're not very nice are you?

> जा त्रुम्प का लुन्द चूस
Arey woh toh Saleem ka hi land chusega

stop skritposting

Aboogity hamina derka booga doo to you too

I'm not sure who is Poland any more.

this isn't durka jihad, it's chutney wutney

I don't speak Toilet

Hardi bardi shardi mardi

Fuck madar chod

i know you speak only pants

तेरि बेहेन को ज़रुर चोदुगा