Anons, who is ready for Wu 2020?
Anons, who is ready for Wu 2020?
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All aboard the Wu Train. Wuuuu wuuuu!
>tfw got hyped thinking "wu" meant Wutang
Got me excited for no reason faggot, I would vote the inter clan into office in a heart beat son
Classic bitch move
I'm going do something guys, for real
Anyway, please tell me how to do it, I can't actually be bothered to figure it out on my own and take concrete steps in that direction
>I'm too stupid or lazy to research how to research something on my own but I feel that I am qualified to run this country. I also have no political ties and virtually no money
2020 is more likely to be the year this thing kills itself.
>parents are rich
>but more "small loan of $100,000" rather than "small loan of $1,000,000" rich
>never done anything but waste the money they gave you
>run for president
>literally fucking no one knows you're running
>still blame the patriarchy when you lose
>GamerGate did this
>any tips on what I'd need to do to achieve this?
Sew your cock back on.
Literally who?
Best advice is to cut yourself and have piercings.
Oh and suicide.
We will never have a woman president.
Even if it wins.
isnt he too young? i thought you have to be 35 at least
She'll have a winning campaign strategy in no time.
Strange way of spelling 'it'
Wu Tang clan ain't nuttin' to fuck with
OP here, i got more
All aboard the Wu train, wuu wuuu
The superiority complex of this person ia absolutely amazing
i thought the gza would diversify goverment bonds and end the fed
damn you OP
>Asking twitter to give her tips
God this woman is cringeworthy
>mfw he isn't candidate yet and has already lost one voter
> Mentions running for president in one tweet
> Already smug about it
Mental breakdown in public eye when?
mansplainer btfo
She will need to start with a small ten million dollar loan from her dad.
Oh god, there will be so much shrieking about patriarchy when it fails.
fucking disgusting
For those not sure who this is.
These shit posters get it
>tfw ol dirty voted Democrat this year
Shit rips me apart
Oh dear God, please encourage her. I can't wait for her to be found with slit wrists in her bathtub when she doesn't even make it to the convention.
>Sup Forums memes Wu into becoming the 2020 Democratic Candidate
>Trump wins in an ultimate landslide
All aboard the #WuTrain!
>asks for information
>complains when it is given
Can't even make a single good game
>plz tell me how to be prezdent
>don't you fuckkng mansplain to me how to be prezddnt
Is this what hrt does to ur brain
>complains when it is given by A FUCKING WHITE MALE
I think this country is ready for its first shemale president. #ItsXerTime #ImWithXer
A presidential campaign will not end out well for him.
It's fairly easy to tie him to being John Flynt, someone who is on record as calling a professor a Sandnigger.
The interesting thing is though, there are credible ties to Wu being an illegitimate child of Larry Flynt.
>you must also hve lived 14 years in america to run for president
fucking what
I thought you'd at least have to be born there
So what's his pronouns?
The Wu-Tang man ain't nothin to fuck with.
He knows damn well he doesn't intend on even attempting this. This is the most blatent attention whoring yet.
>natural born citizen + 14 years
You do have to be born here.
I had a C-section birth. That's not how people are naturally born. Am I not eligible?
>Be a man
Because apparently, women can't win.
stop pretending to be a woman
he's got that part covered at least
Thread winner.
>I also have no political ties and virtually no money
and that's a bad thing because... ?
Is there video of this?
Literally wu ?
you gotta have startup money for your campaign user.
invest to gain investment and all that.
also its not what you know, its who you know
I hope he gets his turn
Please let this fucking happen
This is a Wuuuu-vement!!
Only humans can run, and only US citizens at that. No Ayyys lmao'ed.
Godfrey is a well known troll so this makes it even funnier.
Is Wu even old enough to run for president?
Awww, I can't find this tweet. Is it real?
I'm sure she could be Hillary tier in throwing all that money away to fail spectacularly.
Not even Anita Sarkeesian's Jew game is strong enough to do more than wring a few dollars out of nu-males and SJWs and stupid news networks. Come back when you're Trump level, with a whole con-game university and hotels and casinos.
Bad for her. Great for us.
Although if she could afford a campaign but didn't have the political connections to do anything it would also be a great for us, like DashCon for the presidency.
Also I am sure there is no need to actually worry since Pence will put an end to this.
Now THAT is a president I would use meme magic for
well I guess being a tranny is a disqualification.
you mean #WuYaGonnaCall
>Although if she could afford a campaign but didn't have the political connections to do anything it would also be a great for us, like DashCon for the presidency.
Oh fucking god! That works on so many fucking levels!
So you don't even see the problem with that ?
Any way we can meme it into actually running so it gets BTFO?
Statistically speaking I am pretty sure its time to kill itself is coming around. So not worth the effort.
whats this image from
>America's first female president is a tranny
dunno, it's in my pence folder
pretty sure it was after nov 8th tho
>Norsk läsförståelse
we should meme this into existence. it's a guaranteed civil war 2.0 and ww3.
what now? chelsea, hillary, michelle obama, kanye? it's gonna be 8 years of donald, and their likes are not gonna be able to run after that period, if they don't realize that.
Vote Michelle 2020 for the triple play.
Good luck running against Kanye
I'd love for the first female president to be wasted on this tranny. The left would eat themselves.
I still can't believe she did porn.