> is anti inmigration
> Sup Forums is made out of people from many different countries interacting.
Is/pol/ proof that immigration is good?
> is anti inmigration
> Sup Forums is made out of people from many different countries interacting.
Is/pol/ proof that immigration is good?
>Is/pol/ proof that immigration is good?
but Sup Forums is bad
Shitposting is a valuable commodity. Mexicans are not.
Sup Forums is just the anglosphere hating everyone else that isnt white european
you're an idiot
Sup Forums is like the birth of North America, with 99% of immigrants being white europeans
It's proof that individual nationalistic entities can share a common goal and propose.
*of european heritage
White countries
If I don't want to see your paki face anymore, I just have to close the tab.
If you were my neighbor, I couldn't do this.
Difference is people on Sup Forums have the same values (for the most part)
Can't say the same about muds blowing people up in Yurop
Sup Forums is proof that non-racial nationalism can work. Either you integrate in our echo-chamber or you GTFO
no its proof we need to execute leafs who enter america
and on Sup Forums we need to ban canada,turkey,australia and redirect them to another board automatically when they try to use Sup Forums. it should be called /hungryNiggers/
>digital uninhabitable space =/= real finite world we have to share
>made out of people from many different countries interacting.
>Is/pol/ proof that immigration is good?
We don't have to live with each other. We just like to gather and make fun of you.
You can't steal benefits and jobs from your mum's basement in a different country
Slav in flagrelated and agree with 95% of the stuff on here.
This board has taught me that I don't want anyone who posts under a Turkish or Canadian flag in my country.
I would kill myself in two days max if I had to live with Americans, Leafs and Emus posters IRL.
I'm half nip half white and I support white supremacy. Thank you Sup Forums.
Touché frenchie
Sup Forums has flags, proving socialism>globalism
Yet no one is banned for sharing a different opinion, unlike certain other social media outlets.
Disliking immigration isn't about stopping people interacting. It's about stopping them bringing their culture and practices we have no interest in into our countries
what about a global socialism
I'm so glad that I don't have to live with you retards
>I don't live next door to them and I don't have to see their shitskin relatives
Wow it's almost like you're comparing two completely different things.
what about social globalism
Thing is that we sit in our own countries and don't try to flood our neighbours... Well people living nearby in my town probbably would try to flood GB but you get my point.
>Is/pol/ proof that immigration is good?
No, as far as I was aware there isn't mass sleep overs happening here.
You can talk down to someone from a wall. I mean, even talk at a distance, but once you're done talking, and outside my country, you're always going to be outside my country. Pol is just a commuters stop on their way back home. No one stays, or follows them home.
>people who live infront of their computers around the world talk to each other
>better open up the borders and take care of the mocha mistake of a coalburner who got impregnated and punched in both eyes by a muslim nigger
national. socialism.
International shitposting is good.
International migration is not.
international socialism, (global social) would form a federation like america or russia, spawning flag burners.
you get african americas
opposed to a british african
hiertage remains unbroken
Op makes no sense as im not planning on moving to any other country
No, Sup Forums is proof that whites will never learn.
>Sup Forums is proof that non-racial nationalism can work. Either you integrate in our echo-chamber or you get a discussion
Wew lad, are your feefees hurt?
Sup Forums is not one person. We got most people on the right. We have traditionalists, conservatives, ancaps, libertarians, ultra nationalists, and some fascists.
More interaction/trade between people of different cultures and nations
Destroying borders, destroying ethnic division, dissolving sovereignty, dissolving cultures and creating a one world government.
Internationalism is good, it helps to prevent wars and increase standards of living/human development around the globe.
Globalism is communism.
But /pol is all white, except for Argentina
>he hasn't been to the mass sleep overs yet
the thing is,i close the /pol tab and you bitches are death to me
i go outside and still have to see all the fucking chinks in my country
I don't have a problem with immigration. I have a problem with non-white immigration.
we are made up of the nation of the england scots welsh and NI
socialists are unionist
nationalist can share the same view but they don't work together as well as socialists.
just look at BNP or SNP, not to mention how seinn finn ripped its self apart.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about my daddy, you little bitch? I’ll have you know he graduated top of his class in the Navy Daddies , and he's been involved in numerous secret raids on my little pu$$y, and he has given me over 300 confirmed cummies. He is trained in sexual warfare and he is the top squirter in the entire US bedroom forces. You are nothing to him but just another slut. He will fuck you the fuck up with power the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying shit about my daddy over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of daddies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the cummy storm, maggot. The cummy storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your pu$$y. You’re fucking dead, bitch. My daddies can be anywhere, anytime, and they can fuck you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with their fingers and tongues. Not only are they extensively trained in bareback intercourse, but they have access to the entire arsenal of the sex closet in my dungeon and they will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable asshole off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. My daddies will squirt cummies all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, bitch.
are you retarded?
That image will never not make me smile.
Sup Forums is proof that world peace is easily achievable with nationalism and national sovereignty.
>we sit in our own countries and don't try to flood our neighbours.
>just look at BNP or SNP, not to mention how seinn finn ripped its self apart.
All of those parties are socialist.
there all nation partys, BNP would seek to control the union, seinn finn and SNP seek abandon the union.
they have there nations rather than there Union in mind
That's not immigration you dumbass, immigration is when we all blend together in one place into a single uniform monoculture. Unless the shitskins won't assimilate, then immigration is when we destroy ourselves with infighting.
What Sup Forums is is people from cultures isolated in distinct geographic regions exchanging ideas. It's a bunch of ethno-states bantering. It's the opposite of immigration, which is why it doesn't suck.
contradicting your theory that "socialists are unionist" then
No. If there were more Muslims they would start to make their own Kebab threads all day.
We're 90% white men dumbass.
No. We're interacting, but we don't loose our identities, we don't leave our family, culture or homeland to do so.
Like Pontryagin said:
>I could never understand why Levich wanted to leave his home country where he was born, he was brought up, became a scholar and reached a high position, having been elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
>On the other hand, I do not know and do not understand why it took so long to let him to Israel. I believe that the person who wants to leave the Soviet Union can not be useful to him any more. His long retention of our country gave rise to harmful publicity, which resulted in a growing Jewish nationalism, ie, growing national strife, which is, of course, very harmful.
it's proof that good fences make good neighbors.
You aren't forced to live among Sup Forums posters. They don't live next door to you or fill up your neighbourhoods. You can talk to posters on Sup Forums, exchange cultures and ideas voluntarily without being forced to engage with them and live among them permanently.
>interaction in internet = interaction irl
we're in our own countries. Im not sitting down next to you in your house to shit post
>immigration is the same as people talking to each other
How do I know some paki wrote this?
>implying nationism and socialism are the same thing,
you can't be a nationalist and a socialist if your part of a kingdom, its a union of "equals" to say your nation is better than the other nations of the union would be counterproductive.
>>implying nationism and socialism are the same thing,
At no point did I make this implication
No. I can't smell you over the internet.
>implying nationalism means "to say your nation is better than the other nations"
you list'd aload of nationalist partys and proclaim they had some relievance to socialism.
if you want an example of socialist partys, just look at the DUP, or any other UNIONIST party, not nationalist
well if you woud like to place a describtion of what you think nationalist is in a relievent context, ill be happy to point out the gapping big hole that is the fact that a british nation socialist party would have to be a pro-unionist.
I didn't list any parties, you did.
>just look at BNP or SNP, not to mention how seinn finn ripped its self apart.
>> is anti inmigration
>> Sup Forums is made out of people from many different countries interacting.
and we all agree that we should stay the fuck away from each other.
you said that all of the nationalist partys i listed were proof of that soccialists arn't uniounists
how about you come up with a view point instead of poorly playing the devils advercate, dipshit, your probly to busy suck SJW cock
>you said that all of the nationalist partys i listed were proof of that soccialists arn't uniounists
You said:
>socialists are unionist
>nationalist can share the same view but they don't work together as well as socialists.
>just look at BNP or SNP, not to mention how seinn finn ripped its self apart.
The parties you listed are socialist parties, two of them are not unionist. The existence of a non-unionist socialist party contradicts your assertion that "socialists are unionists"
>playing the devils advercate
You don't know what this phrase means.
Not true, I get banned all the fucking time.
if you want to call SNP, BNP, and sein finn, socialist partys, go head. shows what a retard you are.
PROTIP: there natonalist partys
the only social aspect about them is they exist
Search Results
an extreme form of patriotism marked by a feeling of superiority over other countries
advocacy of political independence for a particular country.
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
No. I don't have to live with the stupid yanks, I just choose to put up with their shitty posts for a few hours a day.
I'm not anti immigration, I'm anti multi-culturalism. Sup Forums is a bunch of people from lots of countries with the same board culture telling JIDF to fuck off.
No, it's proof that communication between different cultures is important, not necessarily cohabitation though.
why are nips so smart?
excuse my racism
Sup Forums is the healthiest most sane version of what globalism could be.
- Ye I'd love to know more about your culture and politics but please don't bring in your smelly cuisine, your terrible manners and your bullshit religion to my neighborhood. Thanks.
Sup Forums truly is a board of rational peace.
Retarded frogposter
You don't understand. We fucking hate each other.
If you locked every regular Sup Forums user in one big room together, it'd be a fucking bloodbath.
Um no. I don't want brazilians or turkroaches in my country. It's one thing to deal with them on a cantonese cartoon board, but in my own country? Fuck that shit.
We don't live together. If we did we would probably all wanna kill each other, leafs would be first to go.
Nce try schlomo. Pic very related
>permanent immigration
>sharing an image board
these are not the same
Well their school system and families are, on average, much more strict and disciplined. I'm not a nip so you can call them whatever you feel like.
The only reason it works is because the mudslimes can't murder you on the internet
>devils advercate
>Shitflinging at every turn
>Everyone insults everyone else based on their flag
>Greek posters were outcasted by everyone, being shouted "pay debts" at whenever they post (at least before)
>Indians got the same treatment with poo in loo
>Canadians currently get the same treatment with "a fucking leaf"
Sup Forums was a "multicultural haven" before national flags where implemented, when people were more anonymous. When there's a problem in a community, you'd use ANY (race, religion, nationality etc...) to kick dissenters out, and you can't hide your accent, skin color and origins in real life.
Pleas leave my country
wrong side of history
As long as you all stay in your countries were good