Bitches you want to hate fuck

Bitches you want to hate fuck.

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>I want to fuck non-whites, the thread.

Absolutely yes
Jesus no

I'm fine with that.

Post whatever you want
>I win

I'd hatefuck this kike

>Not wanting to hate fuck a Jewish girl whilst wearing a S.S. uniform
What are you, gay?

this one too



This bitch...

that would be Yolandi

>Perfect dick sucking lips.
>Them teeth doe.
I'm having second thoughts.

Never understood hate fucking

It would soon turn to necrophillia if I hate fucked someone. Couldn't stop myself from choking them


Jared Fogel in tranny

Nooooo fuck you natalie
I liked you


Yolandi reminds me of anime girls. I like yolandi.

Kek wills it.

Get his address

Have you ever wanted to hit somebody face with your dick?

Does anyone have the CTR picture of with ms fridgebody and two other women?

>You just killed my erection.
Fuck you.

yolandi is pure! PURE!

oh shit

Hate fuck?

you mean take hostage or sex slave and make cum slut out of her fucking her senseless until she cannot live without your cock , begging you every single time to fill her mouth with your creamy cum.

Then yeah, fuck the liberal independant women out of her... she'll beg you for more afterwards


>Have you ever wanted to hit somebody face with your dick?
lol wut?

Natalie tears

Yolandi was a mistake

pure! don't bully her!

This is your face on Hillary Clinton

any questions

Hillary was fine as fuck.

now she looks like christopher walken

Depends on how she wore her hair.

I find her way too attractive Sup Forums

Kill me

Can't unsee.


nice and thicc


This is like the only feminist I can't fap too.

Madam Vortex

Nevermind, I can't fap to her either.

anyone ever tell her her wrist tattoo looks kind of like a swastika? What did she mean by this?

Nigga this is a man.

I still don't understand what all of that gamergate bullshit was about. Every time I look it up I get confused as shit.

>Prove it.
Post her dick.

with an earth mover


>gril makes game
>gets positive review from website
>she was fucking the reviewer
>website gets called out on this
>Quinn claims her game is being attacked because she's a GRRRRRRRRL gamer XD
>gamergate goes from integrity of gaming journalists to muh soggy knees

What is that other chicks name on the young cucks that looks like ana but isn't ana?

Is that literally fucking all. With the way everyone was freaking the fuck out I though someone got raped and there was like a supreme court cover up. Who the fuck takes game journalism serious in the first place?

Kek. You're not alone



whats wrong with Yolandi?


I don't want none.

Crazy eye is contagious.

This little faggot

Well, there was one detail that left out: there was a private mailing list between gaming journalists that showed how they were colluding with each other to defend Zoe and even suggesting to get her gifts to lift her spirits. But the biggest thing was that the "journalists" then started writing articles that "gamers" were dead/ killing the industry in an attempt to slide how badly they fucked up; like nearly a dozen sites wrote nearly the same article on the same day. Yet, they were surprised with their audience got pissed because they were being insulted.

It's called swaffling.
>just did it to my ex about a week ago when she dropped by just to be able to say I could.

I didn't know people took actual journalism seriously let alone gaming journalism.

Gaming journalism has the problems as actual journalism.

>Real journalism.
-Influence people towards certain agendas.
-Covering up shit.

>Gamer journalism.
-When does the game launch.
-Is it good or bad?

I don't think they are on the same level.

What the fuck did I just watch?

would you do it Sup Forums ?


Wouldn't fuck this with a rented dick. just posting it for the cringe. The caption was grabber her by the pussy though.

my ex

Nope not appealing at all.

>That's a dude.

not even the one where she pisses herself

There's something about her that makes me want to pound her