Let's have one of these threads
Let's have one of these threads
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>he likes us
thank you based spaghettio
Bro, give it ten years, they will come to you, they can't fucking wait.
But, you do understand that land comes with people and vice versa?
>Thinks Ukraine is okay
Template someone
what's wrong with istrians?
Why do you dislike us, Luigi?
Why do you dislike the great toothpaste?
just use my pic
because you behave like niggers here
The North is Portuguese!
yeah our diaspora is pretty shit, I don't blame you
Love you to portu bro
i hate them since euro 2016 :/
Nunca jamás vendealfombras
Some of them are cool guys, don't get me wrong.
It's just that most are commies.
At least give us Olivenza back again. en.wikipedia.org
>basque country
galicians hate portuguese
Fuck you too nigger
Oh boy, he doesn't know.
I know about it. Well I honestly don't care about that.
Basques aren't even European. They speak a language isolate that has no ties to other European languages
Hey, I don't like the Basques but they're probably more racially European than you. Their language is not but that doesn't throw away their heritage.
>hates basques because they are not indoeuropean
>loves Estonia and Finland
Are you fucking retarded
Indians and Iranians speak Indoeuropean languages too. I guess they're more European than Basques?
redpill me on istrians
why are they such commies?
Yeah, sure. The Iberian peninsula mixing with muslims and africans for hundreds of years sure does make them more European than a Germanic Euro-Mutt like me.
That pic brought chills down my spine in a scary way.
shit son
delete this thread
Indians are based. Sure they have designated shitting streets, but they hate muzzies and have a wonderful religion. Basques are mestizo tier.
The invaders never reached Asturias (which repopulated the penninsula after the reconquista), Basque Region & Catalonia. You're uninformed as fuck.
Is a total mess, several cultures, nobody likes anyone, for 1200 years we have at war.
For a long time it was all against everyone.
The fact that the Iberian peninsula still exists today is some kind of miracle.
You're missing half of Germany Ivan
Love Scotland but I suck at geography.
> and have a wonderful religion
>not anymore
fucking ustase
Because most of the Partizans were from Istria. Now it's literally 90% communist serb offsprings who pretend they're italians.
We'll see about that. The Brexit process hasn't even started yet. :3
My prediction: never gonna happen.
Not even basque but, on the contrary, inbred levels and the small genepool there are somewhat similar to those in Britain. Full basques are some of the least mixed populations in Yurope
And Basques never interbreed with the ""Europeans"" to the south?
Why the fuck would you think that everyone is like that commie?
London, along with Paris and Munich were comfy AF every fucking time I visited.
Also, people in those countries were polite to the max.
Fuck that faggot.
Fucking slavnigger
Give it to us and we'll genocide the gommies
If you really believe there are no Europeans on the south of France you've been memed hard, and you're in for a surprise.
>Every thread
>British isles
>Love Scotland/Wales/N+S Ireland
>Hate England
I will never understand this, is it just a lack of understanding of politics in this place?
Sold to the gentleman in the Caraceni suit.
Little to no. For real, southern Spanish people are very VERY different to those on the northz amd generally the traditions and way of living put them apart. Of course there has been that interbred, but not even on a moderate level. Closed community aside main cities.
Take it italybro.
But give us some of your women.
Slavs are better desu
dead serious
why hate montenegro though?
most of them are serbs
only a few are mobsters and albozergs
We'll give you the feminists
Chill out, Muhammad.
No need for that. One does not give and except to receive.
That's not in the spirit of the Catholic church
Are you colorblind?
I thought italian women are all based.
meh,at least hungary gets nuked as well
>he likes luxemburg
Hehe,you are best goy.
Young women are generally leftists. Italy is not as redpilled as some foreigners may think
If you're gonna be like this, no Transnistria for you then, gonna go blow up your Gazprom gasstations now, fuck you
i WANT somebody ti (you) me please, do it
I'm pointing out the contrast between England and the other parts of the British isles. I didn't say you did this did i?
Retarded bozgor/mongolia
This world is going to shit.
>loves frogs
>dislikes central/eastern block
Are you serious mate?
And every thread there's a Brit complaining about it.
Euros don't like England. Its been so for hundreds of years. Get over it
Green: good to live there
Yellow: have some positives
Red: shitholes
Fixed it for you Franz.
toilet cleaner
Fuck you too mongol pal ;)
Couldn't care less about what they think about England, my problem is they love places like Scotland while claiming to hate "cuck" nations. I swear it's just ignorance.
based macaronar
we love you too
t. Gipsy
why you dont like us :S What you do to hurt your fillings :S
Fuck off you migrant roach.
thats the spirit harald
always you hans...