Is race mixing with light skinned minorities ok if you're an autistic retard and would otherwise just die a virgin...

Is race mixing with light skinned minorities ok if you're an autistic retard and would otherwise just die a virgin anyway?

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there's nothing wrong with "racemixing" in the first place anyway faggot

most of the people here are retards. you don't need permission to live your life. go out with whoever you want.


I thought that was Rachel Weisz for a second

Take a clean glass of water (you)
Drop shit into it (them)

stormfags in

What is it with Sup Forums and their obsession with "race mixing"? This shit rarely ever happens outside of your mother's homes you disgusting fat fucks.

People need to be more specific when they say "minorities." I'm fine with Spaniards and Mediterraneans.

there are no "clean glasses of water" and no race is purer than the next anyway, grow up

Maybe, just maybe, some people aren't physically attracted to Aboriginals and Sub-Saharan Africans

All you need to know

It's OK to racemix with anything except niggers and gooks. Also likes is a no no

Spaniards are kinda white

Visigoths + Arab/Moors/Tunisian rape babies + Etruscian and Phoenicians DNA

3 of those are gg.


Bascily split if half but once it wasn't
The good part of Etruscian (Roman) , and Phoencians (Carthagians) and Greeks.

Everything else that came later like Arabs and Islam made one half shitty.

Even Egyptians and Persians are whitish and value "white" cultural elements such as working toghether.

Except Arabs and Niggers who are more individualistic in nature. They don't care about raising their children , they care about breeding like animals thus the clisee of the nigger father running away.

In arab world is a extreme view of how things are it's a due or die medium. Which means only those that are easily brainwashed that lack the ability of thinking and follow blindly are promoted while those that want freedom and thinking slowly exterminated.

Thus you have crazy akbar kaboom in arab world.
Aggresive niggers leaving their offspring to find other female to breed.

Where as the white worked togheter to build nations, this is why germany is an economical power house.

This is why England is germanic by DNA and Nature
Thats why you have the giant what was and is France (Franks were german)

Thats why USA is great as US was build by german hands (anglos-saxons,franks,germans)

And thats why central europe gg , as the slavs and hunz adopted german elements and were white enough to apply them.

For this reason alone the Middle east was once white and flurished and now brownish , arab , niggered filled ... and it's a shithole.

No arab will work 14 hours a day as a forklift operator and come home and play forklift simulator while drinking a beer eating a sasauge and paying 60% taxes.

>he thinks the racism here isn't just a meme

As for race mixing

It's simpler

How do you want your "race" senpai?

Do you want aggresive , non loyal , less inteligent. And bigger , more testosrone , with elements of anti social , individualist elemente?

Then sure go race mix with niggers and arabs.

You want to improve your race by adding new elements that will create better and smarter humans , then race mix with races that are more likely to do so.

Nobody who has German Sheppeards promote the idea of breediing german sheppards with wild wolfs.

But it's a good idea to breed german sheppards with huskeys , it's a good way to create a hyper loyal , easily trained , dog which can resist in -50C degree easily.

It's more likely to be a bunch of losers, feminists or whatever trying to further demoralize us down-trodden men into gene death or even actual suicide.

>Everything else that came later like Arabs and Islam made one half shitty.
>For this reason alone the Middle east was once white and flurished and now brownish , arab , niggered filled ... and it's a shithole.
I completely agree with your post, especially these points. When I think of Mediterraneans, even in Muslim regions, I am speaking of the ones with a lighter, tan complexion, softer facial features, and often have green or blue eyes. Dark skin, brown hair, and brown eyes are not the features I was trying to describe.

I'll go for whomever I like.

how do brown/black people become light skin?

they got euro blood in them?


Historically, parts of the Middle East and North Africa have had heavy European influence, whether it be through key trade routes or European imperialism. You can still see some of the effects of the those regions getting BLEACHED to this day.

wtf im marxist now