My girlfriend of almost one year revealed to me she’s black. She lied, bleaching her skin, and pretended to be white n even said racist things to perpetuate this deception.
I've done very intimate things with her, am i a race traitor pol?
My girlfriend of almost one year revealed to me she’s black. She lied, bleaching her skin, and pretended to be white n even said racist things to perpetuate this deception.
I've done very intimate things with her, am i a race traitor pol?
no white person is this stupid u were never white in the first place
Yes, you know what to do.
How could you not tell.....
yes you should chop off your dick and become a slut for BBC, there is no other way
Gr8 b8 m8.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Thats' what i'm trying to tell you guys. She bleaches her skin, she wears prosthetic hair pieces - most black girls have hair like wool. The marvels of modern science basically made detection impossible.
I'm not personally at fault here, i swear i would never date a black girl, i know it's wrong. The problem is she cosmetically altered herself and i didn't even know skin bleaching was a thing
Is that her? Nigger nose.
she's insane. you're retarded. you're both kinda worth each other
She never lied to you
she's a woman. It is expected that everything a woman says is untrue. You just failed to be a man.
you are a race traitor because you didn't anticipate the female mind
>not getting a dna test to determine how healthy your children will be while also looking for hidden merchantism
>fucking a woman whose parents you haven't met
this is your own fault OP. but you can still come out on top, you are already tainted so you might as well marry her, but tell her to unbleach her skin but keep her racism so you can be racist in public and if anybody tries to call you on it just have your black wife be even more racist to shut them up.
my dude. fucking kek
listen to this guy
>She never lied to you
>she's a woman. It is expected that everything a woman says is untrue
My brain
can we at least see her without the bleached skin?
She told me she was estranged from her parents and they live out of state. I know i fucked up but really how am i supposed to deal with that. Do i really have to hire a private detective to track down if my putative white girlfriend has nigger parents?
No i can't marry her. She's black!!!
My girlfriend of almost one year revealed to me she’s a bear. She lied, shaving her fur, and pretended to be human n even said racist things to perpetuate this deception.
I've done very intimate things with her, am i a furry pol?
Eh, fuck these faggot, she's attractive and clearly hates being black.
Not degenerate, just pray your white male sperm is strong enough to conquer her eggs and purify the womb.
well you can't marry a white chick now, your dick is tainted.
might as well settle for a red pilled black gf
>posting white girls
fkn kikes!
nah shes ok. does she wear contacts or is that her natural eye colour?
also checked
You're telling me that you genuinely believe that this woman was 100% white with a nose like that?
She's attractive for a negro. Don't breed tho.
The name Lady Bearington should've tipped you off
>Eyes not being blue or grey, or at least green
Labia and nipples would give her away. Fake and gay.
Is your girlfriend Michael Jackson?
She's a transnigger?
Yeah those are her real eyes, that's what really fucked me up but like the other faggots say - -she's got a nigger nose.
I'm not a nigger-anthropologist so how am i supposed to know all this stuff about which race is which. Sometimes it's hard to tell. I thought it was a lip or skin thing, i never really through there was a nigger nose thing unless it was like Harambe wide.
I swear i won't breed but i want some sort of absolution despite bearing this defect in my past. Do i have to hide it like some hidden shame forever?
>anons are actually taking "She bleaches her skin, she wears prosthetic hair pieces" 100% seriously
>worth each other
the saying is 'made for each other' god dammit
My cell phone in my bathroom.
Where are you getting the pics to your bait from? I have a blached nigger fetish
>so how am i supposed to know all this stuff about which race
Dude who cares? Race is a social construct anyway.
The pussy tasting like KFC should have been the first sign. Kill yourself for being dumb enough to be fooled. We pray to Darwin that you remove yourself from our gene pool
shes cute op, you should bleach her some more.
op if you get babies with her the children will come out already permanently bleached
you lie. if skin bleaching tech were this good, it would be a trillion dollar business, and i certainly would have heard of it.
This makes me identify as offended.
shes sexy man, you should slap yoself
Race is a social construct like species is a social construct or an SUV is a social construct. Sure... Yeah... All those things are social constructs in the linguistic sense human categorization but in terms of ontololgy ALL of them are objectively real.
bleached her skin? wtf, sounds like weak bait.
furthermore, you've been with this girl for over a year. you should have seen child photo's, met parents and great parents and siblings by that point. Hence your bait is weak and you should kill yourself for presenting weak bait.
but, in the 0.1% that this isn't bait, to answer your question as for the race traitor, the answer is no. you did not find attraction in the negro, you liked the pale side of her, and fell in love with that. you were betrayed and misguided, but that does not make you a race traitor. still, break up the relation and find a genuine mate. a woman that bleaches her entire skin is bat shit crazy, and we all know that you should never stick your dick in crazy. much less have a relation with someone that lies to you for an entire year.
You fucking dumbass! I can see she's a nigger from orbit, and my eyesight is worse than Mr, Magoo. You fucked up now, its like being a virgin, once you given it up you can't get it back. You're a nigger lover now, face it and move on.
Looks like a slav quadroon.
Post more pics. I need a wank.
I'd fill her with my white sperm if you won't.
Not an argument.
A SUV is a man made object not a social construct.