Look at this fucking cuck. He wanted to kill for ISIS. What possess a what white man to turn against his own side?
Look at this fucking cuck. He wanted to kill for ISIS. What possess a what white man to turn against his own side?
He switched sides. Religion transcends race. That is why many whites worship a Jew.
Looks Asian
I blame the Jew.
He kinda looks like a Paco to be honest.
Mummas-boy not getting any.
if you think that's white ive got some news for you buddy.
That goy isnt white bong
Because some whites are just as stupid as Muslims and believe that western civilization is the problem here.
It was presumably a last ditch effort to be accepted by somebody after being rejected by everybody. I mean, look at that face.
It screams loser virgin.
W-what? That's a tuna, bro.
What piques my curiosity is how the fuck does ISIS propagate, through what channel?
I can see nazis and right wingers being converted by Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and leftists being converted by university, school, media and leddit, but which channel converts these jihadists?
Saudi funded Imams. Muslims are converted when they visit mosques.
>What possess a what white man to turn against his own side?
Promisses of a submissive and young wife that will stay at home, take care of the children and cook for you.
Anyway, he looks like a hapa
this guy isn't white you fuckin bimbo...he looks like a anglo britfrench mixbreed bastard...from a white person viewpoint he is not better than a arab or nigger
The koran you idiot.
today is we play stupid day as it seems
always count on a german to tell you how islam & jihad works
all the virgin boipucci that is promised to them
>Impliying its not the CIA/NSA/FBI honeypots that turn residents into terrorists
are you excited about becoming the virgin grill of a muslim man?
“I liked IS from the beginning then I started thinking about death and stuff so I became Muslim,” he told the undercover agent.
>so I became a Muslim
visions of grandeur in a world filled with mediocrity....
The dude is a weirdo.
My ex wife was in the same group of friends as this guy. That area just breeds weirdos, junkies and Koreans.
What the fuck kind of ads am I getting on op's link?
Another Elliot Rodger. r/hapa will have a field day on this.
This. Some britbongs have apparently forgotten what white people look like.
His Last name is "Nojan" which is a Kurdish name meaning flower bud.
But we still want to ally and supply the fighting peshmergahs right??
*middle name
maybe for "great" shitain standards, am I right lads?
He looks chinky.
>What possess a what white man to turn against his own side?
He doesn't look white to me. He looks like some kind of American chink halfbreed or possibly a German-Russian rape baby.
He looks like Elliott Rodgers, half Asian
Stories of this group of friends?
Eurasian Tiger lives for this
I feel bad for his Chinese wife though.
Is he the same guy as the Youtube Eurasian Writer?
I'm half happa and I used to be a practicing satanist when I was 13
In Kurdistan there is a saying,'We are more Kurds before we are Muslims.'
>'His father reported him to the FBI after he destroyed some religious items in the family home.'
His parents turned him in. I have met many Kurds and despite what my Assyrian friends say, they are some of the most honorable people I have ever met. Which is a helluva lot more than I can say about half the Americans I call neighbors.
Yeah that's him
His voice is really autism
I'm thinking of doing the same I hate shitskins but the whites are filled with liberals and faggots and well whites deserve to die now
Tater please.
Sorry mate i'm Irish not Russian
Looks like an Elliot Rodger
>What possess a what white man to turn against his own side?
Sup Forums. The answer is Sup Forums and everything it represents.
check this Hapa out
holy shit shut the fuck up. People like you should be deported UNFFF UNFFF THEY ARE THE KINDEST AND BESTEST PEOPLE UNLIKE US UNFFF
Get the fuck out of there and go live with them if you like them so much.
Jesus, his face looks deformed
He looks like a Picasso painting. A deformed and very very very pale non-yellow chink
Hillary Clinton....
>Spot the filthy communist vermin 101.
mirin' that jaw
Comment section: Black men always date white/other races written by black women, blacks are a scourge on our people.