>have panic attack
>think I'm dying
>go to hospital
>pumped full of drugs
>receive bill
>have panic attack
Have panic attack
How's that Obama care working for you?
>he has no free healthcare
>have no health insurance like a retard
>go to doctor for stupid reason like a retard
>get rekt like a retard
The NHS costs your average person over twice what private insurance costs, stop whining.
>>have panic attack
really nigga?
Just a few more months, trumps gonna fix this
>muh private healthcare
The fuck drugs they give you that cost $18k? Was hopefully good shit. Still, should have stuck with Private Enterprise here dude, $18k get you through a bit more than a fleeting weekend.
Kek, people here will probably call you a faggot nu male for having panic attacks, but if they ever have one they'll know it's not bullshit, panic attacks suck. Same thing happened to me when I went to the hospital first time I had one. They didn't even give me any drugs though, just told me I had a panic attack and charged me like 2 grand.
>spend all my money on big apartment, cellphones and hit
>wonder why I don't have the money to pay the hospital bills I should have had insurance and savings to pay
What the fuck is a panic attack? Did someone trigger you? Fucken gay cunt.
it's wwIII n shiiiet.. oh wait. Will they ever admit they were wrong?
I think you can afford 17 bucks
>sweden trying to be funny
Freedom ain't free
You're not dying.. you're just changing your world view, you think it didn't happen to me, i ratified my mind so many times i lost count.. stop being such a fucking pussy unless you have something physically wrong with you.
>panic attack
give me a break absent of physical changes to your blood air etc, are you a little girl? harden the fuck up.
I had a panic attack before and went to the hospital because I thought I was going to die. I also didn't sleep the night before, didn't eat at all and drank a lot of caffeine that day
Shut up faggot, I use to have panic attacks but can still beat your ass. Can't help what goes on deep in the brain
Will you danish cunts ever stop being obnoxius?
Thanks Obama
Lying in hospital bed and being examined = 2K payment. Seems legit.
It costs folks like yew and mey
Can someone explain me how the fuck Obamacare works?
To me it seems that both insurance costs AND healthcare bills went up after Obama.
will you swedes ever stop trying to sell your nation for nothing? some things don't often change naphtali or is it asher.. god appointed you under us because you are tards..
>No healthcare
I feel you. At first I won't lie, I was a pussy about it because you think you're actually dying for no reason. But now it's just whatever, panic attacks really aren't shit once you're used to them. When it becomes pussy though is when you ask for sympathy, which I never have nor will.
You are a big tough man, aren't you?
Obamacare made it so you have to pay a deductible that people who couldn't afford insurance in the first place, could never hope to afford.
The fact that you get fined for not having should be warning enough.
TOP KEK what a fucking joke of a health system. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Thank you Obongo for letting this happen while sucking the dicks of Arab trash
Can you give me a TL;DR greentext of what is Obama Care exactly and how it actually fucks people over instead of helping them?
>Neck bothering me for 2 months
>Getting worse
>Getting no sleep
>Finally crack and go to hospital
>Get some steroids and muscle relaxers
>Fall for the Cat meme
>45 minutes in the hospital
>3000 dollars.
You still celebrate independence day from DAN mark (field of dan) and little good that did you.. did it? you have intelligence but you don't have the brutality which is why you call us danish devils.. (danskjaevlar) it's not devilish attitude it's just more responsibility faggot.. Now let us and brother norway clean up your mess.. and stop getting in the way all the time.. When we took britain it wasn't called swede law, it was called dane law for a reason.
Swear to Kek. The doctor just did some tests with an EKG to see if I was in physical danger, I obviously wasn't so he just gave me a few papers that explain what panic disorder is and bill in the mail a few weeks later.
>have €1000+ medical bills this year
>only need to pay a hard cap of 370 yearly, insurance pays the rest
Feels good man
Panic attacks, like depression, are fantasy shit cucks pretend to have to get attention from others.
>believes in the free healthcare meme
What is taxes Hans?
People pay 300 bucks a month for the privilege of only paying 10000 instead of 100000 bucks for a minor medical emergency.
But does your neck feel better?
>You are a big tough man, aren't you?
I'm trying to toughen up this douchebag yes.. i don't see what it has to do with you portugal. Had he experienced manner of these situations that i have walked through he would be in fetal position, i guess i should apologize all over the place for not telling him to go suck on a unicorns teet..
You waited 2 months with neck pains before going to the hospital?
it's a tax for people who don't buy private healthcare
Stupid toothpaste you don't have to spend all of your government money on blowing up sandniggers and protecting other pussy countries like we do
>capitalist country
>Obama becomes president
>"Muh socialism"
>Obama tries to mix socialism with our entirely capitalist policies and economy
>Fucks over middle class and poor people by basically making obamacare more expensive and shit tier than private healthcare
>Poor and middle class still love him
>panic attack
user, this is not Tumblr.
What a big tough guy you are
Yes but not 3000 dollars better.
Rather put up with some pain than give the pill pushers my money.
Why are you going to the hospital for a panic attack? What are you expecting they would do? Surgically attach a new pair of balls?
He's not saying he's a fucking genderqueer lionkin, it's a panic attack, a real thing
life is pain get used to it faggot.. the world is a giant non safe space, him having a panic attack does not mean he's dying.. Last thing he needs is another enabler.
You are a faggot nu male.
Grow a pair and stop panicking over nothing.
This is so simple minded that you probably will never realize how wrong you are
Kek, the thickness of your skull is impressive. You don't have a panic attack because you choose to panic about something. They happen for literally no reason usually. I'm all for calling out pussy bullshit but at least know what you're talking about
Do you like your healthcare system?
What a rugged tough Man you are. Teach me plz
My panic attack due to an overdose of psychedelics only cost me $675 and that included an overnight stay.
I had actual very physical strong pains and directly dealt with that kind of anxiety aswell.. you focus on it you embrace it and you overcome it.. and live through it and see it's nothing. Believe me if it's life threatening you know the difference.
Fresh from Twitter
>entirely capitalist principals and economy
whew lad
Watch your fucking mouth.
>They happen for literally no reason usually.
No they happen because you're a faggot.
Real men don't have panic attacks.
>go to hospital feeling shit
> appendix emergency operation
> leave hospital 4 days later
> get charged 40 Euros
its great having a good health insurance
Oh you fucking faggot.. just stop pretending that stubbing your toe is something to tell everyone about. You're one of the worst persons someone with anxiety should ever relate to, go back to your tumblr blog.
>Live near Mexico
>Drive to Mexico for doctor
> Pay 20 bucks for specialist
>Maybe 50 for euro meds
How does it feel to know that what major surgery cost in Mexico?
How does it feel to know you get antiquated medicine cause doctors are pussies in the usa?
no wonder Merkel is filling you in with rapefugees
Yes actually, I did at the time and would gladdly go back to the pre-obamacare system.
>watch your fucking mouth
Ok chief.. haha
> tfw ancap ball is already too powerful
>mom dies of cancer
>months pass
>alone in my apartment because roommate is with gf
>smoke too much weed
>start thinking about life and how alone i am
>have a panic attack (never had one before)
>think i'm dying, ambulance comes, don't go to hospital
>feel like shit next day, go and get no help from anyone
>huge bills
>leave country
fuck you america
>panic attack
Americans with their made up medical conditions are really funny. Great way to sell drugs.
What a tough son of a bitch you are
Wow, i better stop posting
>tfw greek
>tfw unemplyment high as fuck
>tfw denbts
>tfw refugees everywhere
>tfw shitty prime minister
>tfw rising taxes and dropping wages
and I can still walk in the ER and get treated for free
explain yourselfs americucks
health care is a right
Private medicine is actually pretty good in Mexico, plus is not expensive
you really need to be careful how you talk about me on the forum, i dont appreciate it. tone down the disrespect, i dont know where you're from but where im from we dont tolerate that. dont even reply to this, just keep your mouth shut. consider yourself warned.
>overdose on psychedelics
You're a fucking moron for doing psychedelics other than mushrooms, acid, and dmt. Unoverdosable.
maybe they need to stop giving drugs for no reason
You don't even know what it is to have a true panic attack, i've had a few.. your heart is racing or beating irregularly your chest is constricted.. you can't breathe.. you think you're having a heart attack, i can guarantee you if you had a real one you would know the difference.. i doubt you had enough trauma to have a real one. But go on tumblr and have some fake trauma with your buddies to feel special. fucking faggots, you deal with things the right way.. not to enable it.
You could've bought a ticket to France, be treated here, be in a nice comfy hotel room, go to a fancy restaurant, take the Eurostar for a weekend in London, take a flight to Italy, spend another 2 days here and go back to US for the same price.
Truly the land of the free
Dog bless america.
>have panic attack
>blood pressure skyrockets to 240/150
In case you didn't know that's stroke/aneurysm territory. Panic attacks can literally kill you, it had nothing to do with "being scared" You don't know what you're taking about
fucking shitheads, just because a couple of feminist landwhales pretend to have panic attacks or bipolar disorder or whatever condition they see fit to justify their shitty behavior doesn't mean those conditions do not exist or everyone who has them is a fucking faggot, fuck you
Well in here we got "free" healthcare, that means every homeless person in here has quite good healtcare, even though pays nothing and technically is not insured by the law the doctor must provide their assistance and make sure they are out of life threathening condition.
The homeless makes most cases as they drink a lot + doing other things that are not exactly healty.
This costs quite a lot on taxes but hey at least I dont need to worry if something happens to me.
Oh shit, you're really bad ass. Do you think you can teach me?
>be literal subhuman incapable of functioning
>go to doctors even though I'm aware how the health care system is in America
>get priced out of living
You deserve it
>not youtubing yoga videos and fixing your shit holistically
I shiggy diggy on the cusp of 2017, compadre
>>believes in the free healthcare meme
>What is taxes Hans?
As a Canadian I pay 50% of what Americans pay on average.
People flip the fuck out if you pay via taxes, because of social engineering by the elites who push Anti-Tax propaganda. But if people pay a company, oh it's just fine. That's the free market ;)
>Half of Sup Forums has Panic attacks
Obamacare made it illegal to not have health insurance which means that:
Healthcare prices have gone up about 150 since it's inception
Only poor people get subsidised for Healthcare options
The Healthcare options are so poor, they usually have at least a 5000 dollar deductible (at least)
Regular people still have to pay for insurance but if you make more than like 100000 dollars a year you're gonna pay at least 300 dollars a month, probably closer to 500 for an individual, especially if you're younger than 50
Basically it increased prices for everyone. It didn't even help the Uber poor they still pay for shit. It might be one of the biggest failures ever and nobody talks about it.
Heartily chuckled
If you make more than 10000*
this is exactly what happened to me
couldn't breathe anymore
fell to the floor of my apartment, chest felt like it was going to burst, almost lost consciousness (competent to dial 911)
took the ambulance 45 minutes to get here and by that time i was able to have enough energy to sit up hunched over on my steps while doing breathing excercises
it drained me of energy for over a week
never happened since
>i dont appreciate it. tone down the disrespect
you're the enabler so ofcourse i attack the enabler you don't even see it. You're the misery loves company faggot and what i'm doing is what?
a man walks along the road and someone comes and says.. this man needs help he's in a bad way.. and people like you "can't you see i showered today i can't get into that icky stuff, can't you see i'm doing the lords business"
And me i'm getting in your face for making this about yourself instead.. who of you and me is doing the lords business most.. that is the question you should ask.
panic attacks are real, but going to the hospital with them is counterproductive and useless.
you need to just work through it essentially.
to all people here acting like tough shit: there's an easy way to induce a panic attack, so I suggest you try for yourself and report back to us.
heres how it's done: basically you waterboard yourself. there is no danger to drown at all. the only danger when waterboarding yourself is that you'll have a heart attack, since waterboarding induces a panic attack, so your heart will go like crazy.
you can find explanations of how waterboarding works online. it's not hard to do to yourself and you will 100% know the second you did it right
hope your kids turnout schizophrenic
>be burger
>take acutane to try and salvage my shit face from even more pockmarks
>skin brittle as fuck
>drop box on feet
>shatter my tonails
>shards of tonail in my toe
>medical insurance doesn't cover it upon inspection
>try and cauterize it and clean it myself
>at least no gangrene develops
>spend 1 year with horrific looking ingrone toe until I can buy better insurance
>as soon as I have it, I get my entire nail removed, other big toe gets cut open as well
>freedom wins again
>I deleted or my ex deleted the photo of my fucked up feet so here is the photo before it.
It's very unpleaseant :) the mind and the body work together and in a panic attack all the signals of attack they work against you.. but ride it out and you are ok.. stress and all kinds of experiences can cause that.. A real thing you will know immediately.
Well I hope there's not a next time for you,but it might be a hell of alot cheaper to come and visit the uk for any other health problems.