What could Hitler have done to win WWII?
inb4 meme answers
What could Hitler have done to win WWII?
More like your pic, OP?
Letting someone else run the military.
He had no idea what he was doing.
how about not be a fucking idiot?
He couldn't, just couldn't.
Wermacht's logisticians told him that his supply lines would be overstretched when they enter USSR 600km deep. That was evident when Battle of Smolensk slowed down their Moscow efforts for a month.
They couldn't transport supplies fast enough to the east front during the entire war.
Take Moscow instead of diverting to Kiev which they could have just dealt with later
Come on nigger
Having a better economy for Germany, not going to war with Russia, not putting dipshits like Hermann Goring in power, not putting himself in military power.
Honestly the list of small and large changes needed to even make a remote possibility of German victory is so long.... I can't even.
Not be such a cuck
these are pretty good,moar?
He could have simply not attacked Russia.
Its pretty safe to assume with the knowledge of today that the Allies were always conspiring to go after Germany. And both Logistics And Menpower (US, The Soviet Union and their Commie Bros, Britain and their Colonies) made victory almost Impossible.
He should have went after London straight away, then all of Britain. This would have had a massive Strategic impact on US Forces. And of course the Invasion of Russia took too long or should have begun in the Winter months so they wouldnt end up freezing to Death when they were much deeper into russian territory.
By listening to his military for starters
Not attempted to attack the freezing cold, devastating motherland
>not declaring war on Russia
>not declaring war on US
That's it
this is not a meme answer thread.
Sorry boss but by the time WW2 started it was a done deal. He chose to stretch himself thin across too many fronts, fund super weapons that had little impact on the outcome of the war, and in general ignored advice from his commanders that he didn't like.
He got too greedy and ambitious for what he had and it bit him in the ass when it ground the country he helped rebuild back into rubble.
the US declared war on him
Been more serious about his pro-British propaganda and outreach, while simultaneously doing more (under the rug) to promote the rise of the British Fascist Party. The hope would be that the Fascists get elected somehow, and then keep Britain out of the war long enough to deal with the Soviet Union. The ultimate reason would not be to keep from fighting Britain, but the United States.
With no real allies in jeopardy, it would have been unlikely that Lend Lease would have happened.
Also, work closely with the Japanese to keep them from provoking America. It's not about putting off war forever, just to time it correctly.
It would have been accomplished by keeping the war a foreign matter to America. Also, it would have helped if the British government was split, and much of British propaganda was used for the anti-war effort because of the Fascists.
With the Soviet Union out of the war, America could never have won by itself.
none of the posts I replied to said that though
Not kill Jews.
If Hitler would have just kicked them out instead of trying to systematically wipe them out, the rest of the world wouldn't have been so eager to go after him.
When Germany was arming itself and invading Europe and America were extremely apathetic. Intellectuals, Celebrities, Political leaders, Big Business men, all said to not intervene. Sartre even suggested that a dictatorship was a good thing for the Germans. British newspapers were sympathetic to the Reich when they heard they were forbidding Jews from office.
If Hitler had only kicked them out it would had been seen as a nation protecting her own interests. But he had to go full retard and start a Holocaust, and that pissed a lot people because of the sheer arrogance of it.
Copy-paste that link into a new window, Sup Forums can't do playlists so you'll only get the first video if you do an embed.
Basically, war is as much about resource management as it is battle strategy. You can't take tanks into battle if you run out of fuel. Hitler needed to be less aggressive and better at diplomacy. Maybe if one of those assassination attempts had been successful.
Still, Germany wasn't going to win. We had atomic bombs in the works. If they had been winning in Europe at the time, they could've brokered a surrender where they kept Poland and weren't sanctioned. But they still would've had to disarm.
You clearly don't understand subtext.
>say something completely retarded and unrelated to my post
>I point out the retardation
>it was just subtext bro!
Not allying with Japan
Consolidate his existing holdings, investigate better methods of transferring power, leave russia for the next generation, sue for peace against the allied powers.
>leave russia for the next generation
meme answer. time to read up, Leaf.
Quit while he was ahead.
He reunited Germany as was his plan.
Europe, and pissing off Russia was too big a bite.
>crush the British forces in 1940 instead of letting them escape
>don't declare war on the US, he literally had nothing to gain out of it
>don't invade the USSR before ceasing hostilities on western front
Invade middle East over Russia in order to get oil
Holocaust was literally denied even in 1944. It wasn't a casus belli, Hitler's attempt to make Germany a sole European superpower was.
>crush the British forces in 1940 instead of letting them escape
This was the generals' fault, not Hitler's. They ignored his orders to attack at Dunkirk.
>don't invade the USSR before ceasing hostilities on western front
The alternative is get invaded by the USSR, which is worse.
German scientists would have made a nuclear bomb but Hitler didn't want anything to do with that because he believed the allies would have had a bomb as well, and he didn't want mutually assured destruction. This was before America had even started the manhattan project iirc
>This was the generals' fault, not Hitler's. They ignored his orders to attack at Dunkirk.
Quite the opposite, Hitler's meddling prevented the attack. He still had the idea of making a deal with UK on the basis of "British seas, German land", ultimately proven false.
>The alternative is get invaded by the USSR, which is worse.
USSR was completely unprepared - that's why the Nazis managed to reach Moscow and Stalingrad. If Soviets tried to attack in 1941 they would be crushed easily.
fucking ID, no one is gonna take me seriously
>Quite the opposite, Hitler's meddling prevented the attack. He still had the idea of making a deal with UK on the basis of "British seas, German land", ultimately proven false.
That's a meme, CUK.
>USSR was completely unprepared - that's why the Nazis managed to reach Moscow and Stalingrad. If Soviets tried to attack in 1941 they would be crushed easily.
Is that why Stalin purged the officer corp prior and traded millions of lives for rapid industrialization focusing on heavy machinery, CUK?
Not ally with the FUCKING NIPS
In seriousness, he would have had to dump Japan and be neutral with the US in order to beat the Soviets. Fact is by 1945 America has the bomb (by 1946, three of them) and thus able to successfully defend itself against any attack. Germany's only hope would be in producing high-altitude strategic jet bombers, a thing the Luftwaffe never took to (Germany's largest bombers were medium sized) or in submarine-launched V-2s (a thing that was still extremely experimental in 1946 and one which the Kriegsmarine wasn't a fan of due to the increased complexity and cost). But again even if they had those two technologies, nothing beats atomic weaponry.
> Is that why Stalin purged the officer corp prior and traded millions of lives for rapid industrialization focusing on heavy machinery, CUK?
In 1941 we had literally 3 rifles per 5 peoples. We stop wermaht with willpower and million corpses, then we rebuild army and he got #rekt
Asked one of my history professors this question.
Germany needed to do two things:
1) eliminate a front ASAP. Even a strong country trapped between two weaker countries is at a disadvantage in all scales of conflict, from the small unit size to Army Group and above.
2) Hitler should have listened to his U Boat commander and gave him the 400 U Boats when he asked for them.
>That's a meme, CUK.
If you're gonna discount facts as memes, I fail to see a point.
>Stalin purged the officer corp prior
He purged them for political reasons and lack of experienced officers is one of the reasons of USSR's failures early in the war.
>not invade Poland
>France and UK keep quiet
>banish Jews to Palestine
>making aryan-racist utopia at home
>Stalin attacks anyway
>West and Reich defeats Red Wave and defends Europa against bolchevism.
>1950, end of the war
>Hitler is dead in 1955 after won the Nobel Peace Prize
>1963 : The Reich's perestroïka by Führer Speer or Dönitz
>Today communism is very badly appreciated and seen as evil imperialist ideology
>Rebels wear Hitler or Svastika T-shirts
>Wehrmacht Army Choir sings arond the world.
Yes that is true. I believe the NCO corp was mostly left untouched by early Soviet resistance was a mess due to this. You had many guys laying down their rifles or even offering to fight for the Germans because they hated communism so much during the early stages of the eastern front.
I mean, let's imagine an ideal scenario for Hitler: instead of invading Poland he would have waited to take France in 1941 following Pearl Harbor, then cut up Poland with Stalin obtaining their continued neutrality. He would then spend the next four years building up, as WW2 would still be located at the fringes of europe (north african and arab oil fields) and the Pacific. By 1945 Hitler would be ready to go with an all-out attack and invasion of the UK (with Ireland) which would be successful as he then turns to using U boat V-missiles on America's eastern seaboard.
In this case Tokyo would have been nuked straight away and Stalin would have been allowed to invade and be given the northern part (like Korea is in real life). With Japan completely crushed by gas attacks, in 1946 the entire US military sails west towards India (which is still, tenuously, a British colony) and then marches to the Mediterranean. Once the US prevails there, then it's a double gangbang from the US navy in the west and the US army in the east until America invents their own jet bomber (even if it's reverse engineered from a crashed one) and begins nuking anything of value in Europe.
End result would be a completely devastated planet with only two countries, Russia and America, left.
>systematically wipe them out,
>he fell for the meme
It called a Holocaust at first, but that doesn't take away from the fact that when the fleeing Jews took over newspapers and radio stations in other countries, and in less in a decade, managed to swing support. Governments weren't interested not until public opinion changed.
It's funny you mentioned 1941 because that is the same year newspapers took it from page nine to the front-page.
Not start WW2
>2016, Trump loses the US election to a kike puppet
>It's funny you mentioned 1941 because that is the same year newspapers took it from page nine to the front-page.
But the Final Solution was put into motion in 1941... Persecution of Jews was known, but genocide was disputed.
>2016, populist left-wing candidate Trump is compared to Stalin
It's not so much about what Hitler could have done as much as what events could have shifted the war, or possibly shifted the war.
For instance, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union were essentially held together by their leadership. Stalin's death or Churchill's impeachment could easily have caused a sue for peace scenario in 1942/1940 respectively.
Likewise, a shift in general strategy to focus on the middle east and India could have caused major strain for the British and forced them to the bargaining table.
Or hell, if we're just doing stupid bullshit what ifs, Fascist Britain/France before the war/United States could have completely upturned the war.
either not fight in or change strategy for every lost battle, unless they led to a victory that was worth
double down on every blowout victory battle
>Waited a little longer to invade poland
>Better ties with the soviet union and a better plan to divide up europe/join the war against the allies
>Bombed the fuck out of britain and not waiting because he "liked" us
>Not invaded the USSR, instead waiting until the other war was near finished
There really are so many things he could have done, but it's irrelevant now
Not kill his enemies.
>>banish Jews to Palestine
He already was doing so before the war started, he even let them keep their money
The sheer ignorance in this thread wew
Germany had problems acquiring oil, so invading a country that had lots of oil early would probably have hepled.
That and improving the severly over-streched supply lines, but that's easier said than done.
Delegated power to the heads of the military. Been less expansive and aggressive wih his foreign policy before the war. Postponed the war for a few more years if given the chance to focus on increased industrialisation of the military and r&d. Not allied with Imperial Japan after Pearl Harbor. Not to go through with operation Barbarossa because 70% of german soldiers ended up dying on the Eastern front. Would have been sweet if the germans developed the nuke first and dropped it on moscow.
Fucking kek, more of these pls
I remember reading somewhere if he invaded Russia earlier he would've won since winter hit them about a month before they reached Moscow.
He had zero idea on military strategy. He eased up on Britain bombings when they were about to give.
Only had three real allies and two were too far away to matter
Sorry, could've not would've.
>Invading more countries
If he hadn't attacked Russia he could have kept all the territory he took in Europe.
Same with Japan, if Japan hadn't bombed Pearl Harbor the US would not have lifted a finger to help SE Asia.
He should never have betrayed Russia. If he had waited longer, perhaps even years, or never attacked Russia, he would have won.
>believing the holohoax
Your newfag is showing.
By actually killing all of the (((them))). Win for the world IMO.
Trust the desert Fox on Dday.
Hitler got fucked up on Mind games. Hitler wouldn't trust ground reports of beach landings. Got fucking REKT.,