He doesn't vote YES

>he doesn't vote YES
>he doesn't want to make Italy great again
>he's a terrone leech who doesn't want the state to fuck up his mafia business

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Ma muori veloce e subito.

>he's a terrone leech
What did OP mean by this?

>he votes YES
>he's a cuck

Terrone = southern italian

he'a leeches likea bread in ma'mas tomatas sauce

t. terroni

T. Cuck che preferisce dare la propria sovranità all'europa. Bravo

How representative of Italy is this video?


Very representative but the subtitles were written by someone who studied italian on duolinguo for 2 weeks


Quindi non neghi che ti dia fastidio il fatto che lo stato vada a ficcare il naso negli affari delle regioni meridionali e vi faccia pagare le tasse a forza di calci in culo se vince il sì.

Smettila Matteo

Non succederà. Sai cosa succedera? Consiglieri regionali corrotti (mafiosi) andranno al senato e avranno l'immunità. Vuoi questo?

>Angry Italians
>immediately revert back to native language and insult the shit out of each other

It's in our genes, sameway shitposting is in Aussies.

Hey Matteo, are you going to take the european flag out from your asshole once the campaign ends?

100% Rome citizens

Gtfo our country Renzi
Sincerely, Veneto
Dio Can

You keep my family's business out of this.

Are Italians white?



For all those who still want to vote YES to this absolute cuck scam of a referendum, i've got something nice for you

For the non italian speakers: if YES wins "ius soli law" (anchor babies for amerifats) will be unlocked. It's a law pushed by our left that if passed (and it will with the new Senate) will give automatically citizenship to ONE FUCKING MILLION of immigrants. And we're just talking about the ones that are currently in Italy. Without taking the future "refugees" that will flood us next year

good fucking god why would anyone vote yes?

>why would anyone vote yes?
Because they don't know. Mainstream media isn't talking about it. The ones that do are in denial and shift blame on those who expose this bullshit

It's not widely known, many believe this law utterly failed to pass, but it's just stuck in the senate apparently, waiting for an official approval

Renzi is very good at this, it's the only thing he knows how to do... he gave the law a retarded title so that it would end up on the ballot, spent 20 hours a day on every state tv channel pushing slogans without ever talking about the reform itself
Basically everything you can do to get the uninformed vote since he know the informed ones will flock to vote no

>il broblema dell'Idalia è che i derroni non bagano le dasse
t. inspiegato eterno complesso di inferiorità

I hope he resigns if he gets btfo our cuck of a prime minister refused after his flag referendum failed.

Tfw those inbreeds think this referendum is a choice between dictatorship or revolution

>currently there are no corrupted senators
>100 powerless corrupted senators is worse than 350 that can do the shit they like

Credici babbeo

it's not enough IMO, but it's a step in the right direction.

Germany is bleeding Italy dry. Get out of the union while you can. Or just default and let it resolve itself.

So you would rather have 100 corrupt senators, which 60 come all from PD, than have 315 different senators that actually stopped the ius solis from being approved? Really?

It's not ius soli like the americans have.

Secondo voi è scopabile?

Yes, it's like the german one, which is working very well

It doesn't matter, with or without ius soli nobody will leave anyway, nobody is making them do so.

It's still shit, but it's not like the one they have in america.

Appenditi, frocio.


The ius soli was just an example, my point is that we should look well at this reform, from every kind of perspective, because you know very well that everything will likely go to shit as soon as possible, since the WHOLE government is corrupt, not just one party.

Also, they're gonna leave by themselves, if you give them citizenship you're giving them the right to stay

>you're giving them the right to stay
And welfare, school tuition, council housings and much more.
Pic related wrote it, that's all you need to know.

nah mate, as if they fucking care, as long as they can rob and fuck around they ain't leaving.
Also, if NO wins we'll be having technicians back. It's going to be Monti & Letta all over again, but with even more EU cocksucking.

That's just psychological terrorism from Renzi, we won't have any techinc government, stop believing his lies, if they put another puppet after those three fuckers we had before the backlash from the entire population will be tremendous

The globalist left is a parasitic, malignant tumor that is destroying our society, our culture, our economies and all because Deutsche Bank, MPS and similar say it's a good idea. You know, the same banks that are so good at their job we need to bail them out every 2 years or so.

The euro left assumed the same condescending, elitist behavior that caused their doom in the USA. They know they are getting BTFO so they are pushing this new fresh meme of "bipartisan reforms for the common good" to get the votes of cucks like you.
The leftist tumor needs chemo, and it must be eradicated now before we end like South Africa 2.0
Not this time m8. NO means the status quo wins, it was literally the same constitutional asset that was working one, two and three years ago without needing any technician. If they do that, it will be seen as a coup.
And EU is fragile already as it is. If they do, Hofer and Le Pen will get more than 60% and you'll see what happens next.

Notice how now they are alrady talking about bailing out that black hole that MPS is. Fucking parasites.

there was no backlash in the past 160 years, the only time people tried do do some shit activly in this country was when nazi were already running away.
We're just too lazy to do anything about it.
All i care for now is to reduce senators number, save some coin by doing so, and wait the next election without some more drama

Italians present, how do you think the referendum is going to go with your perspective from inside the nation?

>All i care for now is to reduce senators number
>saving 120 millions in a country that pisses 190 billions per fucking year is a reason to vote against your constitutional rights
Educate yourself cuck

Italy has a political problem, not a constitutional one. You can pass every reform you want, every law you can imagine, every flavour of the day fiscal trick to get by. We are living in a country were corruption, conflict of interest, and tax evasion are costing us 190 fucking billions per year.
You can sugarcoat a big turd as much as you want, it's not going to become a sweetroll.
Literally the only thing we need is a semi clean political class that can pass few basic laws to take care of conflict of interests, cutting privileges in parliament, tackling big tax evasion and limit immigration, and that's fucking it.

We don't need a fucking Nobel prize to do that you dumb cock

nice try frocio fiorentino

now tell how most shitty actors and politicians come out of the jewish MEDICI city

is there some kind of super jewish masonic lodge?

Renzi è un fottutissimo Dulcamara

He a Mr. No-one and with our NO he will be kicked out


>voting yes
>giving Renzi free hand to change the citizenship law and give it for free to millions of immigrants

fuck off traitor


Nice try, sporchissimo ebreo

So you're good as long as shit doesn't reach your eyes? Because here we're all having a nice close-up, it's just that we're trying to do something about it
If enrichment will ever knock at your door, you invited it by voting Yes.

>is there some kind of super jewish masonic lodge?

NO is going to win 90% advantage, no doubt about it
Nothing is going to change if you don't make a first step. Even if it's in a wrong direction, i rather do that instead of waiting for the messiah to free us from our problems

Both campaigns are fucking shit, they just spread misinformation and are causing a real damage into our politics (and it already was pretty shit).
Hopefully No is going to win regardless.
Can't fucking wait for Monday

This is like breaking your leg and then shooting the other one hoping it's going to heal the other one.
You don't need a Messiah, you've got Grillo and he is more than enough. Even if he fucks up, doesn't matter, we'll try with another one.

This is change, not accepting a pseudo solution from the same people who created the problem

Can either of you explain comprehensively what it would mean, and why it is something we're hoping for a no vote?

I understand what the effects would be practically, with the senate shrunk, etc. But what are the knock on effects which, as a foreign citizen, I'm unaware of?

it really reads in my head like peter

Some say if No wins it will crash the euro, that way we could get out of the eurozone (but considering all the mediatic terrorism done in these last months, I wouldn't really believe that)
It will weaken the EU, Merkel, Junker and other cucks endorsed the Yes
If Hofer gets elected in Austria, its gonna be jackpot for us

So is it about the implications for dethroning the prime-minister and striking against the eurozone, rather than the actual constitutional changes?

Because if so, that makes more sense to me. The changes themselves seem.. reasonable?

Grillo is a clown and i would rather shoot myself in the nuts than having him as the lead of this unlucky country

Well, other than thisIt will make the Senate completely useless (they won't be able to repel laws from the Parliament) and coupled with an already unbalanced political system with a majority prize, it will pave the way for a single party dictatorship.

The single party being a monstrous, corrupt leftist lump of cancer taking order from Juncker and Co. They will win next elections as well by allying with the remnants of Berlusconi's party like they did in the last election and enforce Bruxelles' will.
Which would be dismantling and privatizing big pieces of our welfare, union laws,unregulated free trade, illegal immigration galore with ius soli and another Mare Nostrum to use our navy to pluck the niggers fresh off Libya so they can get citizenship once here, fag marriage, bailouts to zombie banks, fag adoption.
The whole globalist package sponsored by the likes of Deutsche Bank. Which btw we will be forced to bail out in a few months from our pockets, along with MPS and another dozen or so instead of letting them fail and let the free market operate like in every civil society
He will win and you can only cry about it

Dio straporco.

and once he won, what do you think will happen?
we'll be the laughing stock of the world for couple of years and then nothing will change.
Grillini are just a bunch of hippies that have zero understanding of the world

I'm going to vote NO because the reform is fucking shit, the way to elect the senate will be a huge mess and we're gonna lose regional power, while the regions with a "special statute" won't be touched at all, and this is fucking unfair

Also Renzi will stay, he's not going to resign regardless the outcome

I don't have a fluent enough knowledge of the current political system in Italy, and the "delicate" balance of power set up after the second world war.

From a British standpoint, the changes seemed to make the senate more similar to a house of lords (appointed but with less powers), and the house more like the commons. Is this incorrect?

Still, just off the back of giving the EU the dick, I hope that no wins. Best of luck.

People like this is why I vote YES.

>Grillini are just a bunch of hippies that have zero understanding of the world
Just like the ones we have in charge now, the difference being this time we're gonna have a legitimate package of laws to tackle corruption and tax evasion. 190 billions. 190 000 000 000. That's how much these lefties intellectuals and political geniuses are costing us every single fucking year
Not familiar with UK system senpai. But cheers m8.
>t. Bello Figo

Thanks for this, this is exactly what everyone should know about this reform and why the No will save us

>It will make the Senate completely useless (they won't be able to repel laws from the Parliament) and coupled with an already unbalanced political system with a majority prize, it will pave the way for a single party dictatorship.

>Stable government
>A bad thing

Now I understand why your political system is such as mess, there are people who actually think that being able to govern and approve laws is a dictatorship.

just check Bologna and Palermo, those cunts managed to prove they can be as corrupted as anyone else.
If you believe M5S can change shit, or has intention to do so, you are delusional

>stable government
>with italian politicians
>with PD in power
Great, just great, we only need to write a death notice then

>Stable government

Don't bother. He's a grillino piece of shit, less than human as far as I'm concerned.

The government is unstable because our parliamentaries keep switching sides and exchanging favors when it comes to passing laws.
This bullshit will continue unhindered regardless of who wins
Fake signatures are different from mafia votes. You can also check what they did in Parma and Torino. Pizzarotti and Nogarin reduced public debt significantly, Appendino is gloriously BTFOing gypsies and dindus in Torino, Raggi is cleaning Rome despite having everybody against her.

And the ones who fucked up with the signatures were just kicked out from Grillo. If they were in PD you would have seen an army of shills descending like locusts on talk shows to swear and scream how much they din du nuffin they gud bois.
But thank you for Correcting the Renzi (R)

What do you think about De Luca?

>piddino asshurt because he knows he's getting BTFO in 4 days
Cry some more


posting ebin reaction images won't make your point any better

Wipe your tears, formulate a coherent argument and i will stop meming

>There's people itt who will vote M5S

>There's people itt who will vote no just to go against Renzi and who will vote yes just to go against Grillo

>There's people itt who will vote no just to go against Renzi and who will vote yes just to go against Grillo
That's just because the referendum was personalized from the start, it would have been much better if Renzi didn't say anything about resigning

True redpill is staying home and bang some lonely waifu left home by those gay activists

Renzi is going to pull the best ruse of 2016.
HEe will resign BEFORE the referendum, probably on friday. This will confuse grillodrones and plebs, who won't go to vote since it will not look necessary, securing a yes win. After a dummy government to fix up the electoral laws and some minor shit, elections will be called for spring 2017. A Renzi stronger than ever vs a trainwrecked m5s and some rabdomn jokester from the right (not Salvini since they'll never call primaries), possibly even Berlusconi itself. Keks are incoming.


I hate the EU, but I kinda like Renzi when he opposes the EU. Should I vote YES for a more centralized Italy against the EU, or should I vote NO to overthrow Renzi and let Grillo lead us out of the EU?

Don't delude yourself, if YES wins we'll be the EU puppets more than ever before

If this is real I will sieg my heil to mastermind Renzi.

>implying he will have the balls to do that
>implying people will vote estabilishment shills ever again in 2017 after another EU government
>implying Grillo won't get 60% in next elections
>implying PD supporters aren't just illegals fresh off the boats like Bello Figo who shill for him so they can get more gibs and citizenship
You're going back buddy, you, Verdini and Renz with his extra chromosomes

Majority of italians are not 20yo memesters or right wing nuts, but white collar workers or pensioners.
When faced with danger of a shitstorma m5s government can and will cause of course they will vote for the establishment, just like they did in 2014. Especially when Rome under Raggi will turn ever worse than it actually is.

Yeah except he fucked over many workers with his Jobs Act reform, and the Buona Scuola reform is fucking embarassing, so there is that

Rome has been shit for 20 years, if people could go back they would vote Raggi again and again, PD won't be in Rome for a long time

Sadly yes. So how do we succeed in radicalizing pensioners and white collars? Is Grillo our guy?

>Especially when Rome under Raggi will turn ever worse than it actually is.

Marino's party in Rome was taking orders from an ex nazi terrorist with one eye who was supposed to be in jail and two gypsies. The one before him was Alemanno, seen in Buenos Aires with 2 trolleys full of cash. Rome went bankrupt 3 times under these jolly fellas. In Torino Alemanno was rightfully BTFO for giving council homes to gypsy clans
I don't think a monkey with a dartboard could be more damage than estabilishment endorsed candidates, and PD has been a disaster everywhere you look. You only had to approve a single package of laws to tackle corruption, foreign trade deals and tax evasion, while reducing parliamentary privileges and approve a decent law to reduce conflicts of interest . Instead it was all about bailouts, voluntary disclosure, fag marriage and cultural enrichment with our glorious Navy reduced to a joke.

But do keep strawmanning and calling fascist and right wing nuts whoever disagrees with the obvious. It worked so well for Clinton, Bremain shills and Hollande. You are making us a great favour, keep up the good job


Mayority of Italians dont give a shit about politics, thats a fact. They want free shekels oy vey

They will care as soon as the euro goes down down down

Meglio terrone che coglione.
O volete che più di un milione di spazzatura umana diventi cittadino italiano?

Is GRILLO our guy, fellow pol/hacks?

Nah they wont. Its down to a patological level, unless all politics change their way of action this wont change