what are the proven facts of pizzagate?
What are the proven facts of pizzagate?
Other urls found in this thread:
None. It's a big waste of time. People need to stop chasing fairy tales.
people use poor grammar when discussing their favorite foods
Look at this weird piece of shit, do you think he is innocent?
Podesta likes really weird art.
Seriously, I'd like to know too.
Here's an entry level video listing the fact and the first week or two of research.
Decide for yourself. Don't fall for the shills, don't fall for the people who tell you Pizzagate is legit either.
Just look at this video. Factcheck it for yourself.
If you see something questionable ask questions and figure out what's right.
Don't be fucking lazy.
For one, we know that OP is a faggot.
Dont bother, the LARPing faggots will just call you a shill.
If nothing else then that they are a bunch of perverts
A whole lot of imagined bullshit by the hyperactive imagination of a click-starved media.
After taking Kayne into the psyche ward for being woke and trying to wake up his fans, they're now turning his childhood home into yet another satanic pedo brothel.
There are none. Tinfoil shit at best.
Podesta is a weirdo who likes weird art and 9/11 truthers needed a new thing
>not using the PDF of the 7 AMAs
Holy shit this is autism aliens are real , bill clinton dies this year , what does this user not know?better hurry up bill
Video doesn't explain where these "Code words" came from.
“hotdog” = boy
“pizza” = girl
“cheese” = little girl
“pasta” = little boy
“ice cream” = male prostitute
“walnut” = person of colour
“map” = semen
“sauce” = orgy
No facts, per se; just a bunch of suspicions that the MSM will not even bring up and will "debunk" without ever bringing to light.
Evil pizza restaurants dont make good news. Maybe on a slow day.
So far there is nothing that would get anyone into prison. However there is plenty to make people suspicious.
My views is that Podesta is as creepy as Savile. For years people always thought JS was a creepy man but there was nothing to say he did anything horrible until a year after he died and people started speaking out.
I have the same gut feeling for Podesta and Hillary. I would hate for them to die and never at least be properly investigated.
If you also look at the history of this type of crime nearly everyone who had evidence against anyone either spent a very long time in prison or had an early demise.
Will Sup Forums find something I think it is a long shot. Should people continue to dig. Yes and hopefully if one small crack appears everything else will already be connected for the police.
Trump lied about getting Hillary investigated and that makes me think he has also been got at as it is most likely he has had some criminal activity in the past. FBI user said he bribed the foundations but I feel maybe more than that.
Let people dig as it does no real harm. The pizza place is still open and the amount of hassle they get is fuck all compared to shit I got for 10 years working on the front-line of customer service.. When someone gets put in hospital or thrown down the stairs then they can talk about harm.
James Alefantis (jimmycomet on instagram) posted a BUNCH of really creepy, suggestive stuff which caused people to ask questions. These questions are unanswered and untouched by the media.
Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.
i'm so glad i fucking hid and avoided every single "pizzagate" thread. obvious LARPers and an immense waste of time. hard to believe there were actual general threads on that shit for a few weeks.
The New York Times did a piece which "debunked" it without doing any investigative reporting. The article read like a publicity piece for Alefantis (who was one of GQ's 50 most "powerful" people in DC...google it). Not sure why the Times did such a soft piece (pic related)
There are other...uncomfortable...coincidences.
The Podesta emails have sent a lot of people grasping at straws because the language in them seems as though it's some kind of code. But of course, it's all speculation. No hard evidence.
Is there conclusive evidence what would warrant an arrest? Not yet.
Are there mountains upon mountains of indicies and "funny coincidences". Yes.
So user, how would you rather play dominoes, on pasta or pizza?
The 'code' seems forced and the marina abramovic thing is such a fucking stretch, but I have to say the artwork section convinced me
More uncomfortable language from the Podesta emails in this pic.
But of course, if you haven't looked into any of this, you've only heard that it's a debunked "conspiracy theory"
Pants on the head fucking retarded.
This all has the stench of Steve Vannon on it.
I'm guessing this is a distraction from some real conspiracy that we're not supposed to see, hiding in plain sight. Like an outrageous Trump tweet that gets all the wings flapping while ignoring the fox in the back of the hen house.
with ice cream like a normal person thank you very much
This. We need an actual source for the codes.
At least something similar to the logo stuff.
>It's a big waste of time.
1 post by this ID
>For one, we know that OP is a faggot.
1 post by this ID
>Tinfoil shit at best.
1 post by this ID
>look like complete schizos
1 post by this ID
>obvious LARPers and an immense waste of time. hard to believe there were actual general threads on that shit for a few weeks.
1 post by this ID
And shit like this ^ happens on every fucking thread
cor I got a quads
>And shit like this ^ happens on every fucking thread
Because most anons just drop in to call you retards and then leave.
This pic should have gone with
make it 2 posts by this ID, faggot. i still stand by my comment. enjoy wasting time and literally getting nowhere with your LARPing buttbuddies. you're making alex look like a fucking retard.
The truth is out there.
My believing intensifies.
So there aren't any "proven facts" about pizzagate, but there are a lot of suspicious things surrounding Alefantis, Podesta, and others. If you actually want to look into this, and not just believe the assholes who post here (myself included), I'd suggest starting here:
And before you dismiss this outright, you should watch these
because pedophilia and child trafficking are (and have been) huge problems in the US which are insidiously overlooked.
>pedophilia and child trafficking are (and have been) huge problems in the US which are insidiously overlooked
This is why I don't mind if I end up wasting a bunch of my time "LARPing": if all of this turns out to be the paranoid result of confirmation bias which goes nowhere, then really, not much is lost. Perhaps Alefantis and some others get some mud thrown their way, some allegations tossed at them, but really, if they are innocent, then they will be exonerated and all of this will blow over with some time. Besides, when you publicly post the images and comments that Alefantis has, you're fucking asking for mud to be slung your way.
If, on the other hand, perpetuating this paranoid "LARPing" helps get the word out so that, God-willing, some children might be protected, then I'm more than happy to do what I can. Indeed, if I sat by and did nothing and this turned out to be real, then I'd never forgive myself.
In any case, the welfare and safety of children should be our first priority.
They posted creepy pictures that conflated sex and pizza
These are the best infographics I have found that contain actual evidence only, no speculation.
Huge spiritual problems that if unchecked will lead to the destruction of U.S.A.! I'm in.
>but really, if they are innocent, then they will be exonerated and all of this will blow over with some time.
Pedo allegations never trully go away. People will be saying 'no smoke without fire' and harrassing them forever.
More fake news
Buy muh filters.
> 1post by this id
This might be the worst meme. Fucking op asked 1 question, it gets 1 answer and you fucking sperg out when you get no other responses from said person.
I was upset after trump won, but I got over it. I laugh now because I realize a fucking troll is now president.
It all returns to nothing.
Does anyone have the pictures of Arun Rao's comments on Instagram photos?
>Pedo allegations never trully go away. People will be saying 'no smoke without fire' and harrassing them forever.
Perhaps that's the case. And if so, it's unfortunate if they're innocent. But again, if they didn't want to be branded as pedophiles, maybe they shouldn't have publicly posted the pictures and comments that they did on instagram. Actions have consequences.
I became a gl because of pizzagate. Fml.
This is a test, If the ones implicated aren't removed by a certain date. The Plan moves forward.
>I was upset after trump won, but I got over it.
Not sure I understand where you're going with this.
I didn't mean the "1 post" thing as some "smoking gun" as if to say
>see? SEE? People are CLEARLY shilling!!!
In some cases (as in this image), yeah, that's how it looks. But the larger issue is that it appears that most people casually dismiss the issues at hand without looking any deeper into pizzagate other than a couple of images posted here on Sup Forums. It's like, people just see "another fucking pizza thread" and dismiss it as "tinfoil" or whatever without ever bringing up any explanation of the questions that people are raising about it. I doubt that 90% of the "1 posters" have ever looked into it beyond what they've scrolled by. If they'd checked into the issues (as laid out in ) I doubt they'd be so casually dismissive.
That's what I meant. Sorry if it was memey.
>most people casually dismiss the issues at hand without looking any deeper into pizzagate other than a couple of images posted here on Sup Forums.
God damn. I've been dealing with this for the past week. Some people think the only evidence is the Instagram pictures. That Snowden movie has been out for months. You'd think people would know what Wikileaks is by now.
9/11 is a piece of cake compared to what's coming.
I'm looking, he looks like a happy old dude.
What's coming?
Eric Prince , founder of Blackwater, claims to have sources in the NYPD/FBI that anonymously gave him this list and other info
Everyone should be happy. Great times to live in.
Alex doesn't need help with that anyway
ITT: Pedophile shills working hard for the money
The Greatest Happening Of Our Millennium.
>look at this male tell me he didnt rape someone
>look at this white person, tell me theyre not racist
Leftist pls go
Interesting. Yeah I've heard there's going to be another terrorist attack soon. And not just a red-flag-mass-shooting push for gun control. Like 9/11 scale. Too bad there's no evidence at the moment to back up the conspiracy theories that will follow.
Just wait you fucking sycophants...
After 1/20/17
Pizzagate will break wide open.
And a sincere FUCK YOU
To ANYONE hating on/hindering this investigation...
>You will answer for your choices
Well that's something.
So far all I'd found was links back to Sup Forums and uh that other board.
Chicken is code for young child
Wonder where it'll be? London must be long overdue.
find the alefantis insta with the baby in hammock and tas about daddy like butt #buttmag etc
and the one with the panda mask
and the #pandacumhole or whatever
and tell me he is not a fucking criminal
Capping this to know for myself if you know/knew something.
moloch could be a name for a project
just like project monarch.
moloch is obviously not a person
Or maybe it's just a chicken.
seriously. The word LARPing become real popular all of the sudden around here.
Everyone knows something. Except you. We've been expecting this comment.
>wasting time
I find funny anyone that uses this as an insult while browsing Sup Forums and getting angry at nameless people.
You damn well know what Moloch is.
Filthy juden.
But seriously. Search for the diety Moloch and Blood Libel..
I get paid per post and I'm saving up to buy a 6 year old so I'm working overtime.
Moloch was an idol / false god from biblical days. I've heard people who say it was a joke. Anyone who found that funny is probably into ritualistic killings.
Elders Of Zion sold out. Didn't everyone. Who is free from wrongdoing. Seldom few.
Funny indeed, fellow monkey
Have a (You)
>We've been expecting this comment.
Well if that's all you wanted, I'm glad I could help. And if you're trolling, then I'm glad you could help me live in the fairy tale world debunkers and skeptics keep telling me I'm attracted to.
that it will not go on forever and God's punishment will be very hard..very very hard.
remember the french revolution ?
that shit was a childrens birthday party against what will happen to these people.
*Stuffs face full of pork.*
What did you say somethin'.
These people ruin not just lives but countrys and murder people with their decisions when they are not doing it with their own hands and penis's
Remember the Stratfor Hack? wikileaks.org
Jeremy Hammond His Judge Married these two. nytimes.com
The Husband wrote about Human Trafficking, it showed up in Strafor hack
He is a big shot...
His father worked for a Yuuge Accounting Firm, then he worked at a bank in Hawaii that got TARP money.
His Mother Owns a "Gallery" scsos.com
They sell Franchises
They are in Dubai
Oh, and Dude's wife is a Judge, she was Hand Picked, by someone who was also Hand Picked...
Bonus link pagesix.com
Back to dudes wife, you may know her work... pacermonitor.com
It's too late. Nothing can stop it.
Some people are saying we photoshopped Besta Pizza's logo to make it similar to the pedo symbol found on FBI's files. Well here is the Google streetview screenshot.
Now that's just the [Redacted] Gallery LLC... If you start Digging into the [Redacted] Group LLC/INC you get into Global Textiles, Land Developed, Government Contracts, Child Labor, Hospitality, [Crystals], and old address like this law firm in Arkansas archive.is
If this is the same guy, I win the internet... Or I could just be fucking crazy...
>family friendly restaurant
Sex Stains is a band who played at Comet Ping Pong on September 15, 2016. Guess what's found in their music video?