There are mass shootings every day in the U.S. because of your disgusting outdated gun laws. Why don't you guys just ban guns? Morons, I tell ya.

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't have out population, faggot leaf, now fuck off back to your mosque

The day of the rake approaches.

A fucking leaf.

outside of america really? wish we had guns here, fuck outta here leaf

(you)'re welcome cuck

mass shootings are never committed by registered gun owners. At least 95% of gun related crimes are committed with stolen/illegal guns, by minorities. But you already knew that, this a bait thread in the first place. Just putting it up there for anyone who actually falls for this shit.

>There are mass shootings every day in the U.S.
Only in Black neighborhoods



shut up leaf


Who gives a fuck. STFU leaf.

Fuck you leaf

They're only considered idiotic by places without a significant black population.

Shut it leaf, you don't speak for hueland.

Fuck off leaf, every intelligent person in the world envies US gun laws

>Why don't you guys just ban guns?
The right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

>meme uses picture where the plot revolves around using guns (lots of guns) to overthrow a tyranical overlord who doesn't want them to have any weapons

Right? I would love to get shot in the street while walking to get groceries.

Except the country with the lowest crime and homicide rate in the world, who has more guns than us per capita. Switzerland.

(and less niggers, which is the big difference)


All this gun violence. Russia and the guns must be working together. Oh I forgot, guns are tools and have no sense of morality. Maybe try blaming the degenerate fucks that do stupid shit with them. Of course that won't happen though since it's easier to blame the weapon than the fucked up people who do dumb shit because muh feelings. Fucking leaf cuck



>have a gun attack
>its guns fault
>banning gunz will only push people to use something else
>ban gunz
>machette attack occures
>it's because guns are not banned enought

gun grabbers are insane.

And the rest of the world finds it stupid only because they are primitive.

A tually we have most guns in general and per capita
Remember we have more guns than people and still maintain a fairly low murder rate

we just have a nigger and spic problem


> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.

> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.

Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

Fuck off leaf. Go mourn a dead commie or something.

>Thinking anyone's opinion matters to us.
That's what Europeans and syrup niggers will never grasp. We don't care about their feelings.


Cuck leaf from Liberalstan.

There's too many guns in circulation to ban them tard.

Come at me, leaf.

>I'm free when someone pulls out his gun and kills me because 2nd amendment!!

I don't give a fuck about your irrelevant country.

>ban guns

That's how I know your retarded


come get us pigs.

Several states have more strict laws than your ice hole country. Still murder each other unrepentantly.

No, you're free because YOU can carry a gun to protect yourself from Jamal who may already be packing illegally

Nice collection! What's the wooden bolt action? Looks like a deer hunter from here, but I'm a mobile fag, so my resolution ain't that great

If you ban guns, they win.

Why don't you just put yourself at your government's mercy? Its current year there is no corruption or people who would abuse power nowadays. God you guys are cucks

That and we wouldn't let them. There would be blood.

We in the United States don't give a fuck what you Canadians think, and I mean no offense here, but we dont. Your economy is utterly dependant on ours, your way of life is guaranteed by our military, and our culture is your culture. You're little more than a vassal state that we could absorb any time we wanted to, but we just don't want Quebec.

Also because alphas from alpha country give very little regard for the opinions of sheep.


Are you unaware that you can own pretty decent firepower in Canada? And for pretty cheap. You don't have as many niggers as we do. Look forward to you guys getting all those refugees tho. Better start banning knifes

sorry for mobile link

Niggers are the problems, not guns

>There are mass shootings every day (by niggers) in the U.S
fixed it for you

I'm glad to see you breaking the conditioning comrade.

Did you notice that Pierce Morgan was one the first and only news media personalities to read the Trump candidacy correctly, and I think he even predicted a Trump win.

I work at a large printing company

One of the presses was having problems constantly and going into safety shut downs constantly

Maintenance could not figure out the problem for days.

They finally figure it out.

Big boss guy asks the engineer in charge what the problem was

Engineer guy tells him something was blocking one of the safety optical sensors

Big boss asks what was blocking it

Engineer guy yells A FUCKING LEAF

I start laughing hysterically in my office and people can't figure out why

Sup Forums you have seeped into my RL ...knock it off

More guns = Less violent crime

Countries will gun bans end up seeing a steep increase in all other forms of violence except firearm homicide.

Criminals have nothing to fear when the public is disarmed. They can rob and assault people with impunity.

Your second reply from me...

The beautiful thing about this last election is that the Liberals are arming the fuck up! They're buying guns in droves because, *GASP* they're afraid of a tyrannical government.

I welcome them to the fucking party even though they feared me and my guns for the last 8 years and called us neanderthals and bitter holdouts clinging to mah bible and guns.

With liberals getting into guns now too, they aren't going to want anyone trying to take that away, and my guns are safer than ever.

Lastly, leaf, you're a faggot.

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Why is America so based ? It's the only country where the individuals can buy weapons to fight the gov


There are 20 million guns in Canada and we hardly ever have mass shootings. Its not the guns fault.

i'm just here to get repeating numerals 3 times since triples is banned.

so you leafs dont get any delusions of grandeur

>oh we will just take the west coast of america

like fuck you will nigger. we shoot each other without a thought. you think you wont be gang raped then burned alive and tossed in a dumpster


In my state, concealed carry is legal without a lisence. buying a gun takes about 20 minutes.

there has not been a shooting in my town since these laws have been implemented.

EVERYONE'S packing. NOONE'S getting shot.

>also, 98% white

Wow nigs finally learned to hold the gun the right way AND have trigger discipline. I wonder what they will do next? maybe graduate high school at higher than 50% or maybe more than 25% will not abandon their kids.


Wish my country had those stupid gunlaws.

just getting into guns.

lots of bullets for lots of range practice.

Nope. I think US gun laws are perfect for the goal they try to achieve, which is to protect the people from governmental tyranny. I find it interesting to see leftists literally advocate for tyranny by wanting to ban guns. But that's what they are now, mere angry doggies and good boys of the (((big banks))).

It's good for them that irony and hypocrisy don't kill.

>looks like a deer hunter
What are you on, nigger? It's a Finnish Sako M39 Mosin.

>That guy you were arguing with on /k/ may have been a nigger
They're evolving

>250,000,000 guns in the US
>less than 0.5% are ever used in a crime
>mass shootings account for only 1% of all murder in the US
>they're actually rare, isolated incidents
>they SEEM to be "common place" due to media attention and large population size
>fully automatic machine guns, sub machine guns, and crew served guns were all legal, cheap, and easy to get as recent as the 1950's
>somehow there weren't a bunch of mass shootings
>meanwhile in France, a country with hardcore guns laws, some guys kill over 100 people with machine guns
>and another guy kills over 100 people with a fucking semi-truck
>wasn't even a bomb

look, I could go on and on, but the fact is... gun ownership rates have little to do with random murders and mass killings, and everything to do with culture, police training, proper funding and economic distribution. If I wanted to kill 50 people at a mall (and I don't) I don't need a gun to do it.

another absolute, documented fact is that the number of rapes, assaults, sexual assaults, robberies and home invasions drop significantly when concealed carry and gun ownership increases.

The 2nd amendment was written for a good reason.


Canada has tons of guns and its their nigger culture that's the problem, everyone knows

Sums up my argument pretty much. Also, when UK and AUS banned/regulated guns, thier homicide rates saw no change in homicide trends.
AUS actually has MORE homicides then before the ban

I wish we had the you can kill someone if they break into your house Law.

It's only law abiding citizens held back by gun laws.
Criminals and lunatics don't give a shit.

lots of bullets


Here's your free (you)

Since when were the affairs of our nation any of your fucking business?

>muh scary salt rifles
All rifles combined account for less than 10% of gun deaths in the US. More people are killed by bare fists.

>muh US has the most gun deaths!
60% of US gun deaths are suicides; and it's the same relative amount of suicide as other countries like the UK and Japan, they just kill themselves in more gruesome ways because they can't get guns.

The US is also 111th in murder-per-capita. Countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil with strict-as-fuck gun laws still have higher murder rates. The reason we have lots of murders is because of shitskins; which leftists want to import more of for some reason.

The major city in the US with the lowest murder rate is Plano, Texas - where lots of people are gun owners, and the gun laws are lax.

>we can take ur guns away if we want, you don't need big magazines, etc.
The Supreme Court case of Heller v. Disctrict of Columbia already ruled that owning a semi-automatic gun is a Constitutional right:

From a philosophical/Constitutional perspective, gun ownership should be a right. The Preamble to the Constitution states that people have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". If citizens have a right to life, that means that they should have a right to defend their life by adequate means. Women, old people, and the disabled can't defeat a gang of dindus in melee combat - thus, guns are necessary.

>but, you don't need guns because you have cops!
The Supreme Court Case Warren v District of Columbia ruled that the police do not have a duty to risk their life to protect you:

Also, aren't you lefty types always shitting on the cops? I thought if a cop gets anywhere near you, it would trigger you.

>Stefan Molyneux shits on gun control:

>Bill Whittle shits on gun control:

user you can kill someone if they break into your house. I give you permission freely.

American'ts, you do realise the only reason we start these threads is so you disagree and carry on shooting each other's faces/off.

The people shooting people have illegal guns anyway.

>ban guns

>make me pay 10-20% more for an illegal copy of a gun I want

Yeah. That'll deter me.

The Americants you are posting to here have white skin, guns (unlike pitiful you) and we don't shoot each other.

The "people" in this country shooting each other look like pic related, and they're not here posting on Sup Forums

For the last time . .shooting are done by people with mental problems either eating too much anti depressant or due to circumstances .

ban guns ? kill with knifes
ban knifes ? mass car killing
ban cars ? kill with sticks & stones
ban . . . you see the problem here ?
also ... a damm leaf

Lol you're going to be legally required to call someone zir and zee. Shut the fuck up leaf faggot.

>There are mass shootings every day in the U.S.
>implying that even 1% of the population dies from mass shootings
McFucking kill yourself Leaf

Ye man, just use a legal gun and it won't fully kill them, as opposed to the illigal guns, that is.

Classic burger

Keep telling yourself that, oh wait you have and now you believe it.
Fucking losers.

what if I told you non americans don't know shit about anything and they're only alive because america wills it leaf

The uptick in public shootings and all aren't the result of guns being available. There were fewer regulatory laws before and yet these instances of public shootings/massacres increased.

The problem is a moral degradation in society, pretending otherwise is delusional. Mentally ill faggots are being enabled because it's supposedly compassionate, that sort of thing.

People are the problem, not guns.
Also, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", all regulation is unconstitutional.

>needs guns for unarmed theifs to feel safe
>would immidiately be shot if pulled a gun on armed robber

You see the dilemma? USA needs to grow a pair. Can't tell you how many of my coworkers talk about pulling a gun as a way of "manning up" if they got in a fight. Would you piss yourself before or after?

>The problem is a moral degradation in society, pretending otherwise is delusional
When are you going to hook up with the Islamists, peas in a pod m8.

The nigger had a knife and car leaf. Clearly the only answer is not to let them in.


ayy it's the /comfy/ thread.

Islam is immoral. Do you disagree that there's been a massive moral degradation in the west in general? You could go to Essex and know it's true.

Lol who doesn't buy ammo by the thousands? Why the fuck would you pay walmart prices when your going to shoot 1000 rounds anyway

Mexico is the prime example of your retardness
we have one of the most strict gun control laws ever in the world yet more people die here if firearm wounds many gun friendly societies combined.

Don't you dare to say there's something fundamentally wrong about Mexicans to make gun control actually getting enforced. It is and by a long shot at the expense to the sacred right of being able to DEFEND YOURSELF.

If you shoot a trespasser and you didn't buy the gun legally YOU GO TO JAIL
if you managed to buy a gun legally (more on that below)and you shoot a trespasser armed with a knife YOU GO TO JAIL
if the trespasser is armed with a gun, and you shoot him first YOU GO TO JAIL
if while confronting the trespasser you hadto get out of your property and from the outside you shoot him INSIDE your property YOU GO TO JAIL

to purchase a any firearm you need to have
- filled a purchase form
- present a document from your employer specifying position, time on the company and salary
- No criminal record document issued by your state government
- Military service ID
- A letter specifying which hunting/shooting club you belong to
- Birth certificate

it takes 2-3 weeks of bureaucracy for your request to get approved or rejected after that you need to travel to Mexico city to the only legal armory for civilians in the country to get you a shitty handgun and a couple of rounds.

if you defend yourself with that gun but can't prove you bought the ammo from there YOU GO TO JAIL.

with that being said, every single petty criminal is armed with a fucking magnum and if one of them gets in your house you are fucked, no matter who survives the ordeal.

What if I told you Canada was viewed as a joke by everyone outside Canada?