Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard...

> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.

> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.

Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

>atheist birth rate below replacement rate while christians is above
>Atheists overwhelmingly vote clinton while christians elected trump
>atheist vote pattern most closely resembles jewish

I can't red pill you on why it isn't, because it literally is


Christianity was great, when the world wasn't globalised.

In a globalised world, the religion turns into a religion of cucks.

Christianity really is a globalist religion, but what made it great was the fact that it was strictly European.(few exceptions)

Now that it is achieving its true form, it should be forsaken.

Hail Odin

You speak the truth

What do you mean?

All churches here are 'refugees welcome! Let's give our wives and houses to them' tier.

When did this board get flooded by actual retards?

Atheism is literally "Cuckholdry: The Non-religion". All atheists should be gassed imo. They are burden to every race.

Nice try, Ahmed.

Bump for removing pretentious and worthless fedora cucks

Like our lord and savior Vikernes says...

Forsake all the Jewish aspects of Catholicism.

Protestantism is 100% jewish and there is no saving it.

Keep the things such as the saints and the holidays and you will have a truly European pagan religion.

It makes no sense for European to keep a globalist religion such as Christianity when all the world is globalised and the absolute majority of the human population is non-European.

Unfortunately, the liberals created many puppets within Christian institutions. Pope Francis is an example of this.

Colonialism coincided with the decline of Christianity, if anything. "The West" wasn't propelled by some sandnigger's preachings which were brought to most parts of Europe by Germanic barbarians and other subhumans alike.

>We needs more threads like this.

Have a bump and a (You).

But I wouldn't claim it to be the fault of (((atheism))) on its own. I'm pretty sure this all starts at the Frankfurt School and Social Marxism. Those two peas in a pod are the seed and roots of the proliferation of secular atheism. All of which are part of the cancer that is killing the accomplishments and peacefull societal structure of the white man and moreso Christianity.

it is a paradox.

a cuck religion, a hebrew mystery cult that worships meekness, poverty, foolishness, pacifism,.... a religion that tells you to turn the other cheek, to love those who hate you, human equality,....

coexisted with absolute military, literary, imperialistic dominance.

strange indeed

>be atheist
>hate gays, niggers, mudslimes
>voted Trump
>has a beautiful white daughter
>not a beta fuck
I suppose I'm an outlier but I hate how atheism was hijacked my limp wristed faggots.
I agree though, I wonder who could be behind that.

I believe that jesus had a parable about this. You cannot rob the house of a strong man. The thieves must first tie of the strong man and then they can take their time in stealing and emptying out his home.

That's like the basic premise of the parable. Social Marxism and a movement away from the traditions that kept out nations and identities together have essentially "bound/tied up the strong man." Now its easy for the dregs of the world to take over the west...what made us strong has been tied up and incapacitated.

You're delirious if you really believe in this bullshit you just said. Colonialism and imperialism brought the Western essence to all parts of the world. Greco-Roman thought and the Christian religion are the pillars of Western civilization. Likes of you are some of the main contributors to the decadence of the western world, you beta fuck. Now enjoy Ahmed's dick.

Based indian bro

I can't tell if you're a mudslime who doesn't consider themselves to a sandnigger, or if you're just a generally retarded edgy teenager accepting whatever (((they're))) telling you about European colonialism. You seriously need to get you shit together and learn facts about history.


Is there a difference between kikes and fedora guys?


They wear different hats

>ugly fuck OP blaming that LIBERUL media and not enough Jesus as to why he can't get laid

Lmao fucking loser

You make us uncucked atheists look bad.
Neck yourself before you bring further dishonor upon yourself.