You're the villains, Sup Forums. The villains always ultimately get defeated.
You're the villains, Sup Forums. The villains always ultimately get defeated
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The Rebel Alliance was fucked without Han Solo and Luke Skywalker anyways.
i hate x-men, obly the first trilogy of star wars was good and the empire was cooler than the rebels.
makes you think huh?
But the empire were the good guys.
life is like the movies!
> You're a black man.
> You vote for a black president.
> Racial divides tear through the country.
> Law enforcement and black relations at an all time low.
> Don't you realize even niggers can't stand niggers?
All true fans of those brands know that antagonist-sympathetic interpretations of character arcs and stories have been around forever. That shit is as old as Star Wars itself.
It makes me think that this nigger doesn't know enough to run his big donkey lipped mouth.
Are you legitimately retarded?
but the Empire did nothing wrong and Sheev was the only person in the galaxy preparing for the Yuzhon Vong invasion
Im sorry kid life doesnt work that
The only reason the "good guys" always win is beacause the winners write the history.
In the movies the clever, ambitious and resourceful badguys only lose due to some retarded hand of faith bad writing bullshit though.
>you blew up the death star
>that was expensive
>lots of people worked there
>don't you realize you're the bad guy?
They're minority in our country yeah, but we're a minority in the end.
They can fuck off back to their irrelevent country if they don't like it here.
not an argument
You think the world is run by the good guys? The villians have been BTFOing them since the dawn of man. It's your turn now.
>a series in which half the mutants are trying to genocided all the humans
What did he mean by this?
>checks WW2
>allies won
looks to me like villains do win
The Empire did nothing wrong
The only reason villains are always defeated is because victors write history.
by 2100 half the population will be black
Also whites in america are already a diverse group, german americans, italo americans... they are all a minority.
Do you stupid niggers actually watch this electric jew bullshit? Get fucked. Saged.
Good people don't blow up unarmed planets full of billions of unarmed people, the vast majority of whom would have been just going about their daily lives and have nothing to do with the rebellion or the empire.
Because fiction is a great thing to base your expectations on?
Good thing life isn't a fucking comic book or fantasy world.
I support the Empire's stability opposed to the degenerate rebels and think the mutants are a bunch of lawless vigilantes you smug shitskin.
It was a question you idiot.
>They're minority in our country yeah, but we're a minority in the end.
That STILL does not make you able to dismiss people as being minorities, just because white people are minorities on a global scale.
Christ, this is fucking 9gag shit.
Again, what the fuck does this have to do with anything?`
The mutant minority group had advantages over everyone else, and even had their own supremacy groups, then at one point a mutant went out and used his magnetic powers to rip out a fucking bridge causing millions worth of damage to infrastructure.
Mutants needed to be kept in check so shit like that doesn't happen.
Otherwise we'd just be enabling it.
As for star wars?
And the left claims to be jedis?
Yeah, sure, if the jedi sat around posting holographs stating why it's okay for Jabba the hut to own oppressive evil white slave-girls because he's the oppressed minority.
Fucking cunts.
Shit, this is why the empire was needed.
It's the opposite though the government is building up minority groups
>nigger calls himself mutant
I thought mutants were supposed to be superior. Whos the superior being the gobernment is trying to wipe out I wonder...
Too bad it's not canon anymore, but in legends Palpatine did nothing wrong except for basically creating his own enemy.
Empire did nothing wrong
>You love Star Wars. You voted for Trump. Do you realize you'd be the ones in the film helping to kill the Rebel alliance?
EVERYONE fucking loved the Empire. Why? Because it had the most memorable shit. Stormtroopers. Executor. TIE Fighters. AT-AT. Death Star. What the fuck did the Rebels have? X-Wings?
I would gladly join the Galactic Empire if it was real.
In my view you are evil
>Implying the government in X-Men wasn't right for wrangling in dangerous mutants
>Implying the Empire did anything wrong
I thought everyone over the age of fifteen understood that movies portray good and evil in a binary manner because it's easier to build a story that way rather than because that's how the world actually works.
Don't know we should treat them for being a minority in our countries when they persecute white people in Africa atm. Or Christians in the Middle-East.
Once again, if they want to stop being treated poorly in Europe, they should go back where they came from, we don't have to bend over to their rules.
>Christ, this is fucking 9gag shit.
Wew, 9gag has changed quite a bit in the past years eh?
>X-Men government is still around and anti-mutant despite numerous fights against it. Otherwise there would be no more X-Men movies
>Empire is still around and anti-rebel despite numerous fights against it. Otherwise there would be no Star Wars movies.
Seems like every movie needs a villain so as long as they keep pumping out this garbage the villains can't die.
Wasted trips Jorgen
>This nigger doesn't know the Jedi are the KGB and Star Wars was literally about the communists winning.
Leftists are so self-centered and think themselves mentally superior that they resort to comparing real life to fictional movies. Fictional movies where the divide between right and wrong is VERy black-and-white. Terribly baseless analogies, but anything to fuel their victim complex I guess.
On another note, George Soros is LITERALLY Magneto
>be part of the minority during WWII
>interred by Germans in camp
>forced (willingly) to rat out fellow Jews before camp/in camp
>do a 180 and get bootyblasted at the Germans for mistreating you
>work to genocide the world of humans(whites) after the war
Magneto and Soros a shit.
this isnt like the movies user. this is the real world
The villains also have the best uniforms and hair and lines.
TFW you voted for Trump and realized you are the (((Nazis))) in Raiders of the Lost Ark
nigger detected
You enjoy LotR, you regularly vote left wing.
Do you understand you are like Saruman, flooding the west with brown people?
>villains always get defeated
Tell that to the fucking kikes
>Rebel alliance
>Terrorists killing hundreds of thousands
Checks out, the left would be rebel terrorist scum.
>Don't know we should treat them for being a minority in our countries when they persecute white people in Africa atm. Or Christians in the Middle-East.
This is childish logic, just because they act like monkeys in their country doesn't mean we have to stop being decent.
> if they want to stop being treated poorly in Europe, they should go back where they came from, we don't have to bend over to their rules.
That's dumb as fuck, no one should be treated badly and told "lol go back" unless they say some dumb shit.
I can get behind telling shitty minorities not to whine, but the specified image was legitimately fucking retarded, "hurr we are le true minority!!"
But the deathstar was blowing up planets
Yes. Magneto is my favorite and I would fight for the Empire.
>leftists thinks movies are real
The humans have every reason to want to exterminate mutants. They're dangerous pieces of shit who always nearly destroy the world.
The Empire should also crush the rebel alliance because they're nothing but a bunch of terrorist pieces of shit. How many innocent lives were lost on the Death Star?
How many planets does a galaxy have? How would you restore order in a rebellious segment of the galaxy, where, what, trillions, zillions of lives are affected at large?
Holy KEK he actually is Magneto
The Death Star was never meant to be used. It wasn't practical. The Empire acknowledge this and it was supposed to be a deterrent. But then the Rebels forced their hand.
If you want to play that card then how about all the arguably innocent people on the Death Star when the Rebels blew it up twice? They probably just wanted to do their job and feed their families. But then some assholes had to go and try to destabalise the legitimate government.
Don't even bother with the Clerks bullshit either.
>someone is so wrapped up in their pop-culture-dependant existence that their own frame of reference to make a straw man arguement for the real world are fairy-tales
says a lot more about him than whatever nonsense he is trying to convey.
Denmark always makes cuck posts. They're still 90% white so they have yet to feel the wonderful effects of cultural enrichment.
Mutant registration was a good idea and the empire did nothing wrong
How come every smart tweet I've seen on twitter is criminally underrated while every retarded post containing reversed racism (Mutans are obviously superior to humans unlike niggers) is treated like some wise truth dropping bomb? Oh I know why, because social medias have liberal bias to them and you still dare to use them.
I love shit like this that enforces my longstanding belief that the left believes in fairy tales, fiction, and the right believes in fucking FACTS AND NUMBERS.
And, hey, retard, the X-Men weren't fighting to get free gibs on the back of Magneto, you fucking stupid tiny brained faggot.
Alderaan was the heart of the rebellion
In the real world it's strongest survives.
So yea I like the empire and all the bad guys. They are stronger therefore better. Like in ufc you wouldn't root for the cheesy weak asses who always lose but have a heart of gold.
I dont understand this comment. Why do you think he is retarded?
>they actually believe they're the good guys
>MUH victimization.
>Going to twitter to talk about politics
>Going on twitter at all
America was the good guys in WW2 and saved the world and you blew up an entire country with nukes.
>reversed racism
Is this what they teach you in burger school?
Shut the fuck up kike
>You enjoy X-Men
No. I don't watch Cape-Shit.
>You love Star Wars
Yeah. When I was fucking 5.
What is it with SJW's and viewing reality through the prism of fucking children's movies and funny books?
They ALWAYS love Harry Potter.
>Do you realize you'd be the ones in the film helping kill the Rebel alliance
I'm not a toddler, so I don't think like that, but now that you mention it, yes...I'd probably be on the side of the Empire, rather than violent anarchist criminals.
When I played dragon age Origin it did an amazing job at convincing you to support 100% mutant registration and control as well as Muslim registration and control with the mages. Simply put being a mage in dragon age meant you could at any time be a vessel for an ungodly evil and superpowerful demonic spirit. And it seemed like every fucking mage did it.
And I like the empire not the rebel alliance.
The only thing the rebels have over the empire in fan appreciation are Xwings (and for the more familiar the other ships) and jedis. Otherwise nobody gives a shit about them. It basically goes Lightsabers > vader/stormtroopers/han solo > Xwings and Tiefighters > > > > > > > > > > Rebels
Leftism fetishizes the underfoot and downtrodden even when they aren't. There's almost a kind of panic attack crisis of confidence if they aren't the repressed scrappy underdog.
>suggested videos
>fox girl body inflation scene
>totally spies suit inflation scene
I'm pro empire.
something racist something
Really made me think
Are you a stupid fuck or what? To claim you're oppressed minority when you belong to a larger global demographic is fucking stupid and no country should fucking bend to the whims of a smaller demographic, if they want their way, they can feel free to go back to where they come from.
This is a problem we have in the US right now. Fucking pieces of shit coming in illegally and then demanding the right to stay and the priveleges that should only belong to fucking citizens. Fuck them, and fuck you, you're probably a fucking immigrant piece of shit yourself. Go Back
>unarmed planets full of billions of unarmed people
Alderaan literally financed the rebellion
>he doesn't enjoy shitflinging on twitter
> whites are not minority.jpg
Nigger is the delusional villain subordinate.
>he thinks that whites are the ones doing the exterminating
Take the cultural Marxism bullshit out of your mind and start thinking.
You know why movies have happy endings?
Because real life isn't like that.
> villains get defeated
Life isn't a comic book or stupid movie you literal nigger.
>The ones helping to kill the Rebel Alliance
We're the Jedi? Cool.
What awesome powers do minorities have like xmen? The ability to explode?
And like the X-Men you do not matter to the larger universe and spend most of your time squabbling amongst each other while real heroes deal with worldwide threats.
Lucas was a retard from California.
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby were (((New Yorkers))) who put political stuff in their trade rags.
J.R.R. Tolkien, who wrote this great story, the greatest of all fictions, was a respected professor of language who studied ancient lore.
Which one is the most honest?
> how whites are like empire stormtroopers
> they do not kill anyone
Reminds me of the best thing to come from Sup Forums
You're a stupid lying bitch we'll conquer the world.
one other post and the signal will be sent
>Good people don't blow up unarmed planets full of billions of unarmed people,
>corrupted from the top, full of rebels, invasion would cost millions if not billions of lives
>you prevent it and save millions of loyal citizens
>people still complain about it 50 years later
Two death stars weren't enough.
>Good people don't blow up unarmed planets full of billions of unarmed people
In children's movies sure.
Real life isn't the movies, user.
Here's a movie you should probably watch about the subject, since you like television so much.
Oh and also separate lightsabers and jedis, because nobody is interested in having to be a desexed idle autistic monk. They only like jedis like Kyle Katarn and Luke and I guess now chip on her shoulder xenomorph mouthed Rey.
Shit nigga that new shitty star wars comes out and everyone obsesses over traitor-stormtrooper. Odds are we'll get the same thing in that rogue one shittiness.
Sandniggers certainly do, but it's permanent.