Post times when your country removed non-whites.
Post times when your country removed non-whites
Other urls found in this thread:
>Strength: 5,000
>Losses: 300,000
>Losing 6000% of your troops
Maji Maji rebellion is my favourite example.
Operation Dingo is a solid two.
Do famines count?
Britain was great at starving people to death.
>German victory
Nice memes you have there, Hans
Even I know that's a fucking bant.
Winter War
>not remembering ww1 and tannenberg
the russian army was and is a joke
>Wipe out Natives
>Import niggers at the same time
Well that worked out well for us..
>Russian army is a joke
I bet your great grandma was laughing while she was raped by fifteen Ivans
Too many to list.
Is hunting the Aboriginal Tasmanian's to extinction considered a genocide?
I can think of one
cause winning by superior numbers is so heroic
but no, her sister got raped by 15 ivans, deported and killed. something which hopefully never happens to americans.
No because they aren't even human.
Why do Irish place names always sound so retarded?
Stupid irish cuntbags.
We learnt to bend our knee to the eternal anglo 800 years ago.
From the beginning the USA's flaw was the judaic nature of many inhabitants, who were content with being a ruling minority over shitskins as long as those shitskins were working to make lots of money for them
They didn't forsee the future in which the shitskins would be free to leech off their money instead
There are plenty of white people who claim to be abos, so the abos aren't extinct
Because the actual name was probably something like Leorfolcanaugh but that is unpronunceable for the English tongue so they just named it something that has a few similar sounds
I can claim to be a velociraptor, but I'm pretty sure velociraptors are extinct regardless of my status
Tassie killed all their abos. The rest of the world should learn from us.
>name place slaughterhouse creek
>a slaughter happens there
Tasmanian here.
OUR aboriginals are extinct.
We got paid money to scalp them during frontier/colonial times.
They were literally too retarded to invent fire.
They waited for thunder to strike and start fire to use it.
Never seen an abo in my life.
Back then If you hadn't killed at least 1 abo you were sent to New Zealand.
Gegroet medetandpasta
>Rommel and his 150 men captured 81 guns and 9,000 men (including 150 officers), at the loss of six dead and 30 wounded.
Based Wales.
dumb emus got what was coming to them
Fucking indians
1% of Tasmania's population claims to be abo so you are wrong
This is how you BTFO the roaches.
dont be so harsh... we know about your negro problem but we are still very sad that we had to kill so many whites. Next time you could try not to zergrush an open beach.
wtf I love Spain now
They're getting welfare for it so their claims have legal standing
Unlike in America where "tribes" of white people like the Piscataway have to receive state and then federal recognition in order to get gibs
Also isn't it illegal in Australia to question whether a white blond girl is really an aborigine or not?
Some racial law says yes, I need to get my family tree done to find that abo welfare check.
winged hussars, son
shut up, peru
When Poles ran out of ammunition they picked up enemy arrows and shot them from their guns. They were protecting themselves at a little village.
When you're so fucking dumb that your firebrand goes out and you freeze to death in the open air because your people forgot how to make clothing and never learned how to construct a shelter.
It's amazing they survived long enough to be slaughtered by the superior species.
Seriously, the bullying against Irish members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since Irish are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Irish man who finds it hard to take pride
in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Swedes or Germans? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of
than our peaceful little island? Slavs get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Europe.
Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it.
And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an Irish man a "potato nigger"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Irish man that they are a "potato nigger"? Would you say those words
to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.
Nice one
Daym, Mahmöd, that's mean!
>Not realising the extra number of people were civilians
You better not be doing any sort of "denial" funny business, Ingo...
And yet you are the ones giving up your country to the muzzies :^)
Happening as we speak. Feels good:)
goats VS roaches
>potato nigger can't handle the banter
Surprise surprise
Srsly tho saved
Does this mean Britain is worse than Stalin?
>killed more civilians that actual soldiers
>talks about heroics
The biggest mistake of Stalin was not genociding every single kraut. And now you shitting all over Europe again.
No, We're BETTER than Stalin.
This. It's a habit that lowers conversation quality that's getting out of hand.
Albanians are kikes
>most roaches died
What I don't get is if they were losing tens of thousands of men how did they keep coming back to wallachia and albania for more fighting?
Well Latvia had colonies on tabago but i cant find anything if you can help.
When the nordic brothers had to band together to kill subhuman german happy merchants. Blown the fuck out
>niggers revolt because they don't want to become civilized
>attack Germans and burn fields
>Germans are actually nice and pardon niggers if they stop chimping out
>dead nigger families starve and die and niggers die in mass from famine without whitey handholding
>omg Nazi Germans doing it again almost another shoa
>t.Schlomo Shekelstein
>posted from dedicated JIDF Jap proxy
France does not deserve to ever be in a thread like this. GTFO
563 years holding the point.
stay salty
>conquer a ruined city hollowed out by siege and plague
>call it constantinople until 1921
>change it to istanbul to make it more "turkish"
>even though istanbul is derived from the greek phrase "ista an polis"