Be most qualified person to ever run for president in history

>be most qualified person to ever run for president in history
>lose to a fat narcissistic fuck who's never had any experience in office

Other urls found in this thread:

>be most qualified person to ever run for president in history
>win to a kuru-infected narcissistic fuck whose list of criminal activities goes longer than the entire history of Sup Forums memes

Let's hope she gets a seizure and suffers agonising death.

>Most qualified


>be most qualified

I'd rather prefer your mom being the president over a huge criminal.

>Most qualified
>Lost with all the advantage

No, she's weak

>be war general
>become president without ever holding any kind of political experience

Where does this most qualified meme come from? How can anyone even entertain the idea that it could be true?
Is this yet another symptom that we live in a world where fiction is equal to facts?


Hillary would have done amazing things for America and you know it.

Its just stupid propaganda from her campaign

Somehow fucking up multiple countries as Secretary of State is a qualification

Weak puppets don't make good anything

>most qualified

Name just one thing that you consider amazing that she would have done.

Gun control, shitty health care, letting illegals and "refugees" flood our country are not amazing things.

gr8 b8 m8

The shills are going to start coming around again trying to gain support for this bullshit recount. Honestly I feel sorry for them. Their lives are over.

Their freshest argument is
>polls were rigged! she's almost won!

If i misplaced billions of dollars and got people killed at my workplace you can bet the owner wont give a shit how long i've worked there.

>be most qualified person to ever run for president in history

Apparently, Wisconsin threw it out because they had no evidence.

Obama coined this phrase I believe. I know he's lied more times than I can count since becoming president, but I'm surprised he kept saying it over and over. If anything it smacks in the face of the biggest criticism for electing him in the first place considering he had no experience to warrant being a senator, let alone president.

what qualifications or credentials make you fit for president? why is a person with political experience more suited for the job than a person with no political experience, when what gives you the job is whether or not you win the election


weird it doesn't say anything about being corrupt, knowing all the lobbyists, spending your whole life in government, or being a failure as Sec/State and senator being qualifications

>Hillary would have done amazing things for America and you know it.
Name one (1)
PROTIP- You fucking cant.

>Spend your entire life positioning yourself for this run for President.
>Lose to an epic meme man who only ran for President for bantz.

Do you think she will commit sudoku?

>most qualified
>Secretary of State
Yep, that's important
>1 term as senator
Better than no time in the senate I guess
>First Lady
Literally nothing
>Law Degree
Fairly standard

She was never a governor, never in the military, and never ran a business in the private sector.

Not saying she's unqualified, just saying that "most qualified" is kind of a stretch.

gun control kinda is pham

>have a list of bodies longer than your finest pantsuit
>surprised when the average people fucking hate you

wow who saw that coming

The right to self defense is important and that is what gun control gets rid of. I'm sorry but if someone breaks into my house they could have a gun on them and I'm not going to take chances

It's not even a matter of them having a gun. Even if neither of you do, you then have to bet on your ability to overpower any given random intruder. Inject a woman or child into the situation and the intruder wins in almost all situations. A gun can be used by almost anyone with minimal training and can take down anyone regardless of their size.

As expected of a eurocuck

Fuck gun control and all who support it

None of you have any convincing arguments

Its like somekind of sick joke. Goddamn americans are stupid.

>Wants to start a third world war

Worked well for those cheese eating surrender monkeys huh? Better to get run over by a van then protect your family! Oh wait..... this was month after a mass shooting as well.

Thats an 'Italian'Commie not a french
Pls go back to


>cucked by bill who got away with a intern bj
>cucked by Obama who had little exp
>cucked by trump who had no exp

Can someone explain why women look up to hillary again? She seems to be getting worse everytime

The Absolute Madam Man.

>Most qualified

Fucking kek.

>most qualified

OP once again proves he is a dipshit

Define "most qualified."
This sounds like code for the aristocracy's choice.

Hillary spent at least 30 years of her life working herself up to the presidency. 30 years of her life gone for this one mission.

And Trump was bored and decided he wanted to be President. Within 17 months he destroyed politicians on the left and the right, with Hillary being the warrior to fall.

Think about that, 30 years of Hillary's life made obsolete. She's a political pariah and toxic to her own party's brand. The Clinton name is tarnished as the Bush name. How do you think she copes with this?

Dude bro wasn't the first president a fuckin farmer?

it's because she bagina

>most qualified

The constitution has two qualifications: to be a US-born citizen and over 35

Neither were more qualified than the other.

>Lost to negro who might not even be American and has Hussein in his name

>Lost to the most controversial candidate ever to run even having everything on her side

>Had to cheat to win against a 900 years old crazy senile old man

>Literally everything she did as SecState went wrong

>Most qualified

Most qualified? seriously? hahahaha

I believe what you meant was 'most corrupt candidate in history'.

>insults voters
>shocked when she didn't win

Literally Ghostbusters all over again.

>Hillary BTFO
>will Soros ever recover?
here's your (you)

She wasn't so good in winning.

im still with her

drumpfkins BTFO

>consume children's blood
>Lose to a time traveler

>She wasn't so good in winning.

But she did win, drumpfkin.

>2 FBI investigations
Most qualified for jail


>>lose to a fat narcissistic fuck who's never had any experience in office
Huh? But Trump won, the fat narcissistic lady lost


>I won at blackjack even though we agreed we were playing Poker

>doesn't know why the electoral college exists

I don't get this meme about her being the most qualified. Many presidents were governors and vice presidents before their presidential term. Both are more 'qualification' than senator and SoS

Seriously I don't think people understand: It was the worst BTFO of all time. She never saw it coming, and her faggot supporters were already celebrating. 10/10

3 if you count the Clinton Foundation probe by the FBI that's still on going FYI.

>Be most qualified
>Get exposed for countless crimes against the United States
>Call your own supporters useful idiots in your exposed emails
>People still vote for you

Hillary supporter are anti meme edgelords


They are angry someone who has been "training" to be president for 40 years was defeated by someone with no "training" in 15 months.

That was one of the best plots this election. The media said she had it in the bag a month before the actual election. Hilary supporters were celebrating a month before the result

i don't know probably with the money that comes with 30 years of being a politician.

And chances are in 2020 or 2024 she will get cucked by a younger, more charismatic women who actually becomes the first female president.


Imagine if Chelsea runs in 2024 and Ivanka ends up running and winning

>Be the smartest most empathetic political group to have ever evolve. Literally peak politics
>Be outwitted by an orange skinned, possibly not billionaire Casino tycoon, reality TV host while the uneducated proles you hate laugh at you
I don't have a picture of liberals

>would have
music to my ears bruh

which would you want on your team:

nerd virgin


mexican intellectual

Neither of the candidates in the last election were qualified.

I must say this was the best election ever, and I don't see how it could ever be matched.

After all the bullshit that went down in the primaries, all the stumpings, debates, tweets, rallies, "scandals", etc. Trump pulled victory from the jaws of certain defeat like he promised he would, causing liberal ass-hurt the likes of which we have never before been seen on this Earth.

>Bush beats al Gore and Kerry
>Obama beats Mccain and Romney
>Trump beats Hillary

The most important thing is Charisma.

It literally reminded me of a cheesy 80s movie where the protagonist has 0 chance against a seemingly invisible enemy (think Karate kid). But against all odds the hero prevails. Literally a movie script

>Hillary would have done amazing things for America and you know it.

>bringing in terrorists from the Middle East
>making faggots as main as straight
>making trans fags a norm
>creating a chain reaction that will eliminate the white race
>no more free speech

Yep those sure sound AMAZING!

If you are a cuck that is.

Since "amazing" would include "amazingly bad," then I concede your point.


What did Clinton promise aside from more economic heartache at globalization's expense?

It took someone like Trump to give US workers hope. Democrats really lost touch during Obama's presidency.



He did -- and if you look strictly at the paper resume, and not at what she did in the various positions she's held, it looks decently impressive.

I' say JQA, amomg others, has her beat, but her papers look good eneough that the claim is just a bit of hyperbole rather than arrant nonsense.

Now, if you then dive in and look at what she DID, the claim falls apart totally.

>Hillary: every fag will be a little fairy princess when i am in power
>Trump: I will bring back the jobs and factories, I will kick out illegal immigrants with a criminal record
>Trump won
>Everyone: Wow, Trump win is an unexplainable mystery
America never stops entertaining me

how was the election campaign reported in Russia?

>wanting killary as his president

It was pro Trump

>why is a person with political experience more suited for the job

Take the word "politics" out of it. In general, having some prior experience in a job, or at least in the field, is considered a benefit when applying for that job. It is not the only criterion that is important, but it is one thing to look at.

Governmental experience is arguably of some value to a guy about to run a government.

Some time building up allies and favors owed, working relationships, and a knowledge of where the bodies are buried, might have some value in trying to get shit done and get Congress to enact his program.

Trump's claim is that he can make up for that shortfall by his experience in other areas. He may be right; we'll find out in the coming few years.

There may be a difference between the legal requirements to hold the job and the idea that there are some things that make you more or less qualified to DO the job well.

I am legally qualified to be President. If anybody were to vote for me for President, they would be a moron because I would suck at it.

Among other things. He was also a general and had held political offices in his sate.

>Dream of being the first woman president for over half a century
>get outplayed by a cartoon frog on a Tibetan embroidery site

Seriously though why do people say
>most qualified person to ever run for president in history

>married to a president who was impeached
>easy NY senate position
>pity Secretary of State because Obama dunked on you so hard
>can't even do that properly

I wonder what they did with all those "Victory Night" fireworks?

Fucking hubris, it gets you in the ass every time.

It will go down as one of the greatest election battles in US history.

I say this as someone who dislikes both (all) candidates -- it was an amazing political show.

Literally the only qualification that anyone can have for being President is having already been President



>>pity Secretary of State because Obama dunked on you so hard


>take millions in bribes for future assurances as POTUS
>don't get the position to honor said bribes

>be most qualified person to ever run for president in history