What is this expression trying to convey?

What is this expression trying to convey?

You are all fuck,morman take over

good food?

'Stupid goy'

PUT CDs in the CD player
Regards: Mitt CD-ROMney X---D

forgot OC quality meme

There was some knee-bending action going on.

Are they eating gold coins?

Trump just let out the gnarliest fart and Romney is holding his breath.

Romney is taking Donnies big D, and Trump is enjoying every moment of it.

>when you think you're going to land a sweet gig but find out it's all an elaborate revenge plot to make you look like a complete asshole

Trump will string him along long enough to get a public apology, then send him back to Celebrity Boxing where he belongs.

Hahaha this is such a great picture.

Meme potential for these two are off the charts

He had to get on his knees

Neither of these fucks drink alcohol.

It looks like the face of someone about to sell out to the establishment.

Then again he's a billionaire Democrat from New York, and he ran on a platform of feelings and twitter, so why should anyone be surprised?

LOL Rmoney is gonna get it. Trump is totally going to get some payback for the 2012 situation.

Alcohol is bad for you

No nutrients
Causes cancer
Impairs cognitive function

There is no benefit to drinking alcohol. Be like Donald and abstain

Fuck off kike, stop trying to tell people what to do. Virtue signaling doesn't work here.

Wow, an actual RARE.

A Marshallese guy I was working with once said to me "You don't have any kids? I have eight" and I've hated you mutants ever since, btw

Alcohol is for unsecure losers.

It will take Sup Forums 4 - 8 years for them to realize Trump is a phony.

Virtue signaling only applies when it's assumed the majority listening to you will agree with you. It's not assumed the majority of Sup Forums degenerates abstain from drug use, so he wasn't virtue signaling.

Is this another one of those "If we say it enough times it'll come true" things? Because I see no reason to think "phony" will work out any better there than "racist" or "fascist" or "literal Hitler" did.

The goal of this election wasn't to get trump elected but secure that hillary lost. Who cares what happens now?

>There is no benefit to drinking alcohol

There's no benefit to drinking shit-tier fizzy piss water labelled as "beer" or chugging shots in a frat house, but there are established benefits to a glass of wine with your meal.

Filling his cabinet with neo cuckservatives, billionaire lobbyists, and Wall Street insiders sounds pretty phony to me.

But hey, as long as he spews a little hyperbole at you, throws a couple Hillary's in there, you'll be a-ok, right? The confirmation bias will kick in, and you won't have to do any actual thinking.

higher res comin thru