Cenk to become redpilled?

Cenk is absolutely losing his mind. His frustration with the left is growing. He's getting really pissed at the identity politics the Democrats are using.

Watch this video, it looks like a classic case of somebody who is on their way to the redpill

What do you goys think?


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secular turkroaches worship ataturk... a jew

Who gives a shit?

He's only saying that because it doesn't win anymore. It's not like he has had a philosophical epiphany.

playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner

classic chunk

Would just be funny to see him break

You could say the same thing happened with Molyneaux or however you spell his name.
Terrorist attacks and the migrant crisis redpilled him. I think this election is doing the same to Cenk.

he always hints at it but then never follows through because he'd lose his entire fanbase and his funding

I can't decide who I despise more, Chunk or that cunt Anna. Fucking ell !

He has a yuge leftist following

how can you be so naive not to see you have been controlled by identity politics?

Switch tactics!

For me, Cenk.

Only because I want to fuck Ana really hard


the worst one is the the dude with the shaved head. don't know his name but he was always the most delusional


more ana pics please

He will never be red pilled. He is legitamitely retarded.

I'm not joking. I used to think he was just acting or putting on a persona for his news company or something like that, but then I watched him in a few "debates". When you see him actually confronted with someone actively disagreeing with him you see his true self come out. It's one thing to just read his prewritten script in front of a camera, but to see him actually try to defend himself against someone challenging his views, he is a big dumb babbling gorilla. His brain does not work in a rational way. He has the mentality if a 14 year old girl who thinks she's enlightening because she smoked pot and got a nose ring. He is sincerely an immature moron

He's a typical Berniefag. He will never get truly redpilled, he just wants the democratic party to choose the person he wants.

>unironically linking TYT

kill yourself please, and let this roach die drunk and alone without my clicks or concern

>but he was always the most delusional
>mfw white leftists have surpassed non-whites in stupidity
Just what the actual fuck man ?

>Hey user, could you pretty please come and put some sunscreen on me? I can't reach my back

I want to fuck Kirsten Gillibrand.




She should quit TYT and do dominatrix porn already

why does CTR always think "Becoming Redpilled" means "Becoming more super liberal and thus bluepilled?"

Fuck Cenk-roach.

>how do you expect anyone to reach you back if you are laying face up, Anna?

I want her to call me garbage while she steps on me.

who is that asian guy on TYT? I enjoyed him shitting on hillary

Cuck Ogre will NEVER give up identity politics.

He's just mad about the usual shit, muh money in politics, muh centrist democrats, muh corporatism, muh rhetoric over policy substance etc.

I watch 10 min of their segment last night, the one addressing Trumps flag burning tweet, in typical roach fashion Chunk ignored the fact that cunt Hillary also wanted to pass a flag burning law in 2005. He didn't even mention it, and then this greasy turd claims to be a critic of the DNC.

>A turk


he's not gonna get redpilled, he's just having a meltdown because hillary lost

As someone who voted for Bernie in the primary and reluctantly voted for Hillary in the general, I can honestly say that I'm in the same boat. The identity politics of the far left were one of the nigh infinite ways the Democrats fucked themselves this election and we deserve the next four years. SJWs co-opted the movements of people trying to make legitimate measured gains for their demographics and turned them into special snowflake wankfests that pissed off enough people to get Trump into the White House. The next time I encounter anyone who identifies as an SJW I'll probably spit on them.

This. Honestly the most retarded person on the planet.


he's not a jew, stop spreading islamist lies on Sup Forums you disgusting ar*b

I did get a feel that his perception of reality is being challenged for the past couple of months.

He could change

Meanwhile, Ana is shilling for Soros.


cenk is on our side as far as (((bankers))) go but he wants to genocide the white race just like his ancestors genocided armenians.

>he's not a jew
You're right, he's a roach.

Oh I'll spread something on your back alright.

Cenks needs to take the leadpill

keked hard

Le genocide man turning right-wing nationalist would be amusing.

Isn't all of his stupidity because he wants to make up for the fact that he wrote a thesis on how the Armenian Genocide didn't happen?

Cenk was originally a republican before George W. Bush ruined it. Is he waking up?


>His frustration with the left is growing.
The Hillary Mafia isn't the left.

Cenk is the real left.

He's on the Soros pay roll now. He pulls this shit to try and act moderate to attract more viewers.

It's like Fox News with Hannity and Colmes.

Then he has Jimmy Dore spouting the economic left stuff, while he has an assortment of cucks and muds spouting identity politics.

He's not a retard. He knows what he's doing. He also know his bread is buttered servicing Soros front groups like Wolf Pac.

Nah the turkoroach is just screaming at the establishment DNC, he wants a true "liberal" to run, like Sanders or Warren.

>Cenk's number one choice for Democrat nominee for 2020

>Elizabeth Warren



>try and act moderate
Have you never watched TYT or do you have absolutely zero understanding of American politics?


Elizabeth Warren endorsing Hillary was career suicide for her, because her supporters hate Hillary and she used to be a major critic of Hillary in the senate.

This is why Hillary shilled the endorsement so hard: to discredit a major rival before becoming president.

Now they're just both BTFO.

Why even watch TYT as a true liberal if Jimmy Dore is the only decent figure there and has his own show?

I'll break it down for you.

Cenk is torn between normal liberalism and progressivism. Progressives fucking hate Hillary Clinton and establishment Democrats, just like Trumpies. Progressives are also sick of PC thought policing.

Before the election, Cenk endorsed Hillary, even though progressives like Jimmy Dore warned him he shouldn't voter for a corporatist war monger. Then, of course, Hillary got her ass handed to her. Progressives said to Cenk, "How'd all that Hillary shilling work out for you?"

In other words, you're not seeing Cenk becoming red-pilled. But you are seeing him abandon hope in the Democratic party. He'll be pushed left though, not right.

this video is the essence of a 7 that think she's a 10

Shame she can't plastic surgery away her shit genetics.
Think of the poor poor man who eventually knocks her up, this shit should be illegal.


I wonder what Huma is doing right now.


you roaches falling for this is always amusing

>swn sit on your face while telling you you're garbage and all your opinions are wrong

She has aged badly and has the voice of a harpy.
I couldn't stand listening to her talk, with her snooty Jewish leftist nonsense.

There's different factions on the left/right. They're not all one block.

Sanders and Cenk make up the actual left. The corproate/establishment left are another faction. The SJW are another.

I regularly watch TYT and understand American politics.

Cenk does lots and lots of appealing to the center or attempting to manage perception to make himself appear moderate, rational and invested in appealing to rivals.

Bill O'Reilly does the same.

Cenk likewise uses several other hosts to take the heat off his opinions and narratives or to compare and contrast himself, like Sean Hannity does.

Watch more cable news - Or don't, it's all shit and it's not important anyway.

Christ, that was far worse than expected.

I was waiting to see a cock, or a dude laughing with a full beard.

Instead I got that stupid vile bitch from that awful youtube channel.
Why whywhywhy

Its true. He is dumb but has probably convinced himself otherwise because he hosts that stupid show. Jones really fucked with him, that shit was funny.

Jimmy Dore's show is owned by Cenk.

That's the whole point in having a separate show. Don't let them overlap so you can have conflicting opinions without angering your audience or contradicting yourself.

I don't have any real political affiliation (or nothing mainstream at least), and I only watch them out of curiosity.


they have turned on themselves after realizing the far left screwed everything up for them . they want to show they are closer to the center to pick up independent votes next go round

bandwagoning the clinton winning train, fffuck trump won
we are red pilled now

This had to come to a head eventually. Left wing talk personalities have been reluctant to attack anyone over the loss. Probably afraid of setting off some kind of civil war. I just heard Thom Hartmann the other day claim "Hillary Clinton is no a Washington insider." What is the point of these absurd statements?

He's not redpilled, he's advocating doubling down on "progressivism" which has even less mainstream support than mainline Democrat policies.

He's even more bluepilled than he was a month ago ƒam.

Only the Left outsiders get it. Jonathan Pie is spot on:


>Thom Hartmann

Russia Today shill. Fuck him.


y-you too

>Russia Today shill. Fuck him.
It was real funny when he started to accuse the Russians of interference.

Maybe the fat sandnigger shouldn't have helped the left push it, but that's not the real issue, the real issue is that identity politics has overreached and now there's backlash against the subhumans who push it, but the democrat are continuing full steam ahead, and this fat tard knows the more the left implodes, the less views and less goy bucks he'll make.

Even if he's redpilled, he'll still be a Turkroach.

I don't have any respect for those shit head lefties who get RT shows. Supposedly, many of them have full editorial control. But the very existance legitimizes a propaganda news network. And why do you think Russia is oppressing their Left while funding American Leftists? They criticize America and that's what russia wants. Fuck him. He's a nice "useful idiot".

Bankers, the Establishment are unpopular as hell. Trump even ran on an anti-Establishment campaign and won. A progressive running on a similar platform would win.




Cenk is right. The Democrats have a fucking terrible bench.

>Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden are too old.
>Corey Booker is whiter than Obama, despite being black.
>Nobody else has name recognition, except other old congress people.
>Everybody else is a corporate cuck and has literally no progressive credibility.
>Their corporate media lapdogs are burning their credibility in a bonfire.

What the fuck are they going to do?

Trump is already building bridges. The overlap with Bernie is more than many people realize, because they focus on immigration and social issues.

>Bankers, the Establishment are unpopular as hell. Trump even ran on an anti-Establishment campaign and won. A progressive running on a similar platform would win.
communism is not similar to Trump even though the bankers are unpopular

I would give my left nut for a night with Huma.

>The overlap with Bernie is more than many people realize
just, no

bernie's a corrupt old commie liar and an SJW, he's fucking finished and his followers are nutbags


Why does he make fair points there but in this video he's spewing typical Rachel Maddow talking points?


What if he got a notice from his Saudi financiers that they are pulling the plug?
Could explain a lot.

>A progressive running on a similar platform would win.
Who is this progressive in the Democratic party?
>Bernie Sanders will be 79.
>Elizabeth Warren will be 71.
>The rest of the Democrats are either ancient or corporate cucks sucking off bankers at fundraisers.

Bernie has to say that shit to appeal to the nogs and spics. Just like Trump had to oppose abortion to appeal to evangelicals.

Whether they believe it or not is another question. It's more likely that Bernie is a true believer in social justice than Trump really opposing abortion.

I called it way back when. He's got the balls. He's simply misguided. He used to be a conservative. He'll be back to the right faster than shit.


>Elizabeth Warren,

She's fine. Trump is 70, and she'd be 3 years younger.

She's 67. In four years, she'll be 71. Sure, she could run, but Trump is already the oldest person to be elected.

Of course, Trump will also be 74 in four years, so maybe it would be alright.


ITS 2016

fuck bernie sanders, dirty old kike

>Whether they believe it or not is another question.
We know Bernie does, he has a signed framed photo of Eugene Debs in his fucking office.

I can't believe there are people who I consider intelligent who supported them.

They all had significant student loan debt...

>don't worry guise Trump is actually Hitler we weren't memed by the mainstream media sieg heil

Her age might hurt in the primaries but if she got through that it'd be fine

Reagan got elected at 69. Trump at 70. Hillary ran at 67. As long as Warren is healthy she'd be fine.
