Were the Bushes underrated or just neocons?
Were the Bushes underrated or just neocons?
king nigger was worse though
Neocons but at least Dubya seemed bro tier. I would go bass fishing and help him clear brush on his ranch.
yeah baby bush just tanked the nasdaq he didnt hurt the feelings of millions of thin skinned adolescent white bois
>Destroys the middle east
>Leads to biggest migrant crisis that will eventually destroy europe
>eventual fall of europe will herald the fall of western civilization
Great job, bravo.
Prescott Bush attemted to overthrow US with a 500k man army. Plot folied by Gen Smedley Butler. His son becomes director of CIA, then president. Grandson also becomes president. Do you even see the long game?
Bush Sr. was CIA, so not sure if that's good or bad. Maybe little of both. Jr I think is a good guy but was in over his head. I would totally ride with Bush.
Remind me, when did a bush bomb north Africa or Syria?
Bush senior was a globalist opperate who new exactly what agenda he served.
Bush Jr was a stooge who honestly didn't know he was a puppet.
Can you name one policy that Obama enacted that helped America at all?
The bombing of Iraq was enough to cause a chainreaction.
Yeah, he didn't get millions of unwashed chimps crying about da ebil wite maine either.
>the long game
So, slow and steady?
Nocon NWO/ZOG Cryptokikes.
What? Do you have a source for that?
That the 2nd bush not the first
Testimony is part of Congressional record.
New Orleans, 2001 anyone?
Daddy Bush was a neocon fuck and a globalist
Bushy was underrated as fuck mostly because his entire tenure was controlled by the political elite instead of himself and Cheney(though Dick definitely tried to do shit on his own despite it being against the kikes in control's plans)
Regardless of what the fuck you think George W Bush was the subject of the largest and most effective propaganda smear campaign in US history, literally nobody has ever gone through the onslaught that he did.
Yes Trump has seen some shit but hardly half the country believes fuckall of what's said about him whereas when Bush was president most people still believed everything that came out of the media's mouth as the gospel and that's something gladly Trump will never have to worry about.
>Ps- If you honestly hate Bushy you are incredibly ignorant and need to do some homework
>1 post by this ID
Yeah Junior did not have the benefit of the intertubes and alternate media debunk the MSM bullshit.
CNN ABC CBS and NBC had a stranglehold on information back then
>Destroys the middle east
You say that like it both didn't need to happen and had anything to destroy in the first place
>Leads to biggest migrant crisis that will eventually destroy europe
>eventual fall of europe will herald the fall of western civilization
Literally your own governments did this not us you stupid fuck
Europe told US Gaddafi needed to get whacked, Shillary said fuck yeah let's do it because she hated him so he died.
There wasn't a "migrant" crisis until Gaddafi was murdered, an order which your government spit out and we just complied with.
You faggots can't stand taking credit for your own faults cane you?
Its almost like you're hardwired to blame everything that befalls you on others
wasn't joe kennedy in on that too?
ye bro that skull & bones member was a poor victim of propaganda :(
In other words "I'm full of shit so let me point at something else in a failed attempt to connect non-existant dots so I can shovel all the blame onto someone else instead"
Every major western power in Europe save for France voted unanimously for the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion
You fucks wanted it even more than we did
>Being this fucking tinfoil and ignorant
Kill yourself
Slow and steady
Almost the entire command structure of ISIS consists of disenfranchised Iraqi Ba'ath party members.