These are all the churches in Poland

>these are all the churches in Poland

why are the densest church areas represented by black holes?

>all them altar boys

Imagine if a black man went to Poland. Bet those little fellas would have never seen a black man before. Bet they'd be interested in the large bulge in his trousers.


does it trigger you, leaf ?

You seem to think we lack rope or lamposts, which is incorrect, have plenty of both.

Large cities

No tomato for the potato


Because the church is an intellectual black hole

Didn't Poland just declare Jesus as the king of their nation?

Dang, maybe I should move there. They seem pretty uncucked, I never hear about any refugee problems over there.


> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.

> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.

Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.

I see nothing wrong with this.

John Paul II would be proud.

because that's where all the money goes.

>have to pay your church or be shamed
literal kikes

literally shit you see in Vegas every day.

that's my hometown


>tfw NYC has more synagogues than Poland

kek more of these

Poland declared Jesus, Mary, JPII and dozens of other saints as patrons, kings, queens, etc. of Poland already.

>*kisses foot*


Like Balts are any less trashy.

>so many churches they spill into my country

Stop going to church

balts are germanic

Libtards like you managed to create lots of puppets within Christian institutions. Pope Francis is a clear example of this. Nice try, Ahmed.

The dude looks fucking awesome i should start smoking.

Yes we are that based / stupid (choose one)

plebs, get on my leve


Why do they speak their own languages and have a completely different culture?
>They wuz Germaenez n sheet.

Our refugees are God damn 1000000 ukrainians

Well tell me, Pole, is your country redpilled or no?

>criticizing pope
>must be a libtard

Secularism is absolutely consistent with a white-nationalist ideology.

Christianity is not. You should be turning the other cheek and letting travelers into your home, christcuck.

Didn't think about that. But at least they're not Muslim, right?

Poland is White solely to hide the fact that Cuckstianity wants to fill Europe with the trash of the Third World. One day, they will throw open the gates there also. Jewsus didn't stop the Nazis, or the Commies. And he won't stop that either, because he isn't real.

Redpilled by coincidence perhaps but our govt is retarded or just stupid. We cały our chief of state Frank Drebin.

Potato nigger being a nigger
what a surprise

Chechenyans are muslim and they are plenty here
I meant secretary od state

Yes and no at the same time

those arent real churches. they cook meth and sell children

Soon to be mosques.

Not when jesus is our official king

>marriage at USC
>not in church, like normal people
What else did you expect? Of course it's human trash.

We'll see about that
If PiS(s) wins - we get even more of them
If PO(o) wins - we're going into the pages of history French way...

too bad you are catholic fagots

This is how many gods exist

I live in one of the biggest cities in Poland and pushing into 30s and havent seen a single chechen ever. Plenty of ukis tho.

keep believing in nothing but your own egocentric self, see where that gets you.

would you prefer them to be mosques


Too bad you are schismatic faggots unlike the based Croats.

If zandberg wins...?

mad? :^)

Not refering to the revolution, i recon.

These are all the Furrys in Germany

He's not that big of a deal, he probably won't ever get elected

Really activated my almonds

>istra i dalmacija

>italy flag
Did I get baited?

Wtf material is that made of? Rubber?

Whatever it is...
Everything looks terrible on Fat People

this image is getting used too often its gonna get wore out

>There are actual furries in macedon

Gon need names and addresses desu fampai

What even is Macedonia? I had a childhood friend who while born and raised in Canada, had grandparents from there. He had dark olive skin, darker than even the darkest of Italians and Greeks, yet he was Catholic.

damn that density

Looks like PVC

The SJW "culture" is dying. A massive opposition against anti-west is on the rise and we hold the line until now. You underestimate how anti-pc people from our part of Europe are.

fuckin christcucks

represents altar boys being fucked in their shitholes

>there's still hope

>THIS is what happens when you force extreme self-hatred on an entire country
Kill them turks, kill them all.

>be catholic
>be racist, hate gays and other sub to non human trash
Just because i am a catholic doesnt mean im going to be a maximum cuck when the pope aks me to be, especially at this time in my country
I may be a christian but that doesnt mean i am a """good""" one

The pope is a shill and is not to be trusted and you r/atheism faggots here are just plain stupid and ignorant or just trolls fishing for (you)s on Sup Forums the easiest way ever
And the best part is that polacks think there are people who belive there isnt anything nonmaterial existing and start to waste time on them
But then there are actual brainwashed shits like the """liberals""" who are acutally marxists and other leftwing cucks who may be here on pol but that is most unlikely


We are surrounded.

Et tu, Polan?


Because poland is the israel of Europa, jews have infested it since the middle ages. Almost all of those churches are catholic, where young polish children are taught to suck dick and hail the jewish "pope".

there isn't a pope right now

this one always makes me kek

And you thought they were all burned down...

Nah, Christianity is fucking cucked these days. Help your fellow man and shit, apparently even if they openly advocate for your destruction. Catholic charities, Lutheran social services, and others are the ones importing mudslime refugees to my area en masse, paying their way here, then of course they live on gibs.

Christians these days are way too charitable, since that's what they're taught. The scum have no problem taking advantage of their kindness.

>2 furfags in my city
>both in former worker districts
brb arson

>I never hear about any refugee problems over there.
we told refugees to fuck off, we didn't allow them in

I'm moving to Poland.
Deus vult (death to the kekcucks)!
Please tell me Poland has redheads....

You live here?

daily reminder


>thousands of ticks
>all over the face

there is only pepe

poni ass

delet this

>moving to Poland
Already getting deported, Paco?

On PornHub. I think because the access to more "direct" sources is restricted.

UK not on the list.

No seriously, quite surprised by that.

No, you guys live in MY country you subhuman slav.
And I don't need to live in a third world country to know that jews have infested yours you fucking catholic heathen.

>subhuman slav
but we are not ukraine/russia

>Macklemore, can we go thrift shopping?

Thank G-d

you are disgusting in different way

I'll admit that the polish "immigrants" actually do work hard compared to other post-soviet peoples. But you guys are all slavs to me.