What happened to black America? We used to be respectable and civil; how did we get to today? What did we do?
What happened to black America? We used to be respectable and civil; how did we get to today? What did we do?
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white liberals coddling niggers and enabling anti-social behavior.
Welfare + war on drugs
Nothing, it's fucked
Sowell has quite a few interesting insights on this. But basically the cultural subversion in the sixties literally destroyed the black family. In a conservative society they were thriving.
Make American Blacks Great Again!
The Jewish influence promoting degeneracy in your media and entertainment
The death of the black family. The war on drugs, and most importantly--Hip-hop culture.
This, this and this. Sowell's contributions are fundamental.
Walter E. Williams writings also shed light on this.
Worrrrrrd to bigbird.
>war on drugs
They did that shit to themselves.
In fact, other than water, niggers are their own worst enemies.
>What did we do?
White people told you you weren't human, and you believed them.
>We used to be respectable and civil
desegregation is obviously what destroyed their communities
All the black dads are in jail
Martin Luther King ruined it.
Blacks just aren't intelligent enough to integrate into society as our equals. Pushing for equality when they are clearly not equal just leaves them frustrated and confused, which then causes antisocial behavior and getting back at the "cracker".
no one forces them to smoke crack, listen to hiphop and run away from your children. there is something called "responsibility". but in the end, culture is downstream of race. you could make the claim that all those nice black here are an unnatural state for them and they immediately turn into their tribal, savage self the moment they get the chance.
Liberals providing gibs for generations instead of forcing them to work like everybody else
Step 1. Cointelpro, Gun Control Act of 68, etc. - put all the black fathers in prison, with particular emphasis on any that stood up to speak and organize.
Step 2. Welfare. Teach the black mothers and their children that the state is their daddy. Get them use to the check lifestyle - waiting for a check, not looking for a job.
Step 3. Marxism. Take these children, raised by single mothers in government housing on welfare, who now come into school without the preparations needed to learn useful things. Don't teach them useful things, at this point that's almost impossible anyway. Teach them Marxist slogans, indoctrinate them till they duckspeak, organize them and turn them loose to demand more government.
Honestly in the long view the blacks *are* victims here. However the victimization ideology is only going to perpetuate that instead of seeing it fixed.
There isn't much financial opportunity in the ghetto so in many cases people are forced into the drug trade. There's also a lot of depression stemming from both rampant unemployment and just living in a crime ridden hellhole so people turn to drugs to alleviate it.
Yeah it's their choice ultimately but life in the ghetto is fucking hard on people in ways the average user won't understand or grasp. It's different pressures all together.
The solution to it is to make weed legal at least and let local growers sell it. That puts people to work which is good and it returns the profits to the community.
>Honestly in the long view the blacks *are* victims here.
Yep. They're much more civilized on their home continent.
Democrats (left) don't want respectable and intelligent minorities. They want caddle that vote for them year after year for nothing else than gibs. Otherwise conservatives would always win
Jews did this
>There isn't much financial opportunity in the ghetto so in many cases people are forced into the drug trade.
Funny how everywhere niggers move en masse turns into a ghetto.
In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest.
“Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?” “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.”
“Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “we have got plenty of food at present.”
But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food, and found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper yelled: “That Raciss!!”
No, fuck you. I live in the ghetto. These people are the only ones making it hell. They destroy it themselves, they take away financial opportunities by driving away businesses and popping out kids with everyone they know.
I worked at a Wendy's here for about half a year before I had enough. Do you realize how often these pieces of shit call in? They get exactly enough hours that they need to pay child support, and then don't show up until next week. Every single person in there, male and female, had at least 4 kids and none of them was even 30 years old yet. I was asked once if I use a condom with my girlfriend. I told them yeah, of course, and was met by a restaurant full of ape laughs. They just fuck like animals and don't believe in birth control unless it's getting an abortion afterwards.
By the time I left, only me and one girl could work the register because everyone else had been caught stealing. Why hadn't they been fired? Who the fuck knows.
Niggers started believing the lies the jews were telling the instead of listening to their white masters who know them better than they know themselves.
that is a meme. When they pulled that shit before they were dealt with. now they are set loose and allowed to behave like the apes they are
>stop training your pets
>wonder why they shit on the carpet
You realize those are entirely different people right? South Africans blacks are no more closely related to West African blacks than they are to white people. American blacks are about 60% west african and 30% white british with some other minor elements, they have virtually no connection at all to the blacks of South Africa (more likely to be related to each other through shared white ancestors than shared black ancestors.)
A good analogy for once.
your race traitors created a sub culture built on self destruction so you wouldnt be a threat to white people and got paid to do it
congress had a bill passed that gave a tax break for retailers who bought "urban music" for instance. rap only ever beat college rock if you count sales to stores. but sales to customers metal won. entire land fills with biggy smalls cds and only biggy smalls cds exist because wall mart and best buy couldnt move the product but made more money just with the tax break
in the 70s it was determined that some black people might actually be on par with whites in some fields. this wouldnt be allowed to stand. the civil rights movement was controlled opposition that blew up in the faces of congress
it was like the defense of marriage act getting shot down by the supreme court if the republicans had propped up leftys saying gays should be allowed to marry and adopt kids
>e used to be respectable and civil;
Jew civil rights pictures are propaganda.
>how did we get to today? What did we do?
voted democrat. I have no problem with you guys whatsoever....I have a problem with you supporting fucking traitors.
> Walter E. Williams
Based American black man.
I'm pretty impressed with this thread. The destruction of the African American community is because of the combined effects of welfare and the war on drugs. The black community is culpable because they supported these policies. They were sold a bill of goods about getting free money and using the police to enforce morality. All it really did is destroy black families. The cops would come in and arrest men doing nothing more than trying to make a little money, and then the mom and child are dependent on the government. It's nothing less than a new form of plantation. Hip hop culture is a reflection of these truths, not the cause.
Fuck the moralfags. They did this to the black community and to a lesser extent white community too. This is what Donald Trump was trying to say to black people, but he's too inarticulate to really make his point. The Democrats destroyed the black community, and the Republicans failed them. The future of the black community is libertarian, but right now they're too scared of freedom to divorce themselves from daddy government.
goy fell for it.
>South Africans blacks are no more closely related to West African blacks than they are to white people.
Blacks before mommy and daddy government: The National Negro Business League, c. 1900
I know it's fun to be anti-Jew on Sup Forums. Yeah, Jews did it, but not in the way you think. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Moralfags did this, and lots of Jews are moralfags.
>Funny how everywhere niggers move en masse turns into a ghetto.
It also begs the question why it's always with the niggers, because you don't see the same problem with whites or asians (not even Indians) who are in a similar situation.
Marxism, not even once.
I'm pretty conservative, and I was alive to see Reagan's presidency....and there is clear evidence to tie Reagan to flooding crack in black neighborhoods. It is yet another government conspiracy theory that has been proven to be true.
In the 1920's black had a higher percentage of marriage than any other ethnic group in the US. It really has been unfortunate for blacks to be used as pawns over the centuries.
From African slave trade, to Abraham Lincoln being assassinated before he could send freed slaves back to Africa to today's BLM...all instances were planned and on purpose to pit groups of people against one another.
Explain how moralfags did it.
you got rights
>Really activates my almonds.
When the Democratic Party dies perhaps a portion of the American black man will return to this state
Moralfags do everything except women.
The previously conservative white elite class has been replaced by Jews and white Liberal progressives. Blacks were certainly an underclass under conservative white rule, but the Jews and white Leftists literally use Blacks as one would use biological weapons. Your people are now encouraged to embrace and cultivate every low impulse and behavior, in order to further undermine and weaken the remaining white majority, whereas before you were encouraged to do the opposite.
Sure, Bantu language spread from an area just on the edge of west Africa initially, long long ago.
But it's not there now. The closest Bantu speaking area is well south of there today. And language isn't genetics anyway. That's pretty fundamental. I'm talking about genetics, not language. By language, american blacks are clearly English speakers, which would make them a branch of the Germanic peoples. That's the kind of brain failure you get from thinking languages are the same thing as peoples.
MLK didn't ruin shit, it was that faggot Malcom X who started all this nigger shit and worshiped muslims. That's why no one celebrates X because he was a massive faggot and the reason why so much hate and nigger shit spread all over the country
This. MLK wanted black men to be respectable and work hard. X wanted...well, niggerdom.
Gonna try to use that word from now on.
the ultimate potential for a language to develop is genetically determined though. Black Africans in Africa struggle with concepts in language dealing with precise timing, numbers, and sequences of events. Their language reflects this with ambiguity in before/after etc.
In-spite of the prejudice against them in the realms of housing and employment, black people used to be able to make a respectable middle class living doing dirty jobs like car manufacturer or craftsman somewhere like Detroit. A few things went wrong at the same time:
-Collapse of manufacturing jobs in America
-Unemployment leading to crack epidemic and war on drugs
-Sky high imprisonment rate of black men caused by the above leading to a generation raised by single mothers, with a culture of welfare-as-father
-Decline of churchgoing and religion as part of people's life in America, which hit blacks harder than other races as the church had traditionally been the place where the black community organised and rallied itself.
-The abhorrent American education system in inner-cities, which has probably the worst return on investment of any first world country
These are good things to start reading about if you want to know more
666 democrats will die
>no one forces them to smoke crack, listen to hiphop and run away from your children.
I wish you could grow up as a black kid to know how wrong you are.
You dindu nuffin
>The abhorrent American education system in inner-cities
And why is it any more abhorrent than our useless education system everywhere else?
Maybe because it's trying to teach niggers.
We came to terms with the fact that, no matter how educated or upwardly mobile you may be you'll still get treated like a nigger. At a certain point, generations just stopped giving a fuck.
the photography of the 1800s only captured the top 0.01% of blacks, the rest were so fucking poor they couldnt afford anything close to clothes like those, let alone having a photograph taken.
This is similar dumb logic to reminiscing and wanting to go back to the 50s, because people equate 'Leave it to Beaver' type television depictions of the 50s as accurate when they were indeed very much idealized.
They wanted to be white so they assimilated. They don't want to be like us anymore. It doesn't help that white people aren't what they used to be anymore. The men are fags and the women harpies. We've all been knocked down a peg.
no seriously, there are certain concepts you cannot express in the native languages of africa. In the forced pull of Africa into the modern world, the languages of the colonies were necessary to even express the concepts of civilization.
It's arguable that philosophy isn't even possible in the native languages.
> the ultimate potential for a language to develop is genetically determined.
Lol. Did you just pull that hypothesis out of your ass?
Peer pressure is not coercion.
you guys kept voting democrat
We are trying to find realistic solutions to the problem of blacks acting like niggers, go nazi larp on stormfront faggot.
No, seriously, t. linguist here, that's utter horseshit. It's fanciful nonsense from armchair wannabe linguists that's been debunked quite thoroughly by real linguists in the field. There is simply no truth at all to it.
it's an empirical law and specifically I am speaking about the average intelligence of a group. Their environment dictated how they evolved and their average intelligence, it also dictated what king of language was necessary for world they occupied. It's not a surprise that the lowest IQ humans created the simplest languages when they developed independently.
You might learn their language, but you would then be shocked that you can't express ideas you thought were fundamental, such as gradations of distance, before/after, precise numbers.
The african populations could adopt a different language if given it, just like they can adopt skyscrapers and space ships. But when isolated, IQ and genetics absolutely puts a cap on what your language will be like. You will see a lack of abstract concepts
What a nice family picture
Rap "music" happened
No he pulled that hypothesis from kojima's ass.
You took the easy road of subscribing to victimhood, releasing yourselves of personal responsibility.
To be fair, a large portion of politicians wanted you to, to guarantee your votes for their party. So they have a responsibility for baiting you, but you still have responsibility for taking the bait.
Democrats are the black mans #1 enemy.
saying it's debunked is "not an argument". Chomsky indeed said potential for language is innate. No one has evidence that independent populations, with vastly different IQs will develop equally complex languages, capable of conveying the same level of abstract ideas. It also happens to be empirically untrue. These native languages lack fundamental abstract concepts about time and space.
Why would equal development in this even be expected? It's untrue for all other extended phenotype (cultural) aspects of humans when it comes to vastly different IQ populations.
I know, but what's your point? Honestly, I've been subject to both
You got convinced by liberal that you and your communties faults weren't your own
>You might learn their language, but you would then be shocked that you can't express ideas you thought were fundamental, such as gradations of distance, before/after, precise numbers.
The reverse is also true. Learning a second language puts you at difficulty when expressing certain ideas in your primary tongue. This phenomena can be seen readily expressed by any passing examination of the etymology section in a dictionary.
Suck a dick.
They were given rights
Nigger detected
Sheeeeit that's rare
what i mean is that you won't even be able to say
>I'm going to park here now. Please don't block my car in with yours because I will be returning and at that time I need to get out.
>can you climb half way up that tree?
not that you won't know HOW to say it, but that the words don't even exist. the concepts of gradations of distance, before and after, etc. did not enter the language
Canceling apartheid was a mistake imo.
I think the stage for realistic solutions has ended.
Because the whole situation with blacks isn't realistic to begin with.
What I mean by this is that the problem itself makes no sense in its premises, and I think examining these premises would yield understanding of the problem.
Let's start from the top.
The black problem can be brutally summed as thus: Blacks act like niggers. They kill people, they form gangs, they steal and overall do little of worth. Going to school is a secondary choice as opposed to the primary one. This is the "nigger problem" that's so often presented.
So what's the solutions so far?
Jail them. Educate them. Urban preventative programs.
Clearly not working. More niggers are getting into university every year, crime rates are down, gangs are still forming by the month, and somehow we STILL have a black problem that's verifiable with hard statistics across the board (income, crime, etc)
Yet despite the vices from what's perceived as a majority of the black community, one metric stands out as the "litmus test" that tells us precisely what the "dire straits" faced by the black community are really like:
Their population growth.
The black community has been growing, as a proportion of our society. Gone are the days when we can simply say "about 10% of americans are black".
Now, you can make a lot of argument as to why blacks breed, but it's not really important for the problem at hand. Let's get down to the heart of the matter - If so many blacks are doing "poorly", because "they committed crimes and are doing bad things", how do they manage to reproduce?
Yes, the bars for reproduction is lower in a modern society, but supporting a child is still a serious financial burden. If blacks are doing so poorly, where are they finding the money and time to fuck and raise kids? You can explain time away with a snarky "have you seen a black kid actually being raised?", but the money problem stands. How is this happening?
I'll give you one clue
Common pitfalls - "dem gobmint welfare problems r funding dem nignog kids". This is an incomplete explanation at best.
First of all, people have to realize that white people can be poor too. Even if, on average, white people performed FIVE TIMES better than black people, that would STILL leave us with an equal number of poor white people and poor black people. Yet we hear very little about "that white lady with 8 kids draining welfare".
This means one of three possibilities:
1 - Black people are smarter, and are able to make better use of the welfare system
2 - There is a perception bias where people underreport white mothers living off of child support
3 - Blacks don't live off of welfare as much as people think
Number 1 can be thrown right out the window - if black people were smarter we wouldn't need affirmative action. Similarly, number 2 would be reflected in population trends. You'll be looking for a long fucking time for any trends of the white population ticking upwards. This leaves us with number 3, a rejection of the "childcare is responsible for the uptick in black kids" theory.
They didn't act this way before the welfare state wrecked the black family.
>saying it's debunked is "not an argument".
Asserting nonsense that's been asserted, and thoroughly debunked, numerous times in the past isn't an argument either.
You have a source for this which you are not sharing, and I don't know what that source is, but I'll take the bet that it's either already been debunked or is easily shown to be nonsense on its face. Because I've dug through that very issue several times over the years and I'm familiar with the facts.
>Chomsky indeed said potential for language is innate.
Chomsky is pretty theoretical, he's not my source for any facts.
>No one has evidence that independent populations, with vastly different IQs will develop equally complex languages, capable of conveying the same level of abstract ideas.
That's an oddly specific thing to be worried about. No one has evidence for it? Perhaps, because no one sees any need for it. Certainly it's not an argument I've made or have any investment in, it's perpendicular to the discussion, completely irrelevant.
>It also happens to be empirically untrue.
Err, ok, I'll bite. Source?
>These native languages lack fundamental abstract concepts about time and space.
That's a grain of truth expanded into a mountain. Obviously the bulk and solidity in such a case is illusion ;)
Yes, some languages don't have specific words for certain concepts we think are fundamental. A good example is color. We have a tremendous number of color-names, different names for each tiny variation in shade of colors, etc. Some languages get by with far fewer color names - as few as 3 in one or two cases. This was once thought to limit them as you say, but in truth they get by just fine. They don't have any strong need for more color names, and when their way of life changes and they do need more color names they will get more, either coined out of their own language or borrowed from a neighbor. It doesn't affect their mental capacity.
Before the civil rights era Blacks were afraid of Whites, and so actually tried a lot harder to earn respect from Whites by improving themselves. After the civil rights era Whites became afraid of Blacks, and so Whites tried to earn respect from Blacks by letting them get away with anything and constantly apologizing
Hopefully, but many of them are culturally fucked.
fuck you rare flag. niggers make their own bed. nobody forces them to be the dregs of society.
Thats a goddamn lie perpetrared by old people.
They were crazy, bumpkin as hell, and completely uneducated. They have the neve to point the finger at us because they have a selective memory of the past.
They were given any sort of power. Before that they acted civil in order for daddy America to give them a bigger allowance.
No the war on drugs clearly exacerbated the criminal problem in black society. It's pretty obvious at this point.
Black society's disease have a name and a surname. It is Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Try to debate it, you will not because you know you cannot.
>let's just make everything legal so they can't commit crimes
Literally no child left behind in justice form
Fuck you , you don't have to deal with them like we do.
A realistic solution is fucking genocide at thus point. No one is larping you weak little faggot.